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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/22/2010 1:23:33 AM

As for me, I have no plaques ofrecognition as I do not seek nor care for them, to be honest. Not mycup of tea, rednecks just do what they believe is right and move on.

I'm sure there are things which you not necessarily will consider as your plaques of recognition because this is not what you talk about when you meet your friends and family.

What about your largest thread on this community.
There must be something you are proud of from it.

How many people were you able to recruit into those programs you have promoted?
How about being not a capitalistic when you are hoping that the more people join under you, you benefit more? What was your rationale when this people joined under you? Was your main goal to help those people or help yourself. Did you help anyone?
Here are just a few examples.

And here is one of the headlines in your ads.


Did you receive that much? Were you honest in your ad? Was this achievable?
If any of this was true, you would not be here.

Before you start making accusations towards others, look at yourself

My presence in this thread is finished.

This would be for me mostly waste of time from this point on. You can't be educated and what is worst, your way of thinking belongs in middle ages. It is too bad you were not born then.
You could have taken part in their crusades with Teutonic Knights.
All you have to offer is poison and cheap shots.

Bogdan Fiedur
Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/22/2010 4:58:39 AM

As for me, I have no plaques of recognition as I do not seek nor care for them, to be honest. Not my cup of tea, rednecks just do what they believe is right and move on.

I'm sure there are things which you not necessarily will consider as your plaques of recognition because this is not what you talk about when you meet your friends and family.

What about your largest thread on this community.
There must be something you are proud of from it.

How many people were you able to recruit into those programs you have promoted?
How about being not a capitalistic when you are hoping that the more people join under you, you benefit more? What was your rationale when this people joined under you? Was your main goal to help those people or help yourself. Did you help anyone?
Here are just a few examples.

And here is one of the headlines in your ads.


Did you receive that much? Were you honest in your ad? Was this achievable?
If any of this was true, you would not be here.

Before you start making accusations towards others, look at yourself

My presence in this thread is finished.

This would be for me mostly waste of time from this point on. You can't be educated and what is worst, your way of thinking belongs in middle ages. It is too bad you were not born then.
You could have taken part in their crusades with Teutonic Knights.
All you have to offer is poison and cheap shots.

Bogdan Fiedur

Well Bogdan,

That is twice you referred to education when I failed to agree to your point of view. I have not taken cheap shots. You became offended because your arguments failed. So now you wish to leave.

Fine I will accept the win for this discussion. Not that it changes anything, but we have provided very different views with very different forms of theory and proof.

Actually I have received all the accolades this community offers. Because I asked one time in a forum, (wished I had saved it). Anyway my question was along these lines... "Is all it takes to receive these awards is schmooze and toss out accolades to win these recognitions?" The answer was "Yes" So I made it a point to win them and I did!

So there is a BIG accomplishment, huh? But, I hated not being myself and honest. Nor did it make a difference in my pocketbook.

As for poison and cheap shots. That vitriol was brought in by none other than yourself. Calling America a fascist country and comparing us to Nazi Germany.

Anyways, I am a salesperson and marketer, and thanks for mentioning my interests. All save one is a viable operation of good standing.

Just like Adland Pro, (you forgot to mention that one), which is basically an advertising platform, that became a community. And Yes, I am a capitalist too.

Not all pan out as you know, but the ones you mentioned are strong, one has been around since 1999 and doing well and the other is 3years old and Yes, those numbers are achievable in a perfectly filled matrix. As you and I both know that seldom if ever happens.

But you are welcome to ask any that I tutor weekly whether what I share with them helps them achieve their goals or not. Many in this community, have been helped unselfishly by me.

Unfortunately many do not like frank and direct talk and become insulted. Though that doesn't take away from the help they received.

Jim Allen III

Thanks for your participation in this discussion. ;-)

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/23/2010 3:43:16 AM

I received an email from a friend, here in Adland and I am proud to admit, I do have a plaque I am PROUD to share with you.

Born Again American

Add Your Voice
“. . . I am my country’s keeper.” Are you inspired to recommit yourself to being an active, involved and thoughtful citizen—a Born Again American? Join almost 5 million Americans who have already watched our video, almost 200,000 who signed our Pledge and thousands more who contributed lyrics, personal pledges and messages. As our Pledge says, You Matter.

Mary Evelyn Simpson, thank you for your words of encouragements It is folks like you that let me know, these discussions means a lot and I will continue adding to the conversation whether my views are popular or not.

One thing I have learned during all my re-education *(roflmao) is that our forefathers were far wiser than anyone I have met during these discussions
. None offer viable solutions without giving up our religion, our belief systems and capitulation to the SOCIALIST machines of death.

