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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
1/10/2014 10:49:01 PM

Syria: Jihadis training U.S. Muslims to carry out jihad attacks when they return home


Don't expect U.S. "moderates" to help identifying and stopping these jihadis. When asked what he thought about the participation of U.S. Muslims in the Kenya mall jihad massacre, Hamas-linked CAIR's Ibrahim "Honest Ibe" Hooper replied, "Who cares?"

"Syria Militants Said to Recruit Visiting Americans to Attack U.S.," by Michael S. Schmidt and Eric Schmitt for the New York Times, January 9 (thanks to Jerk Chicken):

WASHINGTON — Islamic extremist groups in Syria with ties to Al Qaeda are trying to identify, recruit and train Americans and other Westerners who have traveled there to get them to carry out attacks when they return home, according to senior American intelligence and counterterrorism officials.

These efforts, which the officials say are in the early stages, are the latest challenge that the conflict in Syria has created, not just for Europe but for the United States, as the civil war has become a magnet for Westerners seeking to fight with the rebels against the government of President Bashar al-Assad. At least 70 Americans have either traveled to Syria, or tried to, since the civil war started three years ago, according to the intelligence and counterterrorism officials — a figure that has not previously been disclosed.

The director of the F.B.I., James B. Comey, said Thursday that tracking Americans who have returned from Syria had become one of the bureau’s highest counterterrorism priorities.

“We are focused on trying to figure out what our people are up to, who should be spoken to, who should be followed, who should be charged,” Mr. Comey said in a meeting with reporters, without referring to specific numbers. “I mean, it’s hard for me to characterize beyond that. It’s something we are intensely focused on.”

Fearing that the handful of Americans who have returned to the United States pose a threat because they may have received extensive training and jihadist indoctrination, the F.B.I. is conducting costly round-the-clock surveillance on a small number of these individuals, according to the officials.

“We know Al Qaeda is using Syria to identify individuals they can recruit, provide them additional indoctrination so they’re further radicalized, and leverage them into future soldiers, possibly in the U.S.,” said a senior counterterrorism official, who, like half a dozen other top intelligence, law enforcement and diplomatic officials interviewed for this article, spoke on the condition of anonymity because he did not want to be identified discussing delicate national security issues.

In Europe, where larger numbers are leaving for Syria, officials share the same concern and are working closely with American authorities to coordinate measures to stem the flow and track those who return.

Analysts say at least 1,200 European Muslims have gone to fight since the start of the civil war. In a confidential memo on Nov. 26, Gilles de Kerchove, the European Union’s counterterrorism coordinator, warned that “the first returnees have come back, and there are cases where individuals continue traveling back and forth.”

Most of the Americans who have traveled to Syria are still there, the officials said, though a few have died on the battlefield. Nicole Lynn Mansfield, 33, of Flint, Mich., a convert to Islam, was killed last May while with Syrian rebels in Idlib Province.

Another American, Eric G. Harroun, a former Army soldier from Phoenix, was indicted in Virginia by a federal grand jury last year on charges related to allegations that he fought alongside the Nusra Front, one of the Syrian opposition groups linked to Al Qaeda. In September, he pleaded guilty to a lesser charge involving conspiracy to transfer defense articles and services, and was released from custody.

Mr. Harroun’s involvement was hardly a secret. Last February, he bragged about his role, posting a photo on his Facebook page saying, “Downed a Syrian Helicopter then Looted all Intel and Weapons!”

American officials say their concerns about the recruitment and training of Americans are based on intelligence gleaned from passenger travel records, human sources on the ground in Syria, intercepted electronic communications, social media postings and surveillance of Americans overseas who have expressed interest in traveling to Syria. The authorities are also trying to identify Americans traveling there by scouring travel data that the European Union has been providing to the Department of Homeland Security as part of a 2011 agreement....

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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The Islamization of America in 2013
1/10/2014 11:04:16 PM

The Islamization of America in 2013


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    (Breitbart) – Since I wrote my book Stop the Islamization of America and established the Stop Islamization of America initiative of my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), we have seen increasing accommodation and submission to Islam in the United States. This past year was a particularly good year for Islamic supremacists, who are working furiously in this country to impose Sharia (Islamic law) — and in particular, the blasphemy laws under the Sharia.

    The Islamic supremacist approach is stealthier here in the States than it is in Europe, where we see no-go zones, mass car burnings, etc., because Europe currently has a much bigger Muslim population than the U.S. does. More on Muslim immigration here.

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    That kind of aggression is in our future, for nothing is being done to prevent its coming here. The few of us who dare to speak against Sharia and jihad are blacklisted from the mainstream media’s major newspaper and broadcast outlets. Trimmers (those who soften the message about Islam or speak of “Islamism,” an artificial word making a distinction without a difference) and Islamic apologists are dusted off and trotted out to make some inane comment whenever the mainstream media cannot avoid covering a jihad news story (such as the Boston Marathon jihad bombing). But the effective true voices against Islamization, such as myself, Robert Spencer, Wafa Sultan, and Ibn Warraq are rarely seen these days.

    It’s never been as bad as it is now, and we have never been proven so right as we were in 2013. In the U.S., in a survey released at the end of 2012, almost half of the Muslims in America said that they thought parodies of Muhammad should be subject to criminal prosecution. One in eight thought that insulting Islam should be a death penalty offense. Forty percent said that they shouldn’t have to obey U.S. laws, but should be subject only to Islamic law.

    These findings should have come as no surprise; they weren’t much different from those of a May 2013 survey of Muslims worldwide. The survey showed that the harshest Sharia punishments enjoy broad support among Muslims the world over: “72% of Indonesian Muslims, 84% of Pakistani Muslims, 82% of Bengladeshi Muslims, 74% of Egyptian Muslims, and 71% of Nigerian Muslims supported making Sharia the official state law of their respective societies.” 85% of Muslims in Pakistan, 81% in Afghanistan, and 70% in Egypt supported the most brutal aspects of Sharia, such as amputating the hands of thieves. 86% of Muslims in Pakistan, 84% in Afghanistan, and 80% in Egypt supported stoning for adultery. 75% in Pakistan, 79% in Afghanistan, and 88% in Egypt favored executing those who leave Islam. “91% of Iraqi Muslims and 99% of Afghan Muslims supported making Sharia the official state law of their respective societies.”

    And in America, wherever Islamic law and American law conflict, it is increasingly American law that gives way. Islam is even taught in public schools, according to a report at The Blaze:

    An elementary school teacher in Chesapeake, Va. has been charged with simple assault after a parent claimed her daughter’s hand was cut open as a result of the teacher yanking her arm aggressively while trying to teach students an “Islamic hand sign.”

