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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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M.E.P. is HOTTER Than I Thought!!
12/16/2009 5:06:18 PM

It only takes a few minutes to submit a site to 900,000 FFA links pages! I'm doing dozens of my sites every day!

FREEBIES including FREE AD Sources:

How's life in Clarence Creek? Better than PlanetJanet? with or without Janet Jackson?

Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: M.E.P. is HOTTER Than I Thought!!
12/16/2009 6:51:30 PM

How to submit your URLs to 900,000 FFA links sites with a few clicks using My-Easy-Promoter: If you can CLICK, you can blast your sites all over the net quickly and daily!!

First, order it! For less than 50 cents daily you can submit all your pages to over 900,000 sites daily:

FIRST: Log In and create a campaign according to the directions. submit:

1. Click the PROPERTIES folder at the top left.

2. Then enter your Site URL you want to submit.

3. Also enter your URL into the field for More URLS.

4.Enter the site TITLE. (that will be the link-text on all the FFA sites!)

5. Scroll down make sure the language is set to English, and click NEXT.

6. On the next page, click FFA Link Sites, and FFA Networks.

7. Scroll down and click NEXT again.

8. On the next page, click Autosubmit to FFA Sites Daily.

9. Click the dropdown menu to the URL you want to submit.

10. Click NEXT.

DONE! Order now, simple, quick, 900,000 sites:


Promote your website to over 900,000 Search Engines, Directories, Link Pages, Online Malls and Classified Sites! My-Easy-Promoter is 100% automated, it's the most efficient and powerful way to promote your sites! It's a Complete Traffic Generating Machine!!!

My-Easy-Promoter will help potential customers find you! Submitting your site consistently and properly will drive traffic to you.

Manually submitting can take up hours of your valuable time - My-Easy-Promoter completely automates this task. There's absolutely NO SOFTWARE to download, and our easy-to-use wizard will have you submitting your first site in minutes.

Manually submitting just does not compare to the power of the My-Easy-Promoter System!

===>>>Try it RISK-FREE for 30 days!

Top Reasons My-Easy-Promoter is a MUST HAVE Service:

* The largest and most up-to-date submission database on the Net! We update our engines 3 times per month, so your site is ALWAYS being submitted properly

* Save Time and Increase Traffic! It takes an average of 3-5 minutes to add your domain to a new campaign. Once you've added it, the system does all the rest! Set up your submission schedule and NEVER have to worry about resubmitting your site again

* Unlimited re-submissions of multiple domains and pages

* Submitting your web site consistently is the #1 way to get indexed by search engines

* Search Engines re-index their databases every 4-8 weeks

* Web Sites are removed and re-indexed during their updates

* My-Easy-Promoter gives you the power to submit from once per month to once per day and many options in between, completely automated!

* You can simply set up My-Easy-Promoter once and the system is then on Auto-Pilot! Never worry about resubmitting your site again!

* 100% automated! There's nothing to download, no software to learn. My-Easy-Promoter's easy-to-use wizard walks you through several simple steps and you're done! We are 100% Net based, meaning you never have to download any software and that it is guaranteed to work for any operating system. Whether you use Windows, MAC, Linux, Unix or any other operating system, as long as you can access the internet YOU CAN USE My-Easy-Promoter

* All of your data is stored with us. Want to change your resubmission schedule? It's done with 2 clicks! Nothing is more simple, and nothing can drive more traffic to you than My-Easy-Promoter!

* My-Easy-Promoter does all the work for you 24 hours daily, 7 days per week! Set up your domains ONCE and My-Easy-Promoter will resubmit your site on the schedule YOU CHOOSE! We offer guidelines on resubmissions, but we allow YOU to determine what's best for your site! Set up your campaign 1 time and NEVER worry about resubmitting your site again. Remember, Consistent submissions to the engines is the most recommended way to get a better listing!

* Do you have multiple domains? If so No Problem! My-Easy-Promoter can submit any number of domains from 1 to 1 Million - all completely automated!

* No Autoresponder Spam! We will eliminate ALL SPAM from ever reaching your email box! Of course, if you want to view them you can as well, but we've made it SUPER EASY to divert all spam!

* Spider your entire domain! Our system will add each and every page from your website with 1 click! You can then choose to submit any of the pages it finds. Choose 1 or choose's up to you!

* Emailed Reports! Once your submission has completed, we will email your report to whomever you choose. The report will give detailed information on who you submitted to, when it was submitted and whether it was a successful submission or not.


*Automated Doorway Pages Generator!

*Meta Tag Generator

*Ranking and Reporting

*Keyword Analyzer

*Popularity Checker!

===>>>NOW YOU Can Use All The Services Available To YOU From My-Easy-Promoter RISK-FREE for 30 Days:

Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: M.E.P. is HOTTER Than I Thought!!
12/21/2009 3:27:28 PM

FREEBIES including AD sources:

The above squeeze was brought to you by GVO tools!

Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: M.E.P. is HOTTER Than I Thought!!
12/21/2009 3:27:37 PM

Ewen Chia, the man who earned millions with affiliate programs the past decade, is with GVO, and he constantly says that VIDEO is the main way to bring in prospects and SALES! GVO IS VIDEO:

Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

Flag of 13305 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: M.E.P. is HOTTER Than I Thought!!
12/21/2009 7:02:20 PM

YOUR SITES to 900,000 AD Sources DAILY AutoSubmitted:

One campaign can include all pages within one domain, so it's a fantastic deal! Submit your site to 900,000 places, My-Easy-Promoter does all the work for you 24 hours daily, 7 days per week! Set up your domains ONCE and My-Easy-Promoter will resubmit your site on the schedule YOU CHOOSE. My-Easy-Promoter gives you the power to submit from once per month to once per day and many options in between, completely automated! You can simply set up My-Easy-Promoter once and the system is then on Auto-Pilot. Never worry about resubmitting your site again! There's nothing to download, no software to learn. My-Easy-Promoter's easy-to-use set-up-wizard walks you through several simple steps and you're done!


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