Hi Cam, I have another problem that only effects two Users of Adlandpro. There E-mail. When I open their e-mail I get My e-mail that I sent them. There tab is at the Bottom and when I try to open their Tab of Their E-Mail I get a "404 - Error - File or directory not found" !! This only effects two users. Nat Flatt and Sandra Barker Also I try to Accept a Friends Invitation and it looks normal like it should. I go back to Home and there friends request is there again,. It is not clearing the the Accept on my friends. The 3 Forum Invitations 0 Group Invitations 0 Event Invitations also does the same thing SomeTimes. Not all the Time. On the Home page it tells me I have some requests. When I goto the section where I can Accept the Requests they are Not there!! The screen shot is of the E-Mail problem!! Also as you can see the Home,profile edit,friends etc. is on the bottom of where I get my e-mail at instead of on the left side where it should be. I can deal with the friends invite but the e-mail I would really like to have it fixed if you can. Thanks in Advance Firefox3 is working fine now except those two problems. Opera does the same thing on the e-mail also Have a Great Day and Thanks Again Flash