    In November 2012, a Muslim mother went on trial for beating her teenage daughter after the girl refused an arranged marriage and was seen at school talking to a boy who was not her planned husband. Her devout Muslim father stabbed his daughter in the neck, leaving a wound an inch and a half long, and admitted that he tried to kill her. This couple was freed: the mother got two years of probation.

    This was Arizona. Not Yemen, not Iran, but Phoenix. This is the Sharia in America, for honor violence is not merely sanctioned in Islam, it is encouraged. And honor murder of the offspring is sanctioned under Islam: according to Reliance of the Traveller: A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, “not subject to retaliation” is “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring” (o1.1-2).

    The following month, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which has now been declared a terrorist organization by the Egyptian government, spoke at a mosque in Brooklyn. The NYPD enforced the Sharia there as well, arresting a man who came to protest against Brotherhood atrocities in Egypt. One must not criticize Islam or its self-appointed representatives – even in Brooklyn.

    In another Sharia ruling that same month, a federal judge ruled against a Tulsa police captain who had exercised his First Amendment rights and refused to force some of his subordinates to attend a dawah (Islamic proselytizing) event at a Tulsa mosque. If these police officers had been required to go to a church, they’d have won their case.

    In Minnesota in November 2013, the YMCA and the St. Paul Police Department organized a Muslim swim, restricted to Muslim women only, with taxpayer dollars. The police department is providing transportation for the Muslimas to segregated Sharia swim at the YMCA. There are thousands of Islamic centers across the country — Sharia swim belongs there, not in our public pools. If it is so crucial that these Muslims live under Sharia, why move here? Why not live in a Sharia state?

    Instead, Sharia is coming here. In June 2013, it was revealed that the San Francisco Airport used public money to construct a foot-washing station for Muslims. Harvard University in January 2013 posted a Qur’anic verse at the entrance of its faculty of law,describing the verse as one of the greatest expressions for justice in history, heedless of the fact that Sharia law is the antithesis of America law. The Constitution is the great shining moment of Western civilization, based on individual rights, the premise of which is the opposite of Islamic law.

    In Minnesota, a Catholic university, the University of St. Thomas, in January 2013installed mini-mosques and Islamic foot baths for Muslims. Where are the cathedrals and pews in the madrassas? There is no reciprocity in Islam. Non-Muslims cannot pray in mosques. Non-Muslims are only permitted into mosques for dawah (proselytizing). Islamic outreach goes only one way: to Islam. But this is a Catholic university turning itself over to the very ideology that inspires the mass slaughter of Christians across the world. It is astonishing and horrifying in the same breath.

    Public schools in Florida are teaching that Muhammad is “God’s messenger.” In Indiana, a Muslim family went from classroom to classroom in a public school, handing out material proselytizing for Islam. Texas public school students were made to wear burqas. In January 2013 in Maryland, Muslim high school students demanded prayer accommodations in a public school.

    In August 2013, a Tennessee elementary school banned pork to avoid offending Muslims.Children are drawing the five pillars of Islam in Tennessee public schools. The Nashville, Tennessee public school system is teaching dangerous lies in an Islamic lesson plan written by Islamic dissemblers and rife with grammatical errors and poor English. Where are the children’s drawings of Christ on the cross? Where are the teachings of the Rashi? Where is the Chumash?

    This isn’t public education. This is dawah. And it is happening all over, but patriots are fighting back: in September 2013, an Ohio mom got an Islamic proselytizing videoremoved from her child’s seventh-grade history class. In November 2013, hundreds of parents protested against pro-Islam indoctrination contained in a public school textbook.

    In New York, the NYPD is enforcing Sharia as well: police have orders not to ticket cars that are illegally parked outside of mosques. The NYPD lets Muslims break laws ordinary citizens would ordinarily face extensive punitive damages for, simply because they are Muslims. If someone is double parked because he is going to church, he would get a ticket right away.

    Other Muslims in Brooklyn flex their muscles by holding prayers out on the street, making it impossible for anyone to pass.

    Meanwhile, the media and law enforcement turn a blind eye to abuse when Muslim are its perpetrators. In October 2013, a student at a Muslim school in Ohio reported that “if they do not learn their religious passages as they are instructed,” they are at time “chained to a wall by their wrists and ankles and beaten with a long stick.” The imams of Sacramento’s two largest mosques in June 2013 declared that Muhammad had forbidden music. The media yawned.

    The media kept yawning when those whom it had anointed as “moderates” were repeatedly exposed as “extremists.” In December 2012, a Bangladesh tribunal accused the New York imam and President of the “moderate” Islamic Circle of North America, Ashrafuzzaman Khan, of war crimes and mass murder. Not until ten months later did ICNA remove Khan’s name from its website — in the same way as Muslim groups and Islamic supremacists in America scrub their narrative of the jihadic doctrine and the brutal and bloody Sharia (although at that time Khan was still listed on the contact page for the North American Imams Federation Northeast regional office).

    I’d like to know what took so long. Why did they stand behind this vicious, bloodthirsty savage all this time? Because he is a devout Muslim adhering to Islamic texts and teachings?

    The most prominent “moderate” organization, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), despite its Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood ties and the convictions of several of its officials on jihad terror charges, continued to enjoy mainstream acceptance in 2013. Melvin Bledsoe, the father of Muslim jihad terrorist Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, actually pleaded with a Florida school board to stop CAIR from giving presentations in public schools.

    But mostly CAIR advanced unopposed. No one was particularly concerned when it came to light that a CAIR-tied American imam, Khalid Yasin, inspired the devout Muslim who beheaded a British soldier on a public street in London, or when former CAIR-New York official Cyrus McGoldrick justified the beheading, claiming that “British and American soldiers commit worse atrocities against Muslims every day.” Nor did anyone seem to mind when CAIR told the family of a dead jihadist not to talk to the FBI.

    In February 2013, the Maryland chapter of CAIR announced that its operatives had testified at a hearing of the Maryland General Assembly’s Health & Government Operations Committee in support a law that “would prohibit any state agency or employee from aiding in the detention of a person in accordance with what many say are unconstitutional provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).” How was it that a Muslim Brotherhood-linked group would be testifying on such a matter? It would be like Nazis testifying at hearings during World War II on the detention of Third Reich “detainees.”

