Earlier this week Professor Jonathan A.C. Brown of Georgetown University delivered a lecture titled “Islam and the Problem of Slavery” capped off by a truly revolting Q&A session during which Brown took issue with idea that slavery is morally wrong, while also claiming that sexual consent is a relative concept. Brown, a 39-year-old convert to Islam, read from his paper, "Slavery and Islam -- Part 1: The Problem of Slavery," which you can read here. (Yes, this implies there are more parts to come but there's enough material to question already.) The essay is exactly the type of gobbledygook that emanates so frequently from religious studies departments. His main contention is that the word 'slavery' is not a particularly useful term because throughout the ages there have many different types of slavery with varying degrees of ownership, subjugation, exploitation, and brutality. That, in a nutshell is his argument. As for the Q&A after the lecture, it's just plain nuts. The Q&A (you can hear it and the lecture in full here) was an especially dizzying tour de force of intellectual obscurantism and baseless snobbery. (For those who wonder if I have selectively edited his remarks or removed them from context, I have placed timestamps below so that you may refer to the proper interval and hear for yourself.) Brown says, "There is no such thing as slavery, as a category, as a conceptual category that exists throughout space and time transhistorically." Thus, ‘slavery’ as a term is too subjective and loaded for Americans to use when applying it to anything in Islamic civilization: Brown: [59:57] But actually you know, slavery in Islam or slavery in any other place doesn’t have any necessary connection to what we think of slavery in an American context. In fact I actually think this is sort of exporting our sin here because we take our history of slavery and we just dump that onto other people... But I think if you took the Sharia understanding of slavery and even the general [unintelligible] of slavery in Islamic civilization, I don’t think it’s comparable at all to plantation chattel slavery in the Americas. It’s just not comparable at all.
Georgetown Professor Condones Rape And Slavery Under ShariaNo flap has ensued at Georgetown University after one of its professors declared, 'It’s not immoral for one human to own another human.'
Many folks have gone off their rockers promoting diversity and standing up for the ""little guy"" against bullying. Well the new bully is that person off their rockers even more because NOW the Twisted Liberal Progressive Left has Justified SLAVERY! Can you believe that?!!! Yes! College Professors now Justify SLAVERY. The LOONEY TUNES Among us will Get us All Enslaved or Killed!
Georgetown Professor Condones Rape And Slavery Under ShariaNo flap has ensued at Georgetown University after one of its professors declared, 'It’s not immoral for one human to own another human.' Jonathan A.C. Brown (Photo: Video screenshot) A Georgetown professor of Islamic studies sent shockwaves through the academic and secular world for a lecture he gave essentially condoning Islamic slavery and nonconsensual sex (that’s academic for “rape”). That would have been the opening sentence to comment on such a lecture if we lived in normal times – which we don’t. The lecture in question actually created very little stir – neither at the university where he is employed nor elsewhere save for some very astute blogs (see here and here) deconstructing the professor’s astonishing breadth of obfuscation. In a lecture (see below) at the International Institute of Islamic Thought (a Muslim-Brotherhood-linked group) and in subsequent questions and answers following his talk, Georgetown Islamic Studies professor Jonathan Brown, a convert to Islam, declares: “It’s not immoral for one human to own another human.” He waxes poetic about the great life a slave has under sharia law (versus slavery under white men in the South) without actually defining that life. Perhaps, as Clarion Project has done, he should get his information from a Yazidi girl from Iraq. Brown says slavery itself is not problematic, since the “the Prophet of God [Mohammed] had slaves … There’s no denying that. Was he—are you more morally mature than the Prophet of God? No you’re not.” Rather, “The moral evil is extreme forms of deprivation of rights and extreme forms of control and extreme forms of exploitation. I don’t think it’s morally evil to own somebody because we own lots of people all around us, and we’re owned by people.” Brown mentions examples such as an employer and an employee, taking out a mortgage and even his own marriage, since his wife held certain rights over him. Somehow, the fact that one engages in these activities from his or her own free will and has the ability to terminate such relationships went over the professor’s head, or he chose to ignore them. https://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/georgetown-professor-condones-rape-and-slavery-under-sharia