This is just the beginning of Gov. Chris Christie’s Muslim outreach committee. The goal is to force Islamic training on local and county cops as well.
via New Jersey state troopers schooled in Muslim culture : page all –
If a police officer pulls over a female driver wearing a veil covering all but her eyes, can he demand that she lift the veil so he can identify her?
Before a classroom of state police recruits, Mohammad Ali Chaudry, a Muslim scholar, explained that there’s no religious reason for her to refuse. She has to obey the laws of her country “for everybody’s security,” he said.
Questions about the veil and other facets of Islamic faith and culture are at the heart of the one-hour class, now a requirement for every New Jersey state trooper, that emerged from anxiety and acrimony following news last year that New York City detectives were spying on New Jersey Muslims.
But is one hour of teaching, out of a solid week of police training, enough to markedly improve relations between police officers and wary Muslim communities across the state?
Chaudry, president of the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge and a Rutgers professor, said it’s a start.
That makes Chaudry the president of the Mosque continues its zoning jihad on residents of a New Jersey neighborhood.
One result of strong backlash to spying by the New York Police Department was the creation of the Muslim Outreach Committee, a group of about 20 Muslim leaders and top law-enforcement officials that began meeting a year ago. The training, which is included in classwork this week at the state criminal justice academy in Sea Girt, is one of several committee efforts aimed at building trust.
“When we first started, there was anger and hostility,” said Imam Mustafa El-Amin, who heads the Masjid Ibrahim mosque in Newark. “Now it has actually developed to achievements and goals as opposed to just talking and airing out who’s guilty and who’s not.”
Acting Attorney General John J. Hoffman said the training is helping to bridge the divide.
“We don’t agree all the time on every issue, but we do agree we’ll talk about them, and that has gotten us miles ahead in the process,” he said.
New state police recruits are attending the class through Oct. 11. Other recruits and veteran troopers will get the training by video as part of regular in-service training.
In a recent class, a few officers stared at their cellphones while Chaudry was lecturing. Questions were encouraged, but only two out of about 120 people in the class asked any.
Good news. Troopers weren’t buying the bull****.
Chaudry said it was a challenge to cover Islam in an hour and have time for questions. In his Rutgers class, he devotes 90 minutes just to talk about the term jihad, he said.
“It’s not going to change everybody’s view, and it’s going to take a lot more than a one-hour lecture, but at least it’s a beginning,” he said.
The class was meant to be an overview to assist the police in understanding basic concepts, customs and wardrobe, said Paul Loriquet, director of communications in the Attorney General’s Office. He said the state police and the outreach committee will determine, based on feedback, if they need to have more focused training.
The class is a mini version of the 10-week course Chaudry teaches at Rutgers University on understanding Islam. He gives an overview of the faith, teaches about ethnic and cultural diversity among Muslims, and explains how knowledge can apply to law-enforcement settings.
He offers examples: that prayers to “Allah” are simply prayers to God, as in any faith, and shouldn’t raise alarm; that women may avert their eyes out of modesty and not out of disrespect or a refusal to cooperate; that businesses may have special hours during the Ramadan holy month.
Chaudry addresses preconceptions by talking about the meaning of jihad and the fact that Arabs make up just 18 percent of Muslims.
He recommends that police officers question whether an action or event represents a teaching of the faith or is influenced by culture or politics. “If a horrible event happens, is what someone did a matter of following the faith or distorting the faith for political goals?” asks Chaudry, who co-wrote the book “Islam & Muslims.”
Cops should always look to the example set by Muhammad.
In informal class surveys, many officers have told Chaudry they don’t know any Muslims or haven’t been to a mosque. He explains to them the etiquette if they should visit one in a non-emergency situation, which includes removing shoes to enter prayer areas and dressing modestly. Such lessons, he hopes, will improve outreach and cooperation in Muslim communities.
Maj. Gerald Lewis, a member of the state police and the outreach committee, said Chaudry and other members of the committee would be resources for police even after their class ends.
Office of Community Affairs
In one situation, Lewis said, he wasn’t sure how to approach a woman in full head-to-toe Muslim dress at a Little League game. He called a member of the outreach committee, who advised him to simply introduce himself.
You’re in America dhimmi. Approach her just like you would any other person. Why is it that the people hired to protect citizens turn stupid when it comes to Muslims?
Lewis, who took the class, said it was a meant for officers to get a better understanding of Islam.
“It’s meant to be an overview,” he said. “It’s also an opportunity to destroy some of those misconceptions [about Islam].”
What misconceptions?
The outreach committee has helped create a training model on Islam for the state Department of Homeland Security, Hoffman said.
There are Four Islamists on Gov. Christie’s Muslim Outreach Committee and a fifth Christie appointee is an Islamist convicted of credit card fraud. Did the NJ State Police vet their trainers and outreach committee?
He said the goal is to expand the training to local and county law enforcement, either by video, teleconferencing, or a website.
In other words, these Islamists will infiltrate every police station in New Jersey.
Mohamed Younes, a Franklin Lakes resident and president of the American Muslim Union, believes the lessons offer tools for police to judge situations and “know the difference from a real Muslim from a criminal or from a radical.”
Really? Do tell. How does Younes “know the difference from a real Muslim from a criminal or from a radical.” Profiling?
The committee pointed to other achievements this year. The state has held two law enforcement job fairs that were advertised heavily in Muslim communities. Another is planned at Rutgers University on Nov. 16.
State officials also have made frequent visits to mosques to speak to congregations — including in February when then-Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa told about 1,600 worshipers at the Islamic Center of Passaic County in Paterson that he was “serious” about protecting their rights.
That’s a jihad-preaching mosque led by a Hamas-linked imam that Chris Christie is preventing from being deported.
Chaudry said the continued efforts of the committee will help rebuild trust.
“I personally believe this is something you need to build up over time,” he said. “It takes a lot of interaction and going back and forth, but I feel there is trust between law enforcement and our community.”
Trust of Muslims equates to insecurity for the rest of New Jersey residents.