    And in August 2013, in another incident indicative of undeserved CAIR’s mainstream status, a pro-jihad CAIR official gave a presentation on “Understanding Sharia & Family Law Mediation” at a legal conference on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). In the environment in which all this is happening, it is no surprise that your First Amendment rights are being obliterated. John Jamason, a patriot in Florida, posted a message on Facebook on our national day of grief, September 11: “Never forget. There is no such thing as radical Islam. All Islam is radical. There may be Muslims who don’t practice their religion, much like others. The Quran is a book that preaches hate.”

    For that, Hamas-tied CAIR called for his firing. Palm Beach County Administrator Bob Weisman said that Jamason would have been fired had he not been a merit system employee. Yet Jamason’s message was true. Twelve years after 9/11, Islamic blasphemy law was quickly becoming the law of the land. Jamason, however, stood his ground and said to reporters: “If I owe anybody an apology, it would be the county commissioners and county administration just for the fact that you’re all on my porch. No, I don’t think I owe anybody an apology, I didn’t say anything offensive.”

    He didn’t do or say anything offensive. But when it comes to Islam, there is nothing too small or insignificant that cannot be deemed “offensive.” CAIR worked in numerous other ways also to bring the Sharia to the U.S. In one notable instance, it filed suit against DHL to impose Muslim prayer times on the workplace in Kentucky. It is not required for a Muslim to pray at a certain time if necessity makes it impossible to do so. Prayer is not absolutely required a strict schedule, and Muslim prayers are commonly “made up” after work or school. Suits like the one are merely devices in which to impose Islam on non-believers.

    The Obama Administration helped out with that endeavor in 2013. For the first time, Muslim Brotherhood groups and Islamic supremacists have an administration working with them to impose Sharia, the authoritarian system of Islamic oppression, on the U.S. Obama’s Justice Department announced, in an out-of-the-way corner of Tennessee, its intention to criminalize free speech on social media posts that Muslims found offensive. AFDI/SIOA called for a protest of this attempt to impose Islam’s blasphemy laws on Americans – and in a town of 10,000 people, we had two thousand patriots showed up.

    In keeping with Obama’s vow that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam,” the filmmaker of a video on Muhammad that the Administration falsely blamed for the Benghazi jihad attack of September 11, 2012 was imprisoned: Obama’s first political prisoner. In August 2013, he finally got “supervised release” from jail.

    In May 2013, the Sharia administration strikes again. The EEOC sued Star Transport for rightfully terminating two Muslims who refused to do their job and transport alcohol. If these Muslim truck drivers didn’t want to deliver alcohol, then they shouldn’t have taken a job in which part of their duties would be to deliver alcohol. It’s that simple. The EEOC needs reminding that its name is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. “Equal” as in no special rights for any particular class.

    In a similar case in November 2013, a Muslim was awarded $66,000 in back pay after he was fired for refusing to shave his beard in accordance with company rules. This ruling could put the company, American Patriot, out of business. That’s the whole point: Muslim Brotherhood groups demand that non-Muslims adhere to the Sharia, or they’ll destroy them. And they use American law to impose Islamic law. Islamic supremacists chip chip away at the establishment clause, and in doing so, impose Islam on the secular marketplace.

    Muslim lawsuits against Hertz, Wal-Mart, Target, Disney, and a host of other American businesses for special rights and special accommodation have been largely successful, creating special rights for a special class of people — which is an accordance with Islam (in which Muslims are superior to the kuffar). But it goes against every American tenet of individual rights and separation of religion and state.

    Muslim Brotherhood groups continued their influence on the Obama Administration in 2013, while the mainstream media heaped ridicule on Michele Bachmann and anyone else who dared to suggest that this influence might exist. Yet for the first time in history, America is supporting pro-Sharia, anti-freedom forces on a large scale – the same enemy that struck us on September 11, 2001. This has resulted in the loss of Egypt and Libya and perhaps eventually the whole of Africa to Islamic supremacist regimes.

    With all this happening, it is no surprise that the culture has accepted the norming of Sharia restrictions. The Wall Street Journal reported in July 2013 that Joyce Carol Oates set off a firestorm on Twitter “with a pair of tweets about sexual violence in Egypt.” One asked: “Where 99.3% of women report having been sexually harassed & rape is epidemic–Egypt–natural to inquire: what’s the predominant religion?”

    Even for a revered leftist icon like Joyce Carol Oates, the resulting uproar was swift and predictable. Umair Haque of the Harvard Business Review fumed: “Don’t miss @JoyceCarolOates coming out publicly as a serious bigot. Check out her tweets today, they’re awesomely gross!” Salon’s Prachi Gupta smeared Oates as “Islamophobic.” Feminists and Islamic supremacists alike lined up to condemn Oates as a racist-Islamophobic-anti-Muslim-bigot.

    Welcome to my world, Joyce. Wait until she broaches subjects such as honor killings, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, child marriage, etc. Wait until she dares to subject that Islam has something to do with those, too, as it obviously does. Something tells me she enjoys the blacklist. The sharp, piercing shrieks against the truth speak volumes and expose the left for the monsters they are.

    In November 2013, Conan O’Brien tweeted this innocuous joke about Marvel’s new Muslim superheroine: “She has so many more special powers than her husband’s other wives.”

    Didn’t Conan know that you cannot joke about Islam and Sharia, or misogyny, gender apartheid, creed apartheid, misogyny, or polygamy under the Sharia? It’s blasphemy. Off with his head. Islamic supremacists and their leftist tools went after Conan immediately, calling him a racist, and he apologized. First off, Islam is not a race. Secondly, multiple wives are encouraged in Islam. 70% of American Muslims say that polygamy should be legalized in the US, with over 100,000 Muslims engaging in polygamy here in America.

    And also worth noting is the fact that Muhammad’s favorite wife was six years old when he married her. This Muslima superhero is 16 — practically an old lady. Conan didn’t joke about that. And lastly, where is Marvel’s Christian superheroine, Jewish superheroine, Hindu superheroine, et al?

    In October 2013, my law firm, the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC), on behalf of AFDI, struck a blow against this Sharia self-enforcement. We filed a motion asking the federal court in Seattle to order the King County transit authorities to run our anti-terrorism advertisement featuring photos of 16 of the world’s Most Wanted Terrorists. The link to the motion is here.

    Yes, 12 years after 9/11, it has come to this: We have to file suit to fight against jihad terrorism. As Walid Shoebat put it, “posting the images of wanted terrorists is now the business of hatemongers and those who defend said terrorists are freedom’s champions.”

    It all started last July, when the FBI ran a terrorism awareness campaign featuring bus ads depicting photos of 16 wanted terrorists, all of whom were Muslim. This was a publicity campaign sponsored by the Joint Terrorism Task Force for the State Department’s Rewards for Justice program, or RFJ. But then the leftists and Islamic supremacists complained that the ads were “Islamophobic,” and they came down – and unbelievably, Seattle is refusing to allow my group, the AFDI, to put them back up.

