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Nero Once Fiddled, Now Obama is Manning the Printing Presses
1/27/2010 3:20:28 PM

Nero Once Fiddled, Now Obama is Manning the Printing Presses

January 27, 2010 by John Myers

Nero Once Fiddled, Now Obama is Manning the Printing Presses

“To Rome said Nero: ‘If to smoke you turn I shall not cease to fiddle while you burn.’” –Ambrose Bierce

For President Obama it has been a dismal year. He cannot claimvictory on even a single one of his big four agendas: healthcare, theeconomy, the war or the environment. It seems for every step forwardthe Obama administration has taken two steps back.

Before you agree to wholeheartedly embrace this rumbling disaster,take note that Obama’s failures, even if they extend just another threeyears, are the nation’s failures and there will be consequences thrustupon us all.

Meanwhile Obama’s approval ratings continue to tank. At the crucial100-day mark of his presidency in April 2009, 63 percent of thosepolled believed the President had accomplished a “great deal.” Hisoverall approval rating, according to Real Clear Politics’ RCP Average,now stands at 49.6 percent, with 44.9 percent saying they disapprove.

With confidence in the leadership evaporating, the economy isgingerly perched on a precipice. At the same time the stock market haslost its upward momentum and could be susceptible to another crash.

“Despite the rebound of the stock market and the return to hugebonuses on Wall Street, most Americans remain mired in debt andmillions of them are living in depression-like conditions,” says The“The economy has come back far enough to reassure the wealthy and thecorporate elites that things ought to return to pre-crash ways and thatthere is no need for radical measures of the kind they were prepared toaccept during the great bailouts a year ago.”

The economy is so weak that one adult in eight and one child in fourneeds food stamps. Wall Street has so far ignored the three-leggedtable that is our economy, but perhaps not much longer.

Bear Still on the Prowl
In January the FederalReserve reported that commercial real estate losses could reach 45percent this year. The result of this is $1.5 trillion in commercialloans that could default.

It gets worse. Option adjustable rate mortgages have a gun at theirhead, with $29 billion recast higher at the end of 2009, followed byanother $67 billion in 2010. Barclays Capital announced, “We expect 81%of the option ARMs originated in 2007 to default.”

If you want to know how fast this will sink Big Board stocks askyourself this—how long does it take a gaggle of money managers to say,“Titanic?”

To date Wall Street is bragging about corporate earnings that “arenot as bad as expected” and my favorite, “lower than expected”inflation. Whatever happened to the days of Ronald Reagan and PaulVolcker when any inflation was bad? That inflation could be worse islike your doctor telling you that your cancer is spreading, but cheerup… it’s not spreading as fast as he anticipated.

The Obama administration has been very good at only two things:expanding the breadth of the federal government and increasing theamount of dollars.

“What we don’t know yet is… whether we have big government or smallgovernment; they’re more interested in whether we have a smart,effective government,” said the President just before his inauguration.

So far so bad says the January/February issue of The Atlanticin its cover story. “A business organization as inflexible at the U.S.Congress would have a major Whale Oil Division; a military unit wouldbe mainly fusiliers and cavalry,” decries the magazine, adding, “TheAmerican tragedy of the early 21st Century; a vital and self-renewingculture that attracts the world’s talent; and a governing system thatincreasingly looks like a joke.”

Part of the problem for the Democrats is that they subscribe to thedogma of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, that big government can dictateprosperity. What they will learn instead is that more money in and ofitself is not more wealth.

Rome’s Spectacular Rise and Inflationary Fall
The god emperors of Rome constructed their empire by implementing hardmoney. It financed the greatest realm the world had ever experienced.

The hard money was paid out to its armies which in turn conqueredmost of the ancient world. Jack Weatherford explains in his book, The History of Money,“Rome’s fame and glory came from the military and from conquest, andtheir riches, too, derived much more from the achievements of the armythan from those of the merchants.”

