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Patricia Bartch

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RE: Someone special ~YOU~
1/7/2010 2:50:43 AM

Hi Georgios.

Hey sweet man! I love this new topic. This part of your note is SO important and true. I was so overwhelmed during the Christmas season. So many things to do.

This year we have had less money and I was worried I wouldn't have a nice party for my family, and woudn't have good tasting foods.

So I decided to do LESS. I made a pork roast with delicous sauce, (only cost $4.00 and fed 14 people!) we didn't have cold cut sandwiches, and I used the cake mix that I had in the cupboard and put dried fruit in it.

People BROUGHT food this year. Sister made some cookies, my niece made a vegtable platter. We had hot spiced cider instead of punch.

Everything was just wonderful. I worried for nothing.

I thanked God that I had a loving family that didn't care for expensive foods -- they just loved the FAMILY.

The day after, I took a LONG hot bath, listened to Handel's Messiah and put candles all over the bathroom and just took time for myself. It was so nice!

So this is SO TRUE!!

Be positive with yourself. Be kind and generous with yourself. When was the last time you did something nice for yourself? You deserve some special attention. Be good to yourself and that goodness will overflow into the world and the people around you.
-- Ralph Marston --

Thank you Georgios. This is a wonderful idea.

Love, Pat

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Rajaram S.K.

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RE: Someone special ~YOU~
1/7/2010 1:19:53 PM

Someone special ~YOU~

Iam in a transfromation and I am moving into another dimension. I do not hallucinate that I can tell you. Following sounds changed both my spirit and my mood some dimensions up.


Kosti (Koсти) by Isihija Bulgaria

Click above

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This is an excellent video
Easily one of the most enlightening compositions of images and sound that I have come across on here. I've consciously understood the concept that we are all one as well as AT one with the entire universe for some time now but my understanding continues to grow on a daily basis. I truly feel that consciousness is limitless and that we are all directly connected to all that exists, has ever existed and will ever exist viathe conduit of our mind.

Someone special ~YOU~

Make it a point to do something today for someone special, someone whom you often take for granted, someone whode serves your full and completesupport -- yourself!

Being good to yourself is not being selfish.It doesn't mean you must ignore others. Rather, it makes you able to offer more value to the other people in your world when you take good care of yourself. Putting yourself down is of no benefit to anyone. Helping yourself to grow and build will provide you with more to give.

Be positive with yourself. Be kind and generous with yourself. When was the last time you did something nice for yourself? You deserve some special attention. Be good to yourself and that goodness will overflow into the world and the people around you.

-- Ralph Marston --

Friendly Yours,

PS Folow me in LaNells Forum FOTM January 2010

Dear Georgios,

I love this forum of yours with WISDOM. YOU ARE REALLY GREAT IN BRINGING OUT FROM YOUTUBE. YOUR STATEMENT.......".....I've consciously understood the concept that we are all one as well as AT one with the entire universe for some time now but my understanding continues to grow on a daily basis. I truly feel that consciousness is limitless and that we are all directly connected to all that exists, has ever existed and will ever exist viathe conduit of our mind...." IS VERY TRUE. YOU ARE THAT ONLY. THIS IS WHAT ALL REALISED PERSONS KNOW OF HIM, THE LORD. NOT THIS BODY, WE ARE ALL ATTACHED TO, SINCE MANY AGES/YEARS/IN THIS PRESENT LIFE. ONCE WE COME TO KNOW OF THIS, THERE SHALL BE NO BIRTH/DEATH AT ALL, IN FUTURE, MANY BELIEVE SO.

S.K. Rajaram
La Nell !

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RE: Someone special ~YOU~
1/10/2010 3:14:58 AM
Happy Birthday Georgios Jan 10!
Robert Coaster

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RE: Someone special ~YOU~
1/10/2010 12:31:06 PM
Happy birthday Georgios!

La Nell !

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RE: Someone special ~YOU~
1/10/2010 3:27:18 PM
RE: Georgios Paraskevopoulos is FOTM for Jan 2010.
1/10/2010 10:25:06 AM
Hi All, Happy Birthday Georgios! Thanks everyone. Hugs,LaNell