    The Islamic supremacist enemies of free speech won a victory in Boston. My organization AFDI tried to place pro-Israel ads in Boston, countering anti-Israel ads that ran there. Our ad read, “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat jihad.”

    The ad was rejected, and we sued. In late December 2013, U.S. District Court Judge Gorton ruled against us in our preliminary injunction against Boston’s Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA). No surprise here, during our hearing Judge Gorton said that he did not have the authority to rule on matters out of his jurisdiction. Still, Gorton dropped the ball on the question of “reasonableness.”

    This is Boston, after all, site of the most recent jihad bombing in America, so Gorton’s ruling is sad and regrettable. We will, of course, appeal. But the willful ignorance of MBTA authorities is no surprise: after all, the mainstream media tried to blame the Boston Marathon bombing on Americans being unwelcoming to immigrants, while the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI dropped the ball: although Russia warned them several times about the jihadist activities of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, they never placed him under surveillance. And in September 11, 2013, a Boston school recited a Muslim prayer instead of the Pledge of Allegiance.

    And when we ran ads telling the truth about jihad and Islamic anti-Semitism in San Francisco in March 2013, a host of city officials, including the District Attorney and several city lawmakers, held a news conference to denounce our ads. The slaughter of Christians in Nigeria, Egypt, Syria, et al — that didn’t warrant a statement, let alone a press conference, but my ads did. Think about that. Thousands dead, but it would be blasphemy to talk about that. Slaughter in the cause of jihad is okay; my talking about it is the problem.

    When we followed up by running ads highlighting the persecution of gays in Muslim countries, the head of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission, transgender Theresa Sparks, supported the Sharia and denounced our ad campaign. Our campaign used actual anti-gay quotes of Iran’s former President Ahmadinejad, global Muslim spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi, and a popular radio host in the UK, Sister Ruby Ramadan. Sparks went so far to say, “it’s actually easier to get insurance for sexual transition procedures in Iran than in America.” Hmmm, is that why the President of Iran insists there are no homosexuals in that country? It’s actually because male homosexuals are only allowed to live in Iran as women.

    Where was Theresa Sparks when a Muslim gang was targeting gays in San Francisco in a series of attacks, shooting them in the face with a BB gun and video-taping the attacks? A Muslim gang targeted nearly a dozen victims one evening, recording the shootings on avideo camera confiscated by police along with a “rifle-style” BB gun. There was a concerted effort within the San Francisco police department to bury this story, and it is only because one officer leaked the report to the media that anything was ever reported.

    The Muslims chose their victims “because they appeared to be gay. Where was Sparks then?

    Sparks and her colleagues said nothing when Muslim cabbies have forced their customers to adhere to Sharia: in June 2013 in Chicago, a Muslim cabbie threw a gay couple out of the cab on the expressway, because they were kissing. In August 2013 in Oregon, aMuslim cabbie dumped a lesbian couple on the side of the road because they were gay. In Nebraska in November 2013, a Muslim attacked his sister with a crowbar for being gay.

    Yet in the media, Muslims are only victims, and always victims. America is drowning in this relentless Muslim-victimhood propaganda in the media and movies. In December 2013, it came to light that HBO Films consulted with CAIR on a propaganda war film on “Islamophobia.”

    While Christians are being persecuted and slaughtered across the Muslim world and the jihad against the Jewish state of Israel continues unabated, we are subjected to this preposterous lie of the “victimization” of the perps. (Goebbels did the same thing. The Nazis, too, were the victims.)

    Terror-tied groups like CAIR were consulted on this propaganda film – the kind of war film that Hollywood giants like Frank Capra and John Ford made during World War II forour side. Sixty years later, Hollywood is making these movies for the enemy narrative. It’s just a small piece of how the left lost the West.

    When is HBO going to make a movie about non-Muslims being persecuted and slaughtered under the Sharia in Muslim countries?

    When is HBO going to make a movie about the Islamic supremacist war against secular governments in Africa and the Middle East?

    When is HBO going to make a movie about Jews fleeing Europe as the Islamization of the continent makes it too dangerous and violent for Jews?

    Where is HBO going to make a movie about how the people who spoke out against jihad and Sharia had their good names and livelihoods destroyed by Islamic supremacists and their leftwing libelists?

    Now those are real horror movies.

    This is the marketing of fiction as reality in concert with daily admonishments from Muslim groups, beating us about the head with “Islamophobia!” “Anti-Muslim backlash!” “Hate crime!” “Racist-islamophobic-anti-Muslim-bigotry!”

    The grim reality, as opposed to this fiction, was that in addition to the advancing stealth jihad, the violent jihad continued in the U.S. in 2013. In December 2013, a California Muslim pleaded guilty to attempting to aid al Qaeda by providing weapons training to jihad savages. A week before that, a federal grand jury returned an indictment charging a Wichita Muslim with planning a bombing of Wichita’s Mid-Continent Airport. That same day, the FBI added a Massachusetts Muslim to its Most Wanted Terrorists List.

    In November 2013 in San Diego, three Muslims, including a popular imam, were sentenced to prison for jihad terror activity. Another imam tried to play the victim card: a Des Moines imam argued that sex charges against him violated his religious freedom. AU.S.-based Muslim was charged in New York City with trying to acquire 100 surface-to-air missiles for the Iranian government. Two Muslims from Long Island were arrested in yet another jihad terror plot. In October 2013, Muslim terror mastermind Abu Anas al-Libi reminded the world of what motivates and inspires all this violence when he appeared in a Manhattan courtroom clutching a copy of the Qur’an.

    In September 2013, New York-raised jihadist Sabirhan Hasanoff was sentenced to eighteen years in prison. Another American Muslim, Alwar Pouryan, got 25 years for conspiring to funnel missiles and rifles to the Taliban. And yet another U.S. Muslim, Abdel Hameed Shehadeh, got thirteen years in another Islamic terror training case.

    A Virginia Muslim was charged with the possession of explosives. A sword-wielding Muslim attacked California deputies while screaming “Allahu akbar.” A Muslim in North Dakota was charged with threatening a synagogue. In August 2013, San Francisco went on high alert after an Islamic terror threat. In July 2013 in Denver, a self-proclaimed “Islamist jihadist” threatened that Mormons and Catholics “would be destroyed” within the next two weeks. In late April 2013, just days after the Boston Marathon jihad bombing, an online poster calling himself “Prophet Muhammad” threatened a Catholic high school in Virginia with a Boston-style jihad bombing.

