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Re: Double Angels
12/22/2005 5:57:09 PM
Another Tear jerker.So....beautiful. It makes us realize that we are very lucky to have what we do. Afterall, it all is really not our's, but, God is letting us borrow everything we have here on earth.For you see he owns it all. I hope you all let him abide in your hearts this Christmas.Whatever happens is part of God's plan for us to grow by . Thanks and MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Flag of Andrew Anderson

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Re: Double Angels
12/22/2005 8:00:25 PM
Thank you Marilyn, Every where you turn, you see small miracles. Acts of kindness and selflessness that often go seemingly un rewarded. Sometimes we are too busy, often we just don't stop to think about it. Opening your eyes to all of the amazing things that happen around you, can put you in awe at the wonderous spirit that lies deep in all human beings. My favorite case in point, is the average, above average sales clerk in most of these stores during the holidays. Having worked in retail myself for some time, I know that like a bartender, these clerks get the brunt of everyones bad days, they deal with the pushers, the shovers, and those who seem so full of themselves that they could just make you scream. The average sales clerk makes less than half of the poverty level, they have problems of their own, but with that warm smile, and cheery voice, you would never know. Then there are those that go above and beyond, the personal shopping they often do for the lady in the wheel chair, the little old lady who personally searches every isle when you little one wonders off, and will not leave your side until your family is all accounted for. These every day angle also devote countless hours to charities, Wal-Mart employee's for example devote over 1 million hours a year to programs such as Childrens Miracle Network, and the United Way, they support schools, and little leage, clinics and homeless shelters, while most are working 2 jobs. Please remember, those who have made a difference in your day. Andy Zeus Anderson
Flag of Deborah Skovron

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Re: Double Angels
12/22/2005 11:15:05 PM
Hi Marilyn, What a really nice story. I believe in angels. I think they are with us and taking care of us. Thank you for another truly lovely story, Marilyn. Your Friend Deborah
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Re: Double Angels
12/23/2005 1:19:16 AM
Wonderful story! Thanks!
Flag of Sarka Ksandrova

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Re: Double Angels
12/23/2005 2:29:39 PM
Thank you Marylin for invite and information. Marry Cristmas to you and H*a*p*p*y N*e*w Y*e*ar! Sarka

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