Elitist and Intellectuals only create problems to show their own superior intellects, ideology and dogmas. Most if not all of the references used by other contributors to this thread. Have their roots in Maoisms, Marxisms, Fascism, and yes Communism and also require you to give up religion. Even the "Venus Project's" kindly old man with a vision for future architecture, just no plan to get there.

Are you ready for a REAL EDUCATION
? Let's get started shall we?

the revelutionary holocaust
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live free or die
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Live Free Or Die
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A Year Ago...
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Revolutionary Holocaust
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Visit often and tune in at 5 PM EST on FOXNews and get educated as I have been told. Well I am becoming eduumacated and I have news for you. Anyone talking resource based economies, and to each as to his own need. Fails to mention that RELIGION is not part of the equation. (note: I believe in a creator but also believe religion was created by man, to explain the unexplainable. Therefore personally, I lean toward being an agnostic. Please don't try to convert me. I believe we all have instincts that tell us right from wrong. This is our common human thread.)

Also, they fail to mention your personal freedoms shall be controlled, including your mind, your ability to procreate, and anything else these so called intellectuals put forward. Read the book or watch the movie "DUNE" to get a clue.

Especially when talking RESOURCE Based Societies and adopting a new set of OLD RULES.

That have never created a workable model that did not include genocide worse than any Holocaust or

Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, we have experienced in the past. Pay close attention and RUNAWAY fast.

Learn how these "Self-Involved Forward Thinkers" Stalin, Marx, Mao, Hitler, Shaw and others, have planned, talked and joked about the 100 million souls they put to death. Learn about 70 million starved to death in a year, by these elitist and intellectual types with educations. I will take mine over theirs any day.

Our United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights are the only documents needed.

We just need to outlaw what the PROGRESSIVE/COMMUNIST Basterds have already put in place.

Going back to Clinton and maybe as far back as 1913. When the FED was created by these FORWARD THINKERS.

Social Engineering has NEVER worked out for the common folks. NEVER_EVER_Have they succeeded in anything but GENOCIDE and making themselves richer in the offing.

In this clip from the 2008 film "The Soviet Story", we see that George Bernard Shaw, the celebrated progressive playwright defended Hitler, advocated killing those who can't justify their existence and called for the development of lethal gas 10 years before the national socialists in Germany did exactly that.

George Bernard Shaw was one of the left's most revered figures and the only person besides Al Gore to win both an Oscar and a Nobel prize.
(history repeating itself?)

Dying words of George Bernard Shaw

The science to which I pinned my faith is bankrupt. Its counsels which should have established the millennium, led, instead, directly to the suicide of Europe. I believed them once. In their name I helped to destroy the faith of millions of worshipers in the temples of a thousand creeds. And now they look at me and witness the great tragedy of an atheist who has lost his faith.

—George Bernard Shaw

Jim Allen III

PS: Anyone telling you we all have to be one and forget our belief systems, forgo our religion and give up our rights for the good of the collective is a "BORG" and we know what happened to them.

  1. Borg - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki

    The Borg were a pseudo-race of cybernetic beings, or cyborgs, from the Delta Quadrant. No truly single individual existed within the Borg... - Cached - Similar

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/23/2010 9:28:49 PM

More education from Beck.

His facts have been checked and this is as close to the true story, you will have at your disposal. See if your hero, philosopher, idol or whatever shares these views told in this documentary. If they do RUN!

If you hate reading as it appears most do these days. Watch the video.

About This Video

'Live Free or Die'


'Live Free or Die'

Published: Fri, 22 Jan 2010

Description: Beck's eye-opening documentary sets out to correct progressive lies


Automatically Generated Transcript (may not be 100% accurate)

" Yeah."

" Welcome to a special edition of the Glenn Beck program. The storyof America. Is really one of self reliance and optimism. And profound-- Not only in the context of religious freedom but also in theunprecedented faith in the ability of human beings to control their owndestiny. And while the spirit of personal responsibility wasextraordinarily strong -- founder's great patriots like Thomas Paine heargued for the redistribution of wealth right at the bat. AlexanderHamilton he wanted to Central Bank. Well they wound up losing thosebattles but there were planning who kept on fighting. Constitution.Kept those dog today for a better part of 200 years but eventuallythose seeking a different path. Than the ones the founders settle onrealize the only way to really defeat the constitution was for thepeople to stop reading it. Progressives realize the victory requiredchanging history to defeat them we have to correct that. Progressivesknow how powerful history is when these truths get told and the -- isget corrected. The game is gonna be on it's. Pulling the mask off themonster. Next week we'll dive deeper into the progressive script buttoday we dismantle. The First Act. We've always been told that genocide-- dictators of the world -- just manifestations of the hateful right.That the left wing icons like Che and Mao and Stalin need to beunderstood in context. Tonight. We set the record straight."

