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RE: RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is IT THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
7/16/2010 5:26:47 AM
Hi Jim,
How do you know the guy in the first video was arrested? If it's true I guess you can say freedom of speech is a thing of the past and being a patriot is indeed a crime according to the present regime.
The other videos are very interesting and of course you know I SUPPORT Alan West. Let's make sure he wins his bid for Congress this November and then we can support a bid for the Presidency if he chooses to run in 2012. He is definitely the caliber of men and women we want to see in politics. If we get enough Alan West's on the Hill, in local and State politics the word "politician" might become respectable again and not the dirty word it is right now.

The guy in the first video here has been arrested. This fact doesn't dis-spell the message. Just another stepping stone. We need to speak loudly with our votes on November 2nd. VOTE the TYRANTS OUT and in 2012 vote this Obamanation out!

Glenn Beck Shakes at the thought that We The People are on the verge of Revolution!

Alan Keyes: Collapse of U.S. Economy & Civil War!

Congressional Candidate LTC Allen West At The Revolution / American Freedom Tour

TEA PARTY RACISM RACIST Lt. Col. Allen West for Congress

Allen West: Define the Enemy: What it takes to win in Afghanistan

Lt. Col. Allen B. West speaks on Second Amendment

Allen West 2010

I will support this man's bid for the Presidency in 2012 a True American Patriot.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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RE: RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is IT THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
7/18/2010 1:47:12 PM
Hello Peter,

If you go to the channel on YouTube the story is there.

Are you hearing the call?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is IT THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
7/26/2010 6:13:13 PM
In the following article, it appears that "American Moderate Muslims?" are speaking out. After all many including myself have asked for the "American Moderate Muslims?" to stand up, speak up and speak out. It is in this search that I came across this article. One must read the ensuing commentary in the "COMMENTS" of this article to see the true workings of the Muslim mindset.

As you will see they are as confused as many of us, due to the misinformation passed along by their leaders own ideological missteps and planned misleading of the masses. Racism and hate has no place in our society and there seems to be plenty enough to go around from all sides.

There are more than two sides to be considered. But it seems collusions are centuries old. I just started reading this series and following the information.

The following is an excerpt:

According to Inside the League: The Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads Have Infiltrated the World Anti-Communist League (1986) by Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson: “Even before the dust had settled on Hitler’s shattered Third Reich, many of those responsible were escaping to work for the formation of a Fourth Reich. From their havens, they have nurtured their cause and kept it alive, they have recruited younger generations and they have formed networks for safety and strength, bonds that remain to this day.” While most people who think of escaped Nazis remember notables like Mengele and Barbie, there is another “type of Nazi, who is far more powerful, public, and dangerous than other types: these are the Croatians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Latvians, who carried out the German-dictated massacres, who never faced a Nuremberg, and who joined the World Anti-Communist League.

The participation of these Eastern Europeans in the Holocaust remains one of the least-told stories in modern history. The reason this is so is simple: many of them were recruited by American and British intelligence, brought into the United States and Canada, allowed to rise to prominent positions in their émigré communities, and ultimately to revise history…. Through their front groups and their involvement in American politics, the Nazi collaborators have blended in and become respectable.”

Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is IT THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
7/28/2010 1:48:05 PM

Finally some common sense talk from a politician. So good food for thought for Americans to ponder and realize that choices have to made. America is under attack. IMHO

Job Killers versus Job Creators
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• Will President Obama Face the Facts?
• The Legacy of the Declaration of Independence
• The Road to Jobs
• Communicating Freedom through Faith around the World
Newt's quick links
• In his piece posted at Renewing American Leadership, Gov. Rick Perry (R-Tex.) gives his outsider's view of Washington and how it is worlds apart from most of America. You can read the piece here.

