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RE: Famous Quotes and Their Authors...Can You Find...
1/28/2010 2:07:00 PM
Hi Cheryl, Happy New Year to you as well. Thanks for inviting me to this exciting forum. Here is a quote that I discussed at church just last night. I think it is from the movie "Polar Express." But it relates to Christianity among other things.

They say "seeing is believing," but I feel "believing is seeing."
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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RE: Famous Quotes and Their Authors...Can You Find...
1/29/2010 10:50:46 PM
Hey Stephen,

So nice to see you & thanks for posting. That one is a very good one....'believing is really seeing' isn't it.

May he bless you abundantly today and cause you to prosper in all that you do.

Take care,
Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: Famous Quotes and Their Authors...Can You Find...
1/29/2010 11:15:41 PM

Hi Cheryl, I know this is long but I found it very uplifting. This is an excerpt from "The Butterfly Effect" by Andy andrews.

Not long ago, I finally told the story of when, at the age oftwenty-three, homeless and scared, I was given guidance in a mostunusual fashion by an old man named Jones. What the old man told me didnothing less than change my life and my future. He said..."With alittle perspective you can live a life of permanent purpose."

WhenI asked what he meant, the old man answered with a question. "Do yousometimes find yourself unconsciously judging your actions by level ofimportance?" I frowned a bit, not certain I understood. "For instance,"he continued, "the time you spend with friends is important, but thetime you spend with family, is more important. You might rank an hourfishing as very important, thirty minutes visiting a sick friend in thehospital much more important than the fishing, and a sixty secondconversation with a convenience store clerk as not very important atall."

I nodded my understanding and he returned to hisinitial point. "When you know that everything matters - that every movecounts as much as any other - you will begin living a life of permanentpurpose. A life of permanent purpose will make you a better parent, abetter spouse, and a more valuable friend. Your productivity andfinancial success will soar to new heights while the old days ofuncertainty, doubt, and depression fade into the past."

Ofcourse, that conversation with Jones changed me. But even more, itbecame the guiding force that produced the kind of speaker and author Ihave become. You see, I understand fully that my very value as anauthor and speaker must ultimately be judged by the success youachieve. And as I consult with companies or speak to organizations andteams, I am keenly aware that much of my client's (your) ability tosucceed beyond imagination depends upon my ability to prove this veryconcept!

When a sales organization sees proof thatcasual conversations in town matter just as much as an arranged meetingwith a major prospect -

When the second stringright-guard sees proof that his every action on and off the field,whether he plays or not, is as critical to the team's successful seasonas everything the starting quarterback does -

When ateenager sees and understands proof that every choice made in leisuretoday will affect the choices that will be available to him in morepressing times ahead -

When one lives a life ofpermanent purpose, sales figures soar, team chemistry thrives, andteenage decisions become wiser and more cautious. And these are just afew examples of what will happen... Simply put, when we understand thatevery action matters, every result of our actions immediately improves!

Inthese pages, I know you will find hope and direction for yourself, butI am most excited that you will now be equipped to lead others to theirown life of permanent purpose! My hope for our families, our places ofworship, our businesses, our nation, and our world is an incrediblelife of permanent purpose that can be achieved when at last weunderstand: Every move we make and every action we take, matters notjust for us, but for all of us...and for all time.

God Bless

Ken Nairne

God Bless and I wish you joy, happiness and a successful future. Ken Nairne Tel: +447838741883 Skype: kngems MSN: This is my Website please feel free to browse :
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RE: Famous Quotes and Their Authors...Can You Find...
2/4/2010 8:30:07 AM
Hi Ken,

Thank you for sharing this story. So true, to realize that everything is important as part of our life experience. To be balanced and well rounded, we need all of the moments that come together to make our time spent here. We all have the same block of time each day and if we realize that no matter what any of us do, we can not add extra minutes, but we can add extra enjoyment by being in the moment as we experience it. Instead of looking for another moment than the one we are currently in...we should be living each experience and accepting what it is teaching and showing us. If we are doing this, then we are living the life that we were meant to live. Life is full of all sorts of experiences and rating them is a natural tendency with humans. I know that it is with me. This was a great little article.

Thanks again for sharing this food for thought. It's simple yet profound.

Here's a quote that I thought was very good when I read it. It basically seems to be saying that purpose is something that we discover as we grow. It's an evolving thing and it's a progression of exploring who we are and why we are here. It is within this ongoing discovery that we formulate our ideas of who we are in life.

Take care Ken & thanks again for sharing,



"I began to have an idea of my life, not as the slow shaping of achievement to fit my preconceived purposes, but as the gradual discovery and growth of a purpose which I did not know."

- Joanna Field "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
RE: Famous Quotes and Their Authors...Can You Find...
2/5/2010 5:48:45 PM
Not from a famous person, Cheryl but one of my favorites.


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