    A Florida teen, a convert to Islam, was indicted for conspiring to aid jihad terrorists. Another convert to Islam in Pennsylvania was charged with inciting violent jihad online. In Washington, a convert to Islam who had stated his “willingness to die for Islam” stabbed two people after discussion of religion. A Muslim in New York was arrested formaking bomb threats against Kodak. A Chicago Muslim who tried to blow up Wrigley Field got 23 years in prison. In Minnesota, Muslim mobs randomly attacked joggers. In Idaho, a Muslim was arrested for providing bomb-making knowledge to a jihad group, and for possession of a grenade, aluminum powder, potassium nitrate, sulfur, and a fuse. Seven Muslim chemical engineers were caught trespassing after midnight at Boston’s largest water reservoir. In January 2013, a Muslim from Chicago got thirty-five years for his role in the Mumbai jihad massacre.

    In May 2013, a Muslim in North Carolina pled guilty to buying gun for “terrorist jihad,” to kill soldiers at Fort Bragg. Another North Carolina Muslim got four life terms for a jihad plot to behead witnesses whose testimony helped convict him for an earlier jihad plot to slaughter U.S. servicemen and their families. In April 2013, an Alabama Muslim pled guilty to plotting to wage jihad. On Easter Sunday in Ashtabula, Ohio, a Muslim screaming “this is the will of Allah” murdered his father at a church.

    In Oregon, a Muslim was charged with assisting a jihadist homicide bomber who killed 30 people. In February 2013 in Las Vegas, a Muslim went on a sparsely reported shooting spree. That same month, a Muslim in New Jersey beheaded and cut off the hands of two Coptic Christians; another Muslim pled guilty in New York City to plotting to blow up the Federal Reserve; and a jihadist in California tried to blow up the Oakland Bank of America and blame it on right-wingers.

    In just one week, ending March 30, 2013, there was all this jihad activity in the U.S.:

    1. A former U.S. soldier was charged with conspiring to use a destructive device while fighting with an al-Qaeda group in Syria
    2. A Muslim named Ahmed Warsame pleaded guilty to aiding al-Shabaab and al-Qaeda
    3. Another Muslim, Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, was sentenced to prison for his role in a jihad plot to attack a Seattle military processing center
    4. Yet another Muslim, Abdel Hameed Shehadeh, was found guilty of making false statements in a jihad terror case
    5. Al-Shabaab member Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmed got nine years in prison for jihad activities
    6. A federal grand jury began probing a double murder in Pakistan that turned out to be an honor killing ordered by a Muslim cabbie in New York City.

Just days before that week started, on March 20, another Muslim in New York wascharged with plotting to commit acts of jihad terror against Americans. Also in New York in March 2013, a Muslim got ten years for plotting to blow up synagogues and slaughter Jews.

The outgoing FBI director, Robert Mueller, warned Americans that jihadists here in America were today’s most serious security concern. You might assume that the vast majority of Muslims in America rejected all that, but recently a jihad-supporting imam raised millions on a U.S. fundraising tour.

American jihadists were increasingly brazen and open about their sentiments and activities. Memphis imam Yasir Qadhi was filmed spewing vicious Jew-hatred, and saying that Jews and Christians were “filthy,” and that the Muslims could take their lives and property in jihad. A Muslim who pled guilty in August 2013 to jihad terror charges said:“The goal of Islam is to take over the world, and the means of achieving that goal was the sword of jihad.”

Just as brazen was convicted Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror chief Sami Al-Arian, who in December 2013 resurfaced to support a new American Muslim Brotherhood campaign. In Dearborn, Michigan, a Lebanese man out American and Israeli flags in his front yard; local Muslims inundated him with threats and abuse to the extent that he said he felt “safer in Lebanon.” The mother of a jihad terrorist in New Jersey had the audacity to express outrage that her son was sentenced on the day of the Boston Marathon jihad bombing. A Muslim in Dearborn called for the killing of anti-Islam protesters.

In New York, pro-Muslim Brotherhood Egyptians picketed the Thanksgiving Day Parade. During the American Muslim Day Parade in New York City on September 22, 2013, Muslims marched down Madison Avenue waving the black flags of jihad and chanting: “We are Muslims, mighty, mighty Muslims.” It was revealed that the American Muslim who plotted to murder thousands of people at a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, Oregon made a jihad martyr tape to boast about the murders he hoped to commit.

In 2013 the U.S. continued to import jihad: it was revealed that al Qaeda “refugees” are coming to America and going on welfare, while making videos of themselves handling heavy weapons. An FBI informant said that “Taliban members are living in America.” He added: “They can commit a jihad at any time, they hate America, you have an enemy living here on American soil…they will take action to kill innocent Americans.”

America also continued to export jihad: an American Muslim was killed in Syria, leaving behind a video in which he said: “We’ve come to kill anyone in our way.” A Muslim from Chicago was arrested for planned to join the Syrian jihad. It came to light that despite numerous law enforcement attempts to stop jihad recruitment in Minnesota, young Muslims there were still signing up for the jihadist group Al Shabab that carried out the deadly Kenya mall jihad attack. And three Muslims in New York City were charged with fighting for al-Shabab. A Florida imam, Hafiz Khan, was found guilty of funneling money to the Taliban.

Yet despite all this evidence (and there is so much more) of jihad activity in this country and the Islamization of America – and also in keeping with that Islamization – the U.S. Trademark Office denied our attempt to trademark the name “Stop Islamization of America” on the grounds that it was “demeaning” to Muslims. Apparently the millions of Muslims who successfully fought against the Islamization of Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood were demeaning themselves. We are appealing this ruling.

And some people are fighting back. Although Missouri’s Democratic Governor Nixonvetoed an anti-Sharia bill, the North Carolina Senate passed one, as did the full Oklahoma State Senate, and the Alabama State Senate. Meanwhile, AFDI has proposed an 18-point platform to stop the Islamization of America. Send it to your Congressmen and Senators.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
1/10/2014 11:20:42 PM

Swiss Member of Parliament Oskar Freysinger has had Enough of Islam: “It Gnaws at the Pillars of our System of Laws”

oskar freysinger

Oskar Freysinger, a member of the Swiss Parliament, gave a passionate speech filled with truth that no politician in Washington, DC has yet to give from the floor of Congress.

“Europe is an idea,” Freysinger said, “a cultural landscape, an intellectual space shaped by history. Europe is the cradle of the modern constitutional democracy, the treasure-house of opinion and expression….or at least it used to be that, until recently.”

He says this history of Europe has been put into jeopardy by the “political elite bend(ing) their necks before a certain religious dogma which is completely alien to our intellectual history, our values and rule of law.”

