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Jim Allen

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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
2/17/2014 2:18:11 PM

"Of all the different ways I have used to help my fellow non-Muslim citizens understand Islamic doctrine, this method has consistently worked the best: Simply talk about an interesting book I'm currently reading, and add in a few fundamental facts in the middle in such a way that they don't want to argue with me because they want to hear the rest of the story. So they are left with this disturbing piece of information about Islamic doctrine, delivered in a very convincing manner (in this case, the Koran's ugly secrets were confirmed by Thomas Jefferson and me), and all done within a context of good rapport and in a way that remains completely non-confron

Three Things About Islam

"The story takes place when Thomas Jefferson was president. But before he became president, he was the American ambassador to France and he met the ambassador to Tripoli. He and John Adams sat down with Tripoli's ambassador and asked him, 'Why does your country attack our ships? We've never done anything to you.' The ambassador said, 'Our Koran commands us to make war on the infidels.'

"Jefferson found this hard to believe, so he bought a copy of the Koran and read it. As far as I know, he's the only president who ever did this. I read the Koran myself, and let me tell you, it is a shocker. Jefferson found out that the Tripoli ambassador was telling the truth. It is a Muslim's duty to make war on infidels until the whole world is Islamic. It is not optional, according to the Koran. It is an obligation of all Muslims."

I didn't know this, will have to do a bit of research.

There is no "bravery" here with this Palestinian child. All that this shows is indoctrination and hatred installed by parents suffering from the psychosis of Islam.

That "peace" symbol on her shirt is actually an anti-Christian symbol that the Free Love Luciferians popularized. It was revived in the 60's with the Luciferian Hippy Free Love counterculture movement. It is the symbol of the Broken Cross enclosed in the occult circle. The "Love" is from the Free Lovers who worship Lucifer as their savior, and believe that Jews are corrupters of the Christians. They believe Jews brought greed and Capitalism into the world, and they believe Jews must be eradicated; they believe that Christians were mislead by the Jews must be converted or eradicated. It is an occult Marxist ideology of social justice and liberation theology......Islam is the same ideology which goes back to anti-Biblical principles and a war against the God of the Jews. So many people question why it is that the American Left and Islamists stand together. Their answer is an ancient occult and highly racist ideology called Aryanism." - Whenesh-pii Ndishnikaaz Neegoniwabungigaywin

THANK YOU...... did not know this.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
2/17/2014 2:19:59 PM

Profits for "the Prophet's" Followers: Where Does It Come From?


Since Muhammad, orthodox Muslims have found methods to simultaneously weaken non-Muslims while strengthening Islam. Muhammad raided the caravans of his enemies, for example, which materially supported his army while impoverishing Islam's enemies.

With the establishment of the jizya — the tax Christians and Jews must pay in Muslim countries — the power of the Muslim state increases while simultaneously weakening competing ideologies.

Al Qaeda and the Taliban are following Muhammad's example. The organizations and their operations are funded in two ways. One is bygrowing opium and selling it to the infidels, which of course, is a way to simultaneously strengthen their cause and weaken their enemies. The answer to this is to not buy their drugs, of course. And try to prevent it from being imported into our country. And to do whatever we can to stop funding the forces working against us.

The second way Al Qaeda and the Taliban are funded is with Saudi oil money, a source of money that also supports the Muslim Brotherhood, the Muslim Students Association, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (the OIC, the largest voting bloc in the U.N. and the largest international organization outside the U.N.).

Saudi Arabia is the most influential member of the illegal price fixing cartel, OPEC, and Saudi Arabia insists on keeping the world price of oil high — simultaneously strengthening orthodox Islam and weakening non-Muslims globally. Iran is also an influential member of OPEC. Iranian oil money funds their nuclear program, and financially supports Hezbollah and Hamas.

In other words, OPEC keeps the world price of oil high, which simultaneously strengthens their cause and weakens their enemies. The answer to this is to not buy their oil, of course. And try to prevent it from being imported into our country. And to do whatever we can to stop funding the forces working against us.

But there's a catch. We produce oil ourselves. Many people believe the answer is to keep using oil but avoid importing any. But whether we import OPEC oil or drill it at home, the world's oil price remains the same because OPEC produces such a large percentage of the world's oil supply that they can dictate the price. And if we don't import it, other infidels will, and at OPEC's inflated price. So the third jihad retains its funding whether we abstain from importing oil or not. In fact, even if we import none of their oil, we still import their price because our own oil producers sell it to us at the world oil price, not some specially discounted price for their fellow citizens.

But if we could drill enough, couldn't we lower the world's oil price? Yes, if we could drill the equivalent of what all twelve OPEC nations produce, we might do it. But the oil produced in infidel nations is more expensive to produce, so if our domestic oil producers drilled enough oil to drop the global price, it would likely stop being profitable for most of them. Saudi Arabia has the advantage because theirs is the cheapest-to-produce oil in the world.