• Ambassador Noriega writes for The Americano about the current conflict between Colombia and Venezuela after President Uribe's accusations, and how the U.S. is involved. Click here.
Get Newt's Latest Book!
July 28, 2010 · Vol. 5, No.30Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Printer Friendly

No Mosque at Ground Zero

One of our biggest mistakes in the aftermath of 9/11 was naming our response to the attacks "the war on terror" instead of accurately identifying radical Islamists (and the underlying ideology of radical Islamism) as the target of our campaign. This mistake has led to endless confusion about the nature of the ideological and material threat facing the civilized world and the scale of the response that is appropriate.

Radical Islamism is more than simply a religious belief. It is a comprehensive political, economic, and religious movement that seeks to impose sharia--Islamic law--upon all aspects of global society.

Many Muslims see sharia as simply a reference point for their personal code of conduct. They recognize the distinction between their personal beliefs and the laws that govern all people of all faiths.

For the radical Islamist, however, this distinction does not exist. Radical Islamists see politics and religion as inseparable in a way it is difficult for Americans to understand. Radical Islamists assert sharia's supremacy over the freely legislated laws and values of the countries they live in and see it as their sacred duty to achieve this totalitarian supremacy in practice.

Some radical Islamists use terrorism as a tactic to impose sharia but others use non-violent methods--a cultural, political, and legal jihad that seeks the same totalitarian goal even while claiming to repudiate violence. Thus, the term "war on terrorism" is far too narrow a framework in which to think about the war in which we are engaged against the radical Islamists.

Sharia and Western Civilization

Sharia law is used in many Muslim countries to justify shocking acts of barbarity including stoning, the execution of homosexuals, and the subjugation of women. Sharia does not permit freedom of conscience; it prohibits Muslims from renouncing their Islamic faith or converting to another religion. Sharia does not support religious liberty; it treats non-Muslims as inferior and does not accord them the same protections as Muslims. In these and other instances, sharia is explicitly at odds with core American and Western values. It is an explicit repudiation of freedom of conscience and religious liberty as well as the premise that citizens are equal under the law.

Thus, the radical Islamist effort to impose sharia worldwide is a direct threat to all those who believe in the freedoms maintained by our constitutional system.

Creeping Sharia in the United States

In some ways, it speaks of the goodness of America that we have had such difficulty coming to grips with the challenge of radical Islamists. It is our very commitment to religious liberty that makes us uncomfortable with defining our enemies in a way that appears linked with religious belief.

However, America's commitment to religious liberty has given radical Islamists a potent rhetorical weapon in their pursuit of sharia supremacy. In a deliberately dishonest campaign exploiting our belief in religious liberty, radical Islamists are actively engaged in a public relations campaign to try and browbeat and guilt Americans (and other Western countries) to accept the imposition of sharia in certain communities, no matter how deeply sharia law is in conflict with the protections afforded by the civil law and the democratic values undergirding our constitutional system.

The problem of creeping sharia is most visibly on display in France and in the United Kingdom, where there are Muslim enclaves in which the police have surrendered authority and sharia reigns. However, worrisome cases are starting to emerge in the United States that show sharia is coming here. Andy McCarthy's writings, including his new book The Grand Jihad, have been invaluable in tracking instances in which the American government and major public institutions have been unwilling to assert the protections of American law and American values over sharia's religious code. Some examples include:

In June 2009, a New Jersey state judge rejected an allegation that a Muslim man who punished his wife with pain for hours and then raped her repeatedly was guilty of criminal sexual assault, citing his religious beliefs as proof that he did not believe he was acting in a criminal matter. "This court believes that he was operating under his belief that it is, as the husband, his desire to have sex when and whether he wanted to, was something that was consistent with his practices and it was something that was not prohibited." Thankfully, this ruling was reversed in an appellate court.

In May 2008, a disabled student at a public college being assisted by a dog was threatened by Muslim members of the student body, who were reluctant to touch the animal by the prescription of sharia. The school, St. Cloud State, chose not to engage the Muslim community, but simply gave the student credit without actually fulfilling the class hours so as to avoid conflict.

In a similar instance in November 2009, a high school senior in Owatonna, Minn., was suspended in order to protect him from the threat of violence by radical Islamists when he wrote an essay about the special privileges afforded his Somali Muslim counterparts in the school environment.

