I have Joined about 30 Traffic Exchanges and picked out the ones belowas the Most Features and the Most Traffic to your pages! Before I quitI will be a Member of 50 Good Solid Traffic Exchanges!! And I willhave Ton's of Sign ups in Each One. I already have Lots of sign ups inthe top 4 below. I Got 3 sign ups yesterday 12-28-09, 2 on EasyHits4Uand 1 on SmileyTraffic!!! It is Working like a Charm!! This is just to Update everyone on the Traffic Exchanges I am in. Listed in order that I prefer!! EasyHits4U is still #1Traffic Splash is # 2Globalblaster is # 3added to the list is: SmileyTraffic is #4 coming to the top of the list Fast!!HeneryHits is # 5 This one is Up for Sale but is Still going Strong!!! Hit2Hit is # 6trafficgoldrush # 7 - still testing this one. Looks Very Good so for!! Tip:when signing for Traffic Exchanges then Use the Same Username and theSame Password on all of them. I use firefox3 and can surf 4 TE's at thesame time which are opened in different tabs. If your computer is Fastenough at least 3 gighz speed with at least 2 gigs of ram and you Keepit clean and running smooth then you can surf 4 TEs at the Same time!!I have NOT gotten any Adware,spyware or Virus's since Dec 14 that Ijoined my 1st TE!!! 5 Years ago on TrafficG TE that is All I gotand ended up formating my Hard drive about once a week for 4 weeks tillI gave up on the TEs till Dec 14,2009 and I was Very Surprised on howthey had Changed. All of those are Good. They are listed in theorder that I prefer. Some has Features that I like and some hasFeatures that I Don't like!! Happy New Year to Everyone Flash