Obviously, Freysinger was speaking about nothing more than Islam. To this assertion, he received thunderous applause.

“This dogma is gnawing away at the pillars of our system of laws, wherever it is granted the space to do so,” he continued. “This dogma demands total obedience from its followers.”

So what does Mr. Freysinger say about such people with those “values”?

“They should never integrate into our system of values. That would be treason to them and even be punishable by death.”

Something that the West still does not understand is the mentality and outlook of Islam over the world. Freysinger brings it to the remembrance of the people declaring:

“They are supposed to conquer and subdue our western world, not with tanks, rockets or riflemen; something they could never accomplish anyway…..not through brutal revolt. No, Islam is in no hurry. It has an eternity; a long process of demoralization and slow-motion occupation of our weakened child-poor society is foreseen.”

“The Islamic doctrine is intended to creep into our everyday life bit by bit,” Freysinger warned, “and make Fortress Europe crumble from within.”

Freysinger reminded those he spoke to of how the Serbs lost Kosovo to Islamists. It came “through demographic development and the help of NATO, which aided the founding of the first Islamic state on European soil,” he said.

“What a suicidal undertaking,” declared Freysinger. “What an ominous sign. The Islamic dogma is now imposing itself everywhere.”

Freysinger then pointed to examples of what he is talking about. “In Turkey, the Islamists are gradually occupying all judicial and army posts, in order to obliterate the heritage of Kemal Ataturk. Lebanon will become an Islamic state in the next decades. The Arab Spring is on the point of being taken over by the Islamists. In Iraq, Egypt and Pakistan, the last Christian communities are facing extinction.”

“And what are we doing?” asked Freysinger. “We are allowing this violent doctrine in to subvert our rule of law, wholly unhindered in our cultural ghettos. Have we gone mad?”

Again, applause breaks out at the truth he presents. “Now is the time to stand up! Come on!” he shouts above the applause.

However, the Swiss Parliament member was not quite done. “We just shrug our shoulders when girls are forced into marriage and integrated Muslims are pressured and threatened,” he said. “We look the other way, as the women are beaten and whole city districts taken over. We think we can soften the power-lusting ‘holy warriors’ with social benefits. We think we can buy our way to peace of mind! What lunacy!”

“The prophet’s beard is not for fondling!” Freysinger declared.

“Fanatics cannot be bought,” he continued. “Germany should know this, more so than any other country in the world.”

Freysinger began to conclude his excellent remarks on Islam with a call to action.

“My dear friends in the audience, we are not fighting against people, We are fighting FOR people!”

“We are fighting against a dogma that despises all humanity and wants to push us back into barbarity.”

“We will not easily give up the freedom, for which we have fought so hard over the centuries,” Freysinger said.

Then, in words reminiscent of the great German Reformer Martin Luther, Freysinger declared “Dear Berliners, here I stand. I cannot do otherwise! Because no one in Europe will stand up even for the very pillar of our civilization, our rule of law, our humanity.”

“The transcendental, unconditional ‘Love thy neighbor,’… THAT is the pillar!”

So I ask of my Christian brothers and sisters, and all Americans, do you love your neighbor? If so, will you fight against the doctrines espoused by Islam? Will you fight for the truth and for the people you claim to love, or will you act cowardly and remain silent because you fear prison, or an attack or an IRS audit? Make your stand today. As for me and my house, we will stand alongside Oskar Freysinger, for we cannot do otherwise. God help us!

Can’t you just see Obama’s DHS adviser Mohamed Elibiary squirming in his government seat about now?

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
1/17/2014 2:32:48 AM
Can you believe it?

Mastermind Of The Sept. 11 Attacks Wants To Convert His Captors

Posted: | Updated: 01/14/2014 4:02 pm EST

WASHINGTON -- The mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks now says that the use of violence to spread Islam is forbidden by the Quran, a major shift away from the more militaristic view he had put forward previously.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's thinking is detailed in a first-of-its-kind 36-page manifesto obtained by The Huffington Post. In a departure from his previous stance, which led the Guantanamo Bay prisoner to tell a military commission, "it would have been the greatest religious duty to fight you over your infidelity," KSM, as he's known in intelligence circles, instead seeks to convert the court to Islam through persuasion and theological reflection, going so far as to argue that “The Holy Quran forbids us to use force as a means of converting" and that reaching "truth and reality never comes by muscles and force but by using the mind and wisdom."

"Don’t believe the media that the Mujahedeen believe that Islam spread in the past and will prevail in the future with the sword," writes KSM, who has previously admitted to his role in the 9/11 attacks that killed thousands of Americans. He uses the bulk of the manifesto to put his newfound principle into practice, attempting to persuade his captors, prosecutors and lawyers that the path to true happiness lies in Islam.

KSM, who grew up in Kuwait and attended college in North Carolina, turns 50 this year. He has been held at the Guantanamo prison camp since 2006, after several years of being tortured by the CIA at "black sites" in undisclosed locations, and faces the death penalty for his 9/11 crimes. He also claims to have personally beheaded American journalist Daniel Pearl with his "blessed right hand," as he said at a 2007 military commission hearing -- a claim that subsequent investigative reporting has backed up. According to The Hunt for KSM, by former Los Angeles Times reporters Terry McDermott and Josh Meyer, an FBI agent who tracked KSM long before he was a household name described him as the type of guy you could have a beer with, if he wasn't one of the worst mass murderers in American history.

In his new writing, while contending that he does not believe Islam should be instituted by force, KSM justifies the terrorist attacks for which he claims credit as acts of “self defense sanctioned by every constitution and international laws as the right of everyone whose land is occupied and whose people are attacked."

KSM seeks to clarify one particular critique of al-Qaeda: He and the organization do not hate American freedoms.

"Do not believe those who claim that the Mujahedeen fight infidels to turn them to Islam or that we are fighting you because you practice democracy, freedom or claim that you uphold human rights," he says, instead repeating the al-Qaeda narrative of a "jihad" or cosmic war against America in retaliation for attacking and oppressing Muslims and supporting Israel. He singles out the media and the intelligence services as responsible for misleading the public, claiming that “They hide from them why the Mujahedeen carried out 9/11 and what the truth is about the War on Terror."

Although Western freedoms may not justify violence for KSM, that doesn't mean he finds the values appealing. "Happiness is not found only in money, in hearing music, in dancing, or in living a so-called 'free life,'" he says in one illustrative passage. Those who live in the Western world have "missed the right path to happiness" and are "like a fisherman who went to the desert searching for fish or a hunter diving to the depths of the sea trying to catch a deer."