As long as Rome’s legions conquered new lands, the empire thrived.But each new occupation required ever greater resources. Around 130B.C., Rome occupied the kingdom of Pergamum. In a few years, Rome’sspending doubled from 25 million denarri (a Roman silver coin) to 50million.

By 63 B.C., the budget grew to 75 million denarri, and spending wasbeginning to spin out of control. Vast strategic ambitions and socialexpenditures were beginning to mount.

When Augustus siezed the throne Rome was at its apex, spending roseto an astonishing 250 million denarri or 10 times what it had been 60years earlier.

By the time the Empire had conquered Europe the cost of its army vastly exceeded the treasure it was repatriating.

Yet spending continued to climb even as revenues declined. Sound familiar?

A string of emperors grasped at an immediate solution. They began to re-mint new money with less and less silver in it.

To pay for the rebuilding of Rome after it burned Nero reduced thesilver content in the denarri by a whopping 90 percent! Before longconfidence in Roman money began to collapse. Eventually the Empireimploded, crushed beneath its weighty ambitions, with a mountain ofdebt and a debased currency.

The New Romans
President Obama and the FederalReserve have a much easier time of opting for inflation than Nero did.Our leaders don’t have to re-mint debased coins or even overworkprinting presses. Instead they can create money out of thin air with akeystroke.

Last summer the Wall Street Journal wrote that the U.S.government has been, “flooding the market with dollars. By buying U.S.Treasuries and mortgages to increase the monetary base by $1 trillion,Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke didn’t put money directly into the stockmarket but he didn’t have to. With nowhere else to go, except maybecommodities, inflows into the stock market have been on a tear… Thedollars he cranked out didn’t go into the hard economy, but insteadinto tradable assets. In other words, Ben Bernanke has been the market.”

The problem is that the Obama/Bernanke bull can’t last. The creationof money is a zero sum game and alone it does not revive afundamentally weak economy. And unless the economy itselfimproves—beginning with greater confidence in the dollar—the stockmarket is bound for a serious fall.

Yours for real wealth and good health,

John Myers
Myers’ Energy and Gold Report

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John Myers

John Myers is editor of Myers’ Energy and Gold Report. The son of C.V. Myers, the original publisher of Oilweek Magazine, John has worked with two of the world’s largest investment publishers, Phillips and Agora. He was the original editor for Outstanding Investmentsand has more than 20 years experience as an investment writer. John isa graduate of the University of Calgary. He has worked for PrudentialSecurities in Spokane, Wash., as a registered investment advisor. Hisoffice location in Calgary, Alberta, is just minutes away from theheadquarters of some of the biggest players in today’s energy markets.This gives him personal access to everyone from oil CEOs to roughnecks,where he learns secrets from oil insiders he passes on to hissubscribers. Plus, during his years in Spokane he cultivated a networkof relationships with mining insiders in Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: What if the U.S. government released an "educational video"
1/27/2010 4:28:38 PM

Jim (¯`*• Americans died in Haiti's quake .•*´¯)

22-year-old Wash. woman had been volunteering in Haiti since June

Thirty-three Americans died in Haiti quake: US


No American lives at stake here so a Quick Response was needed.


Good Afternoon,

Thereports and images from Haiti of collapsed hospitals, crumbled homes,and men and women carrying their injured neighbors through the streetsare truly heart-wrenching. As we learn more about the extent of thedevastation, our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Haiti andHaitian Americans around our country who do not yet know the fate oftheir families and loved ones back home.

I have directed myAdministration to respond with a swift, coordinated and aggressiveeffort to save lives. The people of Haiti will have the full support ofthe United States Government in the urgent effort to rescue thosetrapped beneath the rubble and to deliver the humanitarian relief --the food, water and medicine -- that Haitians will need in the comingdays.

This is also a time when we are reminded of the commonhumanity that we all share, and Americans have always responded tothese situations with generosity of spirit. If you would like tosupport the urgent humanitarian effort in Haiti, I encourage you tovisit our website where you can learn more about how to contribute:

Americans trying to locate family members in Haiti are encouraged to contact the State Department at (888) 407-4747.

