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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/27/2010 2:32:43 PM

Former WMD Chief: Al-Qaida Awaiting Nukes

By: Theodore Kettle

A new report by retired longtime intelligence officer Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, who served as chief of the CIA’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Department, accuses the U.S. government of seriously misreading al-Qaida’s operational objectives.

“Al-Qaida’s reasoning,” according to Mowatt-Larssen's new report fromHarvard’s Kennedy School, “runs counter to analytic convention that equates the ease of acquisition of chemical, biological or radiological weapons with an increasing likelihood of terrorist use — i.e., a terrorist attack employing crude weapons is therefore more likely thanan attack using a nuclear or large scale biological weapon.”

“In fact, it is the opposite” of that conventional wisdom, according tothe analysis, entitled “Al-Qaida Weapons of Mass Destruction Threat:Hype or Reality.” Al-Qaida’s motivations suggest “the greatest threat is posed by the most effective and simple means of mass destruction,whether these means consist of nuclear, biological, or other forms ofasymmetric weapons.”

That makes all the scarier the scolding that came this week from the congressionally authorized Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation. That panel gave the Obama administration an F grade for its performance in preparing the U.S.homeland for a terrorist attack that utilized biological warfare.

Mowatt-Larssen was stationed in Moscow and other critical venues in thecourse of his long career gathering intelligence. The details he provides of al-Qaida’s scheming in this report are nothing short of chilling.

“Considering the potential that such weapons hold in fulfilling al-Qaida’s aspirations,” it says, “their WMD procurement efforts have been managed at the most senior levels, under rules of strict compartmentalization from lower levels of the organization, and withcentral control over possible targets and timing of prospective attacks.”

That kind of planning suggests extreme sophistication and patience – a willingness to wait until such an operation against the U.S. could besure to work. According to Mowatt-Larssen, “their approach has been‘Mohamed Atta-like’ — similar to the modus operandi Khaled Sheikh Mohammed employed in making preparations for the 9/11 attacks — asopposed to resembling the signature characterizing most terrorist attacks to which the world has become accustomed.”

He noted that “Al-Qaida’s patient, decade-long effort to steal orconstruct an improvised nuclear device (IND) flows from their perception of the benefits of producing the image of a mushroom cloud rising over a U.S. city, just as the 9/11 attacks have altered thecourse of history.”

Mowatt-Larssen concludes that “This lofty aim helps explains why al Qaida has consistently sought a bomb capable of producing a nuclear yield, as opposed to settling for the more expedient and realistic course of devising a ‘dirty bomb,’ or a radiological dispersal device.”

In 1996, for example, Ayman al-Zawahiri, emir of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which eventually merged into al-Qaida, was detained in Russia where he may have been seeking nuclear weapons or material. Al-Zawahiri later stated that al-Qaida obtained nuclear weapons from the former Soviet Union.

According to Mowatt-Larssen, “There is no indication that the fundamental objectives that lie behind their WMD intent have changed over time.”

By comparison, “the pursuit of crude toxins and poisons appears to have been of little interest to the al-Qaida leadership, even though the production of such weapons is easier and thus might seem more attractive for potential use in attacks.”

He adds that “there is no evidence that the al-Qaida leadership regarded the use of crude toxins and poisons as being suitable for conducting what would amount to pin prick attacks on the United States;on the contrary,” it seems that “a relatively easy attack utilizingtactical weapons would not achieve the goals the al-Qaida leadership had set for themselves.”

According to the Kennedy School analysis, “Osama bin Laden’s morality-based argument on the nature of the struggle between militant Islamists and the U.S.-led coalition of secular forces focuses the group’s planning on the acquisition of strategic weapons that can beused in mass casualty attacks, rather than on the production of tactical, more readily available weapons such as ‘dirty bombs,’chemical agents, crude toxins and poisons.”

If this former WMD chief for the CIA is to be believed, a big reason wehave not suffered a repeat of 9/11 more than eight years later may be that Osama bin Laden and al Qaida are patiently working toward the day when they can successfully hit us with something a lot bigger.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD ! Bush Nazi
1/27/2010 3:42:38 PM

In 2008, I was inspired to research a comment Joy, from the View, read to the audience about exPrez Bush's grandfather ~ Prescott, who "... served as a business partner of and U.S. banking operative for the financial architect of the Nazi war machine from 1926 until 1942 ... " ~ at that time President Roosevelt fashioned a special act ~ Trading with the Enemy Act and froze the wealth accumulated by Bush's and their partners.

I suspect the motivating factor with the Bush's from the early 40s on through 2008 was to recoup monies taken from their grand and great-grandfather by FDR; I believe this is in part ~ why the International community currently suffers Bush Flags in similiar fashion as those Hoover Flags in the early 30s.


Oscar-winning US filmmaker Oliver Stone says Adolf Hitler was 'enabled by Western bankers'

BANGKOK, Thailand — Adolf Hitler was a psychopath and a monster butrose to power thanks to big business leaders and other supporters whoappreciated his vow to destroy communism and control workers, Hollywoodfilmmaker Oliver Stone said Monday.

Stone, who is working on a10-part documentary on the 20th century titled "The Secret History ofthe United States," said the German dictator was "enabled by Westernbankers" and managed to "seduce" Germany's military industrial complex.

"Hitleris a monster. There is no question. I have no empathy for Hitler atall. He was a crazy psychopath," Stone told reporters in the Thaicapital. "But like Frankenstein was a monster, there was a Dr.Frankenstein. He is product of his era."

Stone was in Bangkok togive a lecture to high school students on the role of film inpeace-building as part of a visit organized by the Vienna-basedInternational Peace Foundation.