" In -- time. -- it seems to move faster. The place. And it seemsto have no place for. A reality. That seems to have no connection. Toreality. So to get our feet on solid ground in the future. We mustfirst walk through the -- Why don't. Government is not the solution toour problem. The government is the problem. That's modern conservatismin a nutshell yet we're always told that Nazi Germany who controlledevery aspect of its citizens lives. Was somehow right wing. Is thattrue. Or is in an attempt to distract from other much moreinconvenient. Similarities. Say."

" You know Hitler was right Winger because an XY MCIsay what what -- decision on -- lines. -- common assumption. Is thatthe Nazis were a right wing phenomenon that are right wing party. Hitlerwas a man of the right and all the rest. There are a lot of problems ofthis his social agenda was for. By expanding universal access to healthcare. We're expanding access to education. It was -- cradle to gravewelfare state it was for attacking not big business and high financepeople say well Hitler -- labor unions. He was a right wing then well lately do wonders on our -- he is doing under Fidel Castro. Almost anything you can find on -- checklist that allegedly proves Hitlerwas a right Winger. You've been applied to almost -- one of the majorCommunist dictators of the twentieth century and similarities arealmost like that."

" Today this idea may seemed controversy. But as the Nazis wererising power it wasn't controversial. It was common knowledge. November28 nineteen -- five. A tiny article printed in the New York Timesdescribing the early internal struggle for the identity. Of the Nazis.A riot broke out after a Nazi speaker claimed that Lennon was thegreatest man second only to Hitler and the difference between communism and the Hitler faith. Was very slight. It wasn't just some nobody in the Nazi party who believe this it was this man. Hitler'sclosest ally to the very end -- handpicked successor miss chancellor.Joseph durables. Because it was so controversial. Durables and a masterof propaganda and stop talking about it in public. But his privatewritings revealed his change in approach. Wasn't a change of heart."

" From the Nazi Germany attacked. Soviet Union in 9041."

" Just a week before that he wrote. It in his diary that. That goalof the Nazi Germany would be destroyed his Jewish bulls should --maintain this -- they described it. And instead of field that is truesocialist. That's what he wrote in his diary and of course -- theZelaya. Bob."

" While he lied to his own diary. The Richards and the brownassured us then Germany have all sorts of members were members of onegroup joining the other group and vice Versa. They saw themselves asequally revolutionary. Organizations. Fighting each other for controlthe Nazis versus the Bolsheviks in Germany was really a case of Cokeversus Pepsi."

" Even as the Nazis were taking control of France the FrenchCommunist newspaper found reason to celebrate in these sad times it isexceptionally. Comforting to deceive many Parisian workers talking toGerman soldiers as friends. In the street or at the corner cafe as welldone comrades. And keep it up. Even if it -- pleases some of the middleclasses. As stupid as they are mischievous."

" The Communists. In the right shot. Voted almost uniformly win.The Nazis they voted in lock step and -- the slogan for the Communistsand right -- was first brown then red. The general understanding amongthe Communists among socialist back then was of that. Nazism was astepping stone towards the ultimate victory of socialism and communism."

" While Hitler certainly opposed communism outwardly -- he did so mainly because he disagreed with its internationalism."

" It was big crowd German he's German Nationalists the Germanjingoism -- patriot but I nationalist. And being rejected that elementof Marxist but he embraced. Socialism entirely he embraced the idea ofracial solidarity socialism for one race."

" Even in mind -- and he acknowledged that the movements were soclose. That if not for the focus on race and his national socialistmovement would really doing nothing more than compete with marxism. Onits own ground. But Nazi Germany that no corner on the market of racismand anti semitism."

" We can find many. Nazi like passages in the writings of Marx and-- where they've poured scorn on the Czechs and Hungarians and thevols. -- didn't like Spanish for example he said that Spanish offdegenerates. That some Mexican -- degenerated Spanish remarks we'llneed to remember was Jewish he was a self."

" in June he rejected Judaism and all the rest but he was Jewish and Hitlerhated. You know -- and it is not a news flash killer was a passionateanti semite he -- marxism. As corrupted. Where -- deep -- Jewishnature. The irony here is that so -- Marx Marx was a real anti semite.He wrote about the Jewish problem a generation before the Nazis startedtalking about the Jewish problem. Consider how we have to purge theJewish spirit from western civilization from global civilization. Hehad horrible racist things to say about Jews and the blacks. And Hitler very much inherited that Marxist analysis when it came to things like Jews and and other races."