So they have us over a barrel. But only as long as oil retains its monopoly. As soon as the fuel market has competition, the monopoly will be broken, fuel prices will drop drastically, new businesses will boom in our country because the new competing fuels will be produced domestically, and the regimes running the OPEC nations will collapse because they won't be able to sustain their spending. Funds now promoting jihad around the world will dry up. And the economies of the free world will thrive.

This is entirely possible. And this year we could see the oil monopoly go the way of AT&T's long-distance monopoly. Two developments in the United States show a great deal of promise: The Fuel Freedom Foundation will be initiating several pilot projects in U.S. cities in 2014, and a bill has already been introduced into the U.S. Congress that would instantly create fuel competition in America. It's called the Open Fuel Standard Actand several powerful organizations have endorsed it, including ACT for America and the U.S. Energy Security Council.

Breaking oil's monopoly is the most effective way to suffocate the third jihad. Ending oil's monopoly on transportation would simultaneously weaken the global jihad and strengthen non-Muslim nations around the world. Please throw your weight behind this movement and help your fellow non-Muslims see the wisdom and urgency in opening transportation fuel to a free market. The way to win this war is to concentrate our forces at the decisive point. Oil's monopoly is the decisive point.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
2/18/2014 9:07:07 PM
American-Muslim Threatens to kill all Whites

Here is a video I have uploaded on behalf of Coma_America. Its a look at radical islam in the USA and how this radical muslim is threatening to kill every white person on earth.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
2/20/2014 3:02:15 AM

CAIR Tries to Get Anti-Islamist Muslim Fired from Gov't Group

Jasser is a devout Muslim and fierce opponent of the Muslim Brotherhood and its Islamist ideology. He campaigns relentlessly for democracy and the separation of “mosque and state.”

In the last two weeks, CAIR has appealed twice to USCIF’s Chairman Robert George to investigate Jasser – first for an interview Jasser gave to the media about the military’s new policy to allow service personnel to wear religious items (like a turban or hijab) or grow a beard, and second, about Jasser accepting funding for his organization, the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, from a foundation that also gives money to other groups fighting Islamists and exposing their extremist ideology (groups that CAIR labels as “Islamophobes”).

The U.S. government labeled CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation for financing the Hamas terrorist group. CAIR was listed among “individuals/entities who are/were members of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee and/or its organizations.” The Palestine Committee is a secret body set up to advance the Brotherhood/Hamas agenda.

Yet, CAIR maintains that Jasser should be disqualified from the commission for “accepting financial support from anti-Muslim groups while he is serving on a commission advocating for religious freedom.”

In response to CAIR’s letter to USCIRF, Jasser said that CAIR was “trying to silence the opposition.”

“The Islamist bullies at CAIR would not be paying so much attention to us lately at the American Islamic Forum for Democracy if we weren’t actually so effective in gaining traction among Muslims as well as in exposing [CAIR’s] own hypocrisy and anti-AmericanIslamism,” Jasser said.

“It is rather pathetic for an organization which purports to be about American and Muslim interests to squander its resources attacking other American Muslims as well as patriotic American foundations with their fabricated claims of ‘Islamophobia,’ all the while their directors send letters to foreign dictators and autocrats, enemies of the U.S., begging for money.”

Jasser was referring to appeals made by CAIR for funding from the late dictator of Libya, Muammar Qaddafi, as well as the numerousmedia appearance made by CAIR on Iranian state-funded Press-TV.

“Good luck finding in CAIR’s well-funded press releases any criticism of the fascist Iranian theocrats or the Saudi government who make the oppression and torture of truly moderate Muslims a matter of practice while CAIR turns those Muslims a blind eye,” Jasser continued.

“This all should certainly make every American wonder why a so-called American Muslim civil rights organization is so upset about a reformist, anti-Islamist Muslim sitting on a commission like USCIRF which focuses on the advocacy of religious freedom abroad – often in defense of Muslims and non-Muslims alike, targeted by so many regimes with which CAIR is apparently so cozy.”

CAIR also objected to Jasser’s opinion about religious accommodation in the military. In the interview that Jasser gave to Fox about the military’s new guidelines, Jasser said that in his 11 years of serving in the U.S. military,”[I] was able to practice my faith, fast, pray – and I never saw the need for this type of bending over backwards for political correctness.”

While Jasser said he welcomed the military’s new guidelines that encourage more enlistment of different religions (for example, Muslim women who wear hijabs, Jewish men who wear yarmulkas and Sikh men who are required to have a beard), he expressed reservations about the extent of the accommodations – particularly in areas where such accommodations would create an opening for “litigation jihadists, represented by groups like CAIR and others, to use this as a club on the head of officers that want to maintain safety and mission readiness.”

Distorting Jasser’s words, CAIR wrote a letter to USCIRF saying that Jasser was “seeking to deny religious rights to Muslim military personnel,” which called into doubt his ability to “represent our nation’s interest in protecting minority religions internationally with any integrity.”

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
2/20/2014 3:05:01 AM
American-Muslim Threatens to kill all Whites

Here is a video I have uploaded on behalf of Coma_America. Its a look at radical islam in the USA and how this radical muslim is threatening to kill every white person on earth.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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