He said the aim of hisdocumentary, which two historians are helping him with, was to offer afuller understanding of the 20th century and how some of those lessonsmay be relevant to President Barack Obama in 2010.

"What has America become? How can we in America not learn from Germany in the 1930s," the Oscar-winning director asked.

Earlierin the day, Stone told about 300 students that his 1991 movie "JFK,"was his most controversial to date and that the United States remainsin denial over the possibility that someone other than Lee HarveyOswald could have assassinated John F. Kennedy.

Stone saidexploring alternative theories over the JFK assassination remains toosensitive for those in the media or academia who "would be endangeringtheir careers and their position."

"To this day, many keyAmericans in power are in total denial about this story," Stone said."They don't even want to know about the possibility that he was killedby someone other than Lee Harvey Oswald. It is a national fairy tale."

"JFK" ridicules the Warren Commission's conclusion that Oswald acted alone and suggests a massive conspiracy.

Stone'sfilm centred on a theory by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrisonthat a CIA-led mutiny killed the president and the plotters walked awayunscathed. Garrison's theories went to court in 1967, but Clay Shaw,the alleged "evil genius" behind the assassination, was acquitted.

Stonesaid Monday he thought it was "a good thing" to revisit the JFKassassination. But he came under fire from the historians and filmreviewers who contended Stone had fudged facts, invented characters andelevated speculation to truth to support his burning belief that thekilling was a high-level government conspiracy.

"It's an amazingstory and I did it," Stone said. "I thought I would be respected forit, and I was lambasted in the establishment press. I was called amyth-maker, a propagandist. I didn't see it coming. I thought theKennedy murder was safe."

Stone is famous for several othermovies, including the Vietnam War films "Born on the Fourth of July"and "Platoon," which won four Oscars, including best picture and bestdirector.

Professor Antony Sutton: Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler. Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. Part 5.

Not only did the banksters and industrialists create the Frankensteinmonster Hitler, they also funded and supported Soviet communism fromits inception. In Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution, Antony Sutton details this relationship
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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/27/2010 3:59:45 PM
What is your point beating this same drum? Oliver Stone? You are joking with this aren't you? You think Stone is something because he won an Oscar?

Anthony Sutton videos aren't getting views on YouTube, nor was any credence given to this series when it was created.

We have already covered that, anyone with investments in the stock market played in any new markets that were becoming industrialized as well. Any savvy capitalist knows you hedge your investments to cover potential losses. Investors worldwide can have the same aspersions tossed at them.

the threat of Radical Islam is still the topic of this thread. How about proving they aren't instead of blowing this smokescreen all over again.

Check the topic of the thread. Also read some of my latest post especially those I highlighted for you.

No more America bashing stay on topic.


Jan here is the thread
we can have this discussion in if you wish to continue blaming it all on Bush and not the Dems takeover of both houses in 2006. I think they all "Incumbents" are guilty of this atrocity you lay @ GWB's feet. Unfortunately, this is simply patently not true. Congress could have halted any of this by representing the people instead of their own special interests and feathering their own nests. Obama is Bush in black face in my own personal opinion.

Jim Allen III

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/27/2010 4:16:17 PM

(¯`*• Jim .•*´¯) my comment support's link in quote "Oliver Stone says Adolf Hitler was 'enabled by Western bankers'"


What is your point beating this same drum? Oliver Stone? You are joking with this aren't you? You think Stone is something because he won an Oscar?

Anthony Sutton videos aren't getting views on YouTube, nor was any credence given to this series when it was created.

We have already covered that, anyone with investments in the stock market played in any new markets that were becoming industrialized as well. Any savvy capitalist knows you hedge your investments to cover potential losses. Investors worldwide can have the same aspersions tossed at them.

the threat of Radical Islam is still the topic of this thread. How about proving they aren't instead of blowing this smokescreen all over again.

Check the topic of the thread. Also read some of my latest post especially those I highlighted for you.

No more America bashing stay on topic.


Jan here is the thread
we can have this discussion in if you wish to continue blaming it all on Bush and not the Dems takeover of both houses in 2006. I think they all "Incumbents" are guilty of this atrocity you lay @ GWB's feet. Unfortunately, this is simply patently not true. Congress could have halted any of this by representing the people instead of their own special interests and feathering their own nests. Obama is Bush in black face in my own personal opinion.

Jim Allen III
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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/27/2010 4:19:58 PM
No it doesn't Jan. A link to a paragraph on Quondio does not prove one thing just shows your true intention and that was to spam this forum. How's that for fact?


(¯`*• Jim .•*´¯) my comment support's link in quote "Oliver Stone says Adolf Hitler was 'enabled by Western bankers'"


What is your point beating this same drum? Oliver Stone? You are joking with this aren't you? You think Stone is something because he won an Oscar?

Anthony Sutton videos aren't getting views on YouTube, nor was any credence given to this series when it was created.

We have already covered that, anyone with investments in the stock market played in any new markets that were becoming industrialized as well. Any savvy capitalist knows you hedge your investments to cover potential losses. Investors worldwide can have the same aspersions tossed at them.

the threat of Radical Islam is still the topic of this thread. How about proving they aren't instead of blowing this smokescreen all over again.

Check the topic of the thread. Also read some of my latest post especially those I highlighted for you.

No more America bashing stay on topic.


Jan here is the thread
we can have this discussion in if you wish to continue blaming it all on Bush and not the Dems takeover of both houses in 2006. I think they all "Incumbents" are guilty of this atrocity you lay @ GWB's feet. Unfortunately, this is simply patently not true. Congress could have halted any of this by representing the people instead of their own special interests and feathering their own nests. Obama is Bush in black face in my own personal opinion.

Jim Allen III

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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