" Sometimes it's hard to tell Hitler and marks thepart. Who wrote that Germany's neighbors should accept the physical andintellectual power of the German nation to subdue absorb andassimilate. It's ancient eastern neighbors. That's Karl Marx andFriedrich angles authors of the Communist manifesto. Almost a centurybefore the Holocaust. Hitler's underlying admiration for marxism. Was obvious."

" When animated film I was expecting actuallythat there will be similarities between nazism and Soviet communism butI was actually amazed to discover how similar when this -- and a -- wasso similar. That's six one on this -- and draw on them of course Ithink it is because. It is because -- they were both data ideologiesare very single an expression therefore it's very similar list as well."

" In my -- Hitler writes about the Nazi party flagwhich is this big red flag. We're a white disk in the middle was lostthat in the center vehicular explains it quite clearly in my -- of the-- the -- sea of -- with the swastika was then. Was intended to attractsocialist so his movement but the red flag with the emblem of the --what we call -- the reds."

" But it went deeper than similar ideology and imagery -- Germanylaunched a surprise attack on the Soviet Union in 1941. The Nazis andthe Soviets -- work together. They even put it in writing signing whatwas originally sold as a nonaggression. Pact. But just weeks later theywould invade Poland from opposite sides. It wasn't until much laterthat we would learn the full scope of the agreement."

" They signed an agreement in in 1929. That was called everythingfrom Molotov pact which. Had secret protocol -- street. And accordingto that secret protocol. They agreed on the divisional foe of theneighboring countries between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union -- thatwas a secret protocols."

" It's."

" Which essentially. In device did you ordered into told spheres.Of influence. -- didn't -- the and started. I -- was not so difficultfor them both of them but totalitarian. Regimes should be understoodeach other. It's. But in all kinds of -- materials. For the Germans.This was not just through an ethical friendship."

" An aspect of this collaboration was it deep mutual exchange ofprisoners basically German Communists and Jews they fled to some -- in-- to be safe from the Soviet Union and send them back to the -- Andmany of them of course what killed there and -- thing that Naziconcentration camps."

" But is this just the story a brutal iron fisted dictators. Orsomething inherent in the philosophy. The fathers of communism Marx and-- believe that societies would evolve from capitalism to socialism.But they acknowledged that there were still what they called primitivesocieties. That hadn't even -- falls into capitalist yet. They calledthem. Racial trash. As the revolution happens and it classes and therace is too weak to master the new conditions of life. -- must giveaway. There was only one thing left for those too far behind in theprocess of societal evolution. The chief mission of all other races andpeople's large and small -- to perish in the revolutionary holocaust.Up until the horrors of Hitlerprominent socialist supporters discuss these ideas out in the open.Nobel prize winner Fabian socialist and prominent Soviet supporterGeorge Bernard --"

" But that didn't happen -- number of people who might want -- Ithink it would be. -- Yeah Bucky Covington a lot of companies -- won't.And -- me I need you. That you. Couldn't and many. How we'll be comingup on me. You're not couldn't -- much of lost -- Can't -- we haven'tyou. I'll keep the human -- because you're not -- not -- and happynight."

" And this was actually somewhat subtle for -- He also foreshadowsome of the worst atrocities in our planet's history. He wrote -- Iappealed to the chemists to discover -- humane gas that will killinstantly and painlessly. In short. A gentlemanly guest. Deadly by allmeans but Jumaine. Not rule."

" People like George Bernard Shaw. Were convinced. That overpopulation. Was this terrible terrible problem particularly because theunfit. The genetically less desirable. -- The good genetic types in thelate nineteenth century there are. I almost the cream of Britishintelligentsia. Embracing. Eugenics well into the early twentiethcentury saying that. Thousands millions had to be marched off into gaschambers and liquidated. George Bernard -- this great line where hesays you know. We should do it while playing lovely classical musicas we mark them into the gas -- him. -- By the Nazis it wasn't it wasyou know in it and -- and I mean this in the most disgusting evil wayit was perfected by the -- But this idea of using things like gaschambers to kill off millions of people. I'm so that the rest of thegood guys could prosper and moved to the sunny up -- of history. Wasimmensely I."

" All of these systems are based on the idea that. We know better-- the little people get in the way of our plan. Well first will goaround them. And then we'll destroy them. This arrogance always endsexactly the same way. One of history's worst examples. The genocide.You've never heard --"

Jim Allen III

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/23/2010 9:37:23 PM

January 22, 2010

The Cult of Che

Beck exposes the reality behind Ernesto Guevara's pop image

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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