We will continue to stand with the people of Haiti and keep them in our thoughts and prayers.


Barack Obama

No American lives at stake here so a Quick Response was needed.

Jim Allen

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RE: What if the U.S. government released an "educational video"
1/27/2010 5:30:23 PM
Jan you are so funny, we had a man trying to blow up an airplane and it they Miranda'd him. Your reply misses the point completely. It is sad that those folks dies. But there is a vast difference in the response time is the point. Over your head I know but I will keep posting the facts and definitely staying away from the koolaide.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: What if the U.S. government released an "educational video"
1/28/2010 2:29:45 PM

a cutup of obama "singing" taxman, by the beatles - because let's face it, it's a tax.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Get Real, Mr. Obama
1/28/2010 10:56:58 PM

floydbrown.jpg Get Real, Mr. Obama

The most annoying part of listening to a speech by the narcissist-in-chief is the number of times he refers to himself.

"I’ve got a very short commute;" "I can’t always visit peopledirectly;" "I break out;" "I saw;" "I knew it would be unpopular;" "Iran for this office;" "I had no illusions;" "I had a whole bunch ofpolitical advisors…"

The latest State of the Union is no exception. Maybe because hisworld is so centered on the bubble that surrounds himself, he isincapable of understanding the frustration Americans have about hisplans to remake the country.

Clearly, he is not hearing the message to back off. Instead, he isdoubling down. Calling with renewed vigor for a litany of unpopularpolicies, he declared in a condescending tone, "I don’t quit.”

Obama spent an inane amount of time talking about job creation. Hisproblem is, he doesn’t understand how jobs are created. His left-wingfantasies on how to create jobs have had the opposite impact. Forexample; his plan to sock banks with new taxes as they struggle torecover. He’s just like a boxer trying to punch the last knock-downblow.

He repeatedly called for a second stimulus bill while we are stillreaping the harvest of his first misguided stimulus plan. Then he urgedcongress to pass the entire litany of failed regulatory and tax billsthat will finish off the feeble recovery and increase unemployment wellbeyond 20 percent. He renewed his call for Obamacare, which gutsMedicare, will increase insurance premiums, and soak the country withhigher taxes.

“Change has not come fast enough," Obama exclaimed. "As hard as itmay be, as uncomfortable and contentious as the debates may be, it’stime to get serious…" Maybe you haven’t been serious, Mr. Obama, but weare, and have been serious for a long time. The changes you seek divideAmericans and hurt the prospects for our and our children’s futures.

In defense and foreign policy, Obama’s big new initiative to make ussafer is a plan to transform the military into a sexual diversityseminar. He plans to force the armed services to embrace “LGBT”(lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender) soldiers. To do this,Congress will have to pass a controversial bill.

The policy change would be a disaster for America’s fighting force,as the Center for Military Readiness reports: “Members of Congress arebecoming aware that repeal of the 1993 law stating that homosexuals arenot eligible for military service, usually mislabeled ‘Don’t Ask, Don’tTell,’ would undermine recruiting, retention, and readiness in ourmilitary. More than 1,160 retired Flag & General Officers for theMilitary have personally signed a statement supporting the 1993 law(Section 654, Title 10), and expressing concerns about consequences ofrepeal that would ‘break the All-Volunteer Force.’”

Another big lie Obama told was, "To close that credibility gap wemust take action on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue to end theoutsized influence of lobbyists; to do our work openly; and to give ourpeople the government they deserve. That’s what I came to Washington todo. That’s why – for the first time in history – my Administrationposts our White House visitors online. And that’s why we’ve excludedlobbyists from policy-making jobs or seats on federal boards andcommissions." How he could say this with a straight face shows theaudacity of his deceit. Obama’s administration is riddled withlobbyists.

Oh and how could we forget? He is now a born again fighter against big government and over spending.

We only agreed with one statement in the speech. This is when Obamasaid: "We face a deficit of trust”. That’s right Mr. Obama. We face adeficit of trust, and you and the people surrounding you are the oneswe don’t believe.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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