EDITING IN NEW NEWS: (Sunday January 3rd)
I've had 1 signup for 6 Figure Yearly from LIST VOLTA: http://vur.me/lmagic/sfp
I've had 4 signups for Viral Mail Profits from LIST VOLTA. http://vur.me/lmagic/vmp
I've had 4 signups for Viral URL from LIST VOLTA. http://vur.me/lmagic
I've had 1 signup for Lotto Magic from LIST VOLTA. http://vur.me/lmagic/mlm
ALL WITHIN THIS WEEK!!! I've only been with List Volta for 2 weeks!
LIST VOLTA: http://vur.me/lmagic/vlt (I've also brought IN several members TO List Volta, one of them a PAID MEMBER!) List Volta helped me earn MONEY...FAST!!! Actually I help MYSELF earn money CONSTANTLY. It's called being PERSISTENT.
You deleted 100,000's of FREE AD CREDITS!
List Volta isn't a traffic exchange, it's a safelist with a community. When you sign up, you agree to receive email from them. It's not spam, it's part of the membership agreement that everyone clicks AGREE on when joining. It IS a good idea to use a different email address just for incoming mail from List Volta but don't delete all of it! You deleted 1800 emails with ad credits worth up to 1000 credits each.
YOU ALSO get the ID name of the member who sent the emails at the bottom of each message, then all you'd need to do is put that ID at the end of this link instead of xxxxx and you can send them a friendship invitation worth up to another 1000 ad credits, so actually each email could be worth up to 2000 ad credits for you: http://listvolta.com/groupvolta/xxxxx (For example if you got a List Volta email from me, my ID name kcvan07 would be at the end of the email so you'd just need to log into List Volta and look me up in the community at http://listvolta.com/groupvolta/kcvan07 and send a friendship invitation, and do the same with all other ID's you receive mail from.
There's also a community, you get ad credits for making new friends AND you can contact people there all day every day, even as a free member. List Volta has LOT going on!
I've only been with it for a few days and made a sale from one of my Clickbank links and earned $31. That was from a text ad I posted, at the time of the sale it had 3 clicks from less than 100 impressions...one of those 3 clicks resulted in sale. I call that FANTASTIC!!!
I bookmark a lot of sites from List Volta and other members have also told me they bookmarked many of mine in just the few days I've been there. IT WORKS IF YOU USE IT!!!