In the manifesto, KSM -- who asserted at a military commission hearing in 2007 that he had planned the Sept. 11 attacks "from A to Z" -- touches on a wide array of other issues, from video game consoles to marriage equality, military suicides, U.S. prison overcrowding, AIDS, the military-industrial complex, scientific evidence of evolution, the Catholic Church's sex scandal, former President Richard Nixon's views, and then-President George W. Bush's embrace of the word "crusade."

Mohammed, the highest-value al-Qaeda operative in U.S. custody, wrote his "Statement to the Crusaders of the Military Commissions in Guantanamo” in October, addressing a copy to each member of the military court. The military judge overseeing the commissions process ruled last month that the experiences of "high-value detainees" being held in military custody at Guantanamo are no longer presumed to be classified -- a decision that enabled HuffPost to obtain a copy of KSM's manifesto, which is being published in collaboration with Great Britain's Channel 4 News.

* * * * *

The October document, KSM's first significant communication with the outside world since 2009, is presented as the first of three chapters. His next section, yet to be completed, will lay out "why the Mujahedeen carried out 9/11 and whether it was a terrorist operation or an act of self-defense,” and a final chapter will delve into "the truth about the so-called ‘War on Terror’."

"For whose benefits or interests were these wars fought?" KSM writes in previewing that final chapter. "Did these wars take place to defend the American people and their interests? Were they fought to defend freedom and human rights? Women's rights? Or were they fought for the benefits and interests of individuals and corporations? Who are those individuals and corporations? What are their interests and benefits? Isn't it true that they work for the weapons industry lobbies, security contractors or Halliburton sister companies etc.?"

In chapter one, he gives further hints as to the direction he'll take, quoting George W. Bush repeatedly using the word "crusade" to describe the global war on terror and even highlighting an interview from the 1990s with Nixon, who said that the American people held those from the Middle East in very low regard.

KSM writes that he originally began drafting his essay back in 2009 with the aid of a laptop that he, like other Guantanamo defendants, was given to work on his defense. Those laptops were later seized, though there has recently been some discussion aboutreturning them to the defendants.

Despite his long detention, KSM insists that he feels free at heart, writing that he is "very happy" in his cell "because my spirit is free even while my body is being held captive.” He says he has been “neither sad nor distressed" in his confinement "because I have been with the Only One True God.” His manifesto aims to convince the members of his military tribunal that they, too, could find such happiness if they adopted Islam.

"It is my religious duty in dealing with any non-Muslims such as the people in the court (the Judge, the prosecution, attorneys, etc.) to invite them to embrace Islam. I realize very well that you have heard about Islam and know much about it. But it is my own belief that Allah will ask me on the Day of Judgment why I did not invite these people to Islam?" he writes.

KSM also takes shots at the U.S. military's suicide rate. "[H]undreds of American crusader soldier men and women join the U.S. army, wear the latest military gear, eat the best food in Iraq and Afghanistan, and play with their play stations while their enemies, the poor Muslim can’t find their daily bread or jacket to protect themselves from the harsh snowstorms over Afghanistan mountains, but at the end, the American soldiers go home and commit suicide but the poor man still with his dry bread and black tea lives with his poor wife in their humble muddy house but with happy hearts and souls."

The rapid advance of same-sex marriage is further evidence for KSM of the collapse of Western civilization. "If God said no adultery or no sexual contact without a marriage contract between man and woman, the Westerner's God says men and women are free to do whatever they want to do," he says. "A mother can even lie with her son and they can issue a marriage certificate for them if the majority in Congress or Parliament agrees to such a thing. Or a man can marry a man or a woman can marry a woman, but by God's laws, these acts are considered social crimes and it will cause unhappiness in their life, it breaks their families and at the end it will break the whole society."

He cites social ills as evidence of Western moral bankruptcy. "Their communities have been destroyed by the high rates of divorce, rape, robbery, killing, suicide, AIDS, and often depression, bankruptcies, abortion, drugs, homosexuals, homelessness, psychological disorders, mental illnesses and most of the U.S. prisons are over capacity and crime is everywhere among all races and states," he says.

* * * * *

KSM's statement is certainly not the first time the public has heard from a Guantanamo detainee, but so far such communications have come from within Camp 5 and Camp 6, which house lower-value detainees. The high-value detainees at Camp 7 have so far been allowed only extremely limited contact with the outside world, and rules regulating the communication of detainees are notoriously murky and shifting. Military officials initially denied the very existence of Camp 7 and still refuse to speak about it to members of the media who visit Guantanamo. While a view of Camp 7 is available on Google Maps, it has only been visited in person by government representatives. On a recent congressional delegation trip, lawmakers were told that the high-value detainees there loved the erotic series Fifty Shades of Grey -- a contention later disputed by at least one detainee.

Despite his years of confinement, KSM's trial before a military commission has barely gotten off the ground, having been marred by repeated delays and questions about the legitimacy of such a relatively untested forum. Defense arguments that would have almost certainly been laughed out of a civilian court are given ample time, and unexpected issues constantly arise, like the revelation of a mysterious censor who could cut off the courtroom's delayed audio feed unbeknownst even to the military judge running the court.

The Obama administration had planned to transfer KSM and several co-defendants to the continental United States and allow their case to proceed in federal court, but that effort was thwarted by political opposition from members of Congress, especially those in the New York City area, where KSM was to be tried. Attorney General Eric Holder recently suggested that, had the Sept. 11 case proceeded in federal court as he announced it would in 2009, KSM and his co-defendants "would be on death row as we speak."

The bulk of those still held at Guantanamo aren't high-value detainees like KSM. Dozens of them engaged in a hunger strike last year and successfully pushed Guantanamo back into the headlines. More than half of the 158 who remain have been cleared for transfer, and the Obama administration has had some limited success over the past year with moving those detainees. The lingering question is what the administration plans to do about those individuals who land somewhere between KSM and the detainees who aren't deemed a threat -- that is, the detainees whom the U.S. does not plan to put on trial but still wants to imprison indefinitely.

The last declassified significant communication from KSM came in 2009 when he addressed the court as part of his own defense in a document entitled "The Islamic Response to the Government's Nine Accusations." In that six-page document, KSM reaffirmed his commitment to fighting the U.S. and railed against the country that has detained him since his capture in Pakistan in 2003, referring to America as “first class war criminals."