In order to accommodate sharia's prohibition of interest payments in financial transactions, the state of Minnesota buys homes from realtors and re-sells them to Muslims at an up-front price. It is simply not the function of government to use tax money to create financial transactions that correspond to a religious code. Moreover, it is a strategy to create a precedent for legal recognition of sharia within U.S. law.

Amazingly, there are strong allegations that the United States now owns the largest provider of sharia financing in the world: AIG.

Last month, police in Dearborn, Mich., which has a large Muslim population, arrested Christian missionaries for handing out copies of the Gospel of St. John on charges of "disturbing the peace." They were doing so on a public street outside an Arab festival in a way that is completely permissible by law, but, of course, forbidden by sharia's rules on proselytizing. This is a clear case of freedom of speech and the exercise of religious freedom being sacrificed in deference to sharia's intolerance against the preaching of religions other than Islam.

Shockingly, sharia honor killings-in which Muslim women are murdered by their husbands, brothers or other male family members for dishonoring their family-are also on the rise in America but do not receive national attention because they are considered "domestic disturbances." (A recent article in Marie Claire Magazine highlights recent cases and the efforts to bring national attention to this horrifying trend.)

Cases like this will become all the more common as radical Islamists grow more and more aggressive in the United States.

It is in this context that the controversy over the proposed mosque near Ground Zero must be seen.

Exposing Radical Islamist Hypocrisy at Ground Zero

There are many reasons to doubt the stated intentions of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man behind the Ground Zero mosque. After 9/11 he did not hesitate to condemn the United States as an "accessory" to the attacks but more recently refused to condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization. This is unsurprising considering he has well-established ties to U.S. branches of the Muslim Brotherhood. He has also refused to reveal the sources of funding for the mosque project, which is projected to cost $100 million.

More importantly, he is an apologist for sharia supremacy. In a recent op-ed, Rauf actually compared sharia law with the Declaration of Independence. This isn't mere dishonesty; it is an Orwellian attempt to cause moral confusion about the nature of radical Islamism.

The true intentions of Rauf are also revealed by the name initially proposed for the Ground Zero mosque--"Cordoba House"--which is named for a city in Spain where a conquering Muslim army replaced a church with a mosque. This name is a very direct historical indication that the Ground Zero mosque is all about conquest and thus an assertion of Islamist triumphalism which we should not tolerate.

They say they're interfaith, but they didn't propose the building of a mosque, church and synagogue. Instead they proposed a 13-story mosque and community center that will extol the glories of Islamic tolerance for people of other faiths, all while overlooking the site where radical Islamists killed almost 3,000 people in a shocking act of hatred.

Building this structure on the edge of the battlefield created by radical Islamists is not a celebration of religious pluralism and mutual tolerance; it is a political statement of shocking arrogance and hypocrisy.

We need to have the moral courage to denounce it. It is simply grotesque to erect a mosque at the site of the most visible and powerful symbol of the horrible consequences of radical Islamist ideology. Well-meaning Muslims, with common human sensitivity to the victims' families, realize they have plenty of other places to gather and worship. But for radical Islamists, the mosque would become an icon of triumph, encouraging them in their challenge to our civilization.

Apologists for radical Islamist hypocrisy are trying to argue that we have to allow the construction of this mosque in order to prove America's commitment to religious liberty. They say this despite the fact that there are already over 100 mosques in New York City.

In fact, they're partially correct-this is a test of our commitment to religious liberty. It is a test to see if we have the resolve to face down an ideology that aims to destroy religious liberty in America, and every other freedom we hold dear.

Your friend,
Newt Gingrich's Signature

P.S. At 2 p.m. on Thursday, I will be delivering a major national security address that builds on these themes. You can watch it live here.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is IT THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
7/30/2010 3:46:10 AM
Hi Jim,

As Newt says it certainly is a double standard when the Muslim supremacists want their liberties and deny the same privileges in Islamic countries. The worst part is that in many countries where there are or were places of worship prior to Islamic take overs they are burning those Churches, Synagogues, Temples etc. as well as murdering the believers of other religions.