The latest manifesto hints at KSM’s awareness of his own importance in the eyes of the authorities. In an almost comical reference to his struggles with the English language, it reads, “When the CIA said ‘KSM is a big fish,’ I know that I am neither a whale nor a fish.” Elsewhere, he alludes to the “enhanced interrogation techniques” used against him: “Perhaps a poor detainee may be happy while being water-boarded or tortured or even in solitary confinement …”

Guantanamo insiders describe KSM as reveling in his high media profile, with CBS News senior correspondent John Miller once dubbing him a “media junkie." He is said to be a keen Harry Potter fan and famously asked to build a vacuum cleaner from scratch as a means of preserving his sanity following his exposure to torture techniques.

He appears to have spent at least some of his time reading the Bible, dedicating 11 pages of his latest statement to that book and Christianity in his effort to convince readers to abandon the former faith in favor of Islam. KSM is reverential toward Jesus Christ while hostile toward the clergy, whom he says adulterated Christ's message in the third and fourth centuries.

He also mistakenly suggests that Roman Catholics have "already solemnized marriages between homosexuals" and criticizes the authors of the Bible for failing to use "polite language." And he takes the expected swipes at Jews, declaring that the "sexual stories" in the Bible were "written by corrupt Rabbis of certain times to make their holy book a 'best seller' to get more money."

"If I am a Christian, how can I read this chapter in front of my children or recite these verses during a Sunday mass in front of my worshippers?" he writes. "If the young boys and girls are reading these stories, and are also in church drinking their holy wine, what do you think the result will be? I will leave the answer for the honest people to understand the real reason behind the sexual scandals from time to time in the Catholic churches."

As for his trial, KSM has consistently sought to present himself as outside the process: He initially rejected his lawyer, frequently refers to the military commission as a “kangaroo court” and dismisses the authority of man-made laws. In 2012, he won the right to wear a camouflage field jacket and turban in court -- items customarily worn by members of a militia -- arguing that it was his right as a soldier. A short man, he has lost a significant amount of weight since he was photographed by the CIA looking disheveled shortly after his capture and has dyed his graying beard an orange-reddish color for his court appearances using fruit juice and crushed berries. He once objected to a courtroom artist's sketch, saying his nose had been drawn too big.

The tone of his manifesto is such that, at times, it can be easy to forget its author has admitted to his role in murdering thousands of people.

But that's exactly the way KSM wants it. "Before you start reading, forget and neglect the writer or author's name," he asks toward the beginning of the document.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
1/18/2014 12:52:34 PM

U.S. Military Brings 5 “Good Iraqis” to America, 5 “Good Iraqis” Brutally Rape Colorado Woman

Jasim Mohammed Hasin Ramadon

Jasim Mohammed Hasin Ramadon

5 men were brought to America after aiding our troops in Iraq. Though there is, as usual, no mention of these men following the religion of Islam, The CIA World Factbook reports that Iraq is 97% Muslim. With that said, I think it is fair to assume that most, if not all, of these men are Muslims.

And yet again, I would propose more proof that even the “good” Muslims aren’t really good. The helping of American soldiers on the field of battle does not counteract theindoctrination that comes from a religion that teaches that women are nothing more than property to be used and abused as needed.

In August of 2012 The Gazette reported:

Colorado Springs police arrested five Iraqi men Tuesday in connection with what they called a “rare” and “horrific” sexual assault on a woman early July 22. The arrests included one man who was a central character in an Army’s sergeant’s memoir of an Iraq deployment.

Sarmad Fadhi Mohammed and Jasim Mohammed Hasin Ramadon were taken into custody on suspicion of sexual assault. Mustafa Sataar Al Feraji, Ali Mohammed Hasan Al Juboori and Yasir Jabbar Jasim were arrested on suspicion of accessory to sexual assault. All are in their 20s.

Lt. Howard Black, who heads the Police Department’s special victim’s unit, said the severity of the attack made it rare in the city, adding that the woman’s injuries could have been life-threatening.

“We don’t see these types of assaults typically in Colorado Springs,” he said.

Ramadon was featured in “A Soldier’s Promise,” a combat memoir by Army First Sgt. Daniel Hendrex published in 2009 . Hendrex met the 14-year-old Ramadon while deployed to Husaybah, a town in Al Anbar Province in Iraq , according to book reviews on According to reviews, Ramadon encountered Hendrex’s soldiers in December 2003, and pleaded with them to arrest him in exchange for key information about local insurgents. The book chronicles Ramadon’s relationship with Hendrex’s unit, of which he became an intricate part, ultimately earning the nickname Steve-O, the review reads. Later, in exchange for his services, Hendrex helped Ramadon immigrate to the United States.

The results of those arrests have led to 4 convictions already.

One co-defendant, Sarmad Fadhi “Levi” Mohammed, 26, is serving 16 years to life in prison after a jury convicted him last year of placing his penis in the woman’s mouth. Three others were accused of lying to police about what they knew of the rape and ended up with misdemeanor convictions.

The last of the five suspects is currently on trial for his involvement. The Gazette again reports on this story:

An El Paso County jury on Wednesday heard clashing portrayals of Jasim Mohammed Hasin Ramadon, a 21-year-old Iraqi immigrant accused of “shoving” his hand into the rectum of a semiconscious woman, causing severe internal bleeding.

Charged with multiple counts of sexual assault, Ramadon – also known as Jay Hendrix – could face up to the rest of his life in prison if convicted.

His trial, which is expected to last two weeks, comes after an 11-month delay during which the case was held up as the Colorado Supreme Courtconsidered an evidentiary dispute between prosecutors and defense attorneys.

Charged in the July 2012 assault at a west Colorado Springs apartment complex were Ramadon and four other Iraqi immigrants, all of whom were brought to the United States with the help of military members after assisting troops in Iraq.

Please feel free to read the last sentence again and please allow it to sink in. These are the good guys. In some circles they might be called “moderate” Muslims. There is no such thing.

If I could, I would make every adult in America read this story. The plain and simple truth is that Islam is not compatible with America. Helping our soldiers may be heroic, but that doesn’t mean that years of Islamic indoctrination will vanish.

You do not erase the teachings of Islam from a young man’s heart by simply bringing him to America. You do not magically dissolve the misogyny (hatred of women) that is a part of who these young men are.

Defending Islam is not a matter of defending religious freedom. When any ideology is directly oppressive toward the rights and freedoms of the masses then we must stand against it.

If I started a “Church of Rapists and Child Molesters” then all of America would stand against me. But when we call it Islam it doesn’t get the same response.

But it should because that is exactly what devout Muslims believe. It is the teaching of theQuran and the prophet Muhammad. This is not the exception. It is the rule.

So these five men didn’t strap bombs to their chests and try to kill our soldiers… So what?

Someone tell the poor Colorado woman that this makes them good men.

Wake up America.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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