The Imam of the proposed mega mosque in his many speeches and books promotes shariah law, supports terrorist activities and refuses to say a word against Jihad, radical Islam, terrorism and terrorism. This mega mosque is financed as usual by the Saudis (who own the majority of the mosques in the USA) and are the worst violators of religious freedom in their own country yet demand rights in the US and other Western world countries they wouldn't even consider in their own for infidels.

Here's a follow up on Newt's original article and links for those willing to help in preventing this mega mosque travesty.



ReAL Action

Patriotic American,

The time for the so called "religious tolerance" double standard is OVER! And that's why I am sending you this most important email today on behalf of ReAL Action – The citizen activist arm of Renewing American Leadership. We must act now before it is too late.

It appears that the man leading this initiative blames us for the attack on the World Trade Center.

Here is an exact quote from the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf:

"The United States and the West must acknowledge
the harm they have done to Muslims before
terrorism can end."
- See full article.

According to the New York Post, "The imam behind a proposed mosque near Ground Zero is a prominent member of a group that helped sponsor the pro-Palestinian activists who clashed violently with Israeli commandos at sea this week." – See full article.

The memories are still very fresh in my mind---but, more importantly, the minds of the families of the nearly 3,000 that were killed.

Please SELECT HERE to STOP the Ground Zero mosque! Your decisive DONATION to Real Action will help us to RALLY and ACTIVATE all Americans, to TAKE REAL ACTION!

Even though there are more than 100 mosques in the New York City area, there are no churches and synagogues in the entire country of Saudi Arabia.

The time to end this religious double standard is now.

The very name "Cordoba House" tells us the true meaning behind the effort to build a mosque overlooking the site where thousands of Americans lost their lives. The name refers to Cordoba, Spain where Muslim conquerors symbolized their victory over Christianity by transforming a church into one of the biggest mosques in the world. To learn more about this, listen to a more detailed explanation from my good friend Dr. Jim Garlow, the President of Renewing American Leadership.

Please SELECT HERE to STOP the Ground Zero mosque! Your decisive DONATION to Real Action will help us to RALLY and ACTIVATE all Americans, to TAKE REAL ACTION!

I believe that peaceful Muslims can have a place of worship – but my mind cannot even comprehend the audacity of trying to build a $100 Million mosque at Ground Zero. America is experiencing an Islamist cultural-political offensive designed to undermine and destroy our civilization. Sadly, too many of our elites are the willing apologists for those who would destroy them if they could.

Select here to read my entire statement on the Ground Zero mosque.

It is not only a slap in the face to the families of the nearly 3,000 9/11 victims, but to every patriotic American, like you.

This is a genuine, insensitive injustice.

I need to hear from you today before they take another step in building the Ground Zero Mosque.

I cannot understand why city officials are bowing to the demands of the American Society for Muslim Advancement to open this 13-story shrine to Islam on . . . of all days---September 11, 2011! Will you assist me in STOPPING this onslaught against the common decency of respecting the families of 9-11?

Please give the most significant gift that you possibly can to help us to not only inform all Americans but to specifically MOTIVATE patriots to ACTION to halt the building of this mosque. As one who holds your freedoms dearly, I know I can count on you.

The time to take a stand is now.

Please SELECT HERE to STOP the Ground Zero mosque! Your decisive DONATION to Real Action will help us to RALLY and ACTIVATE all Americans, to TAKE REAL ACTION!

Thank you for your true patriotism to our great country.

Your friend,

Newt Gingrich
on behalf of ReAL Action
The Citizen Activist Arm of Renewing American Leadership

Dedicating this mosque at Ground Zero on the tenth anniversary of 9-11 is wrong and disrespectful to those who lost their lives. Please help us to OPPOSE this travesty.


Copyright © 2010 - ReAL Action - a non-profit organization

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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