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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
8/9/2013 2:38:41 AM
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA)

The second morning of speeches at the Values Voter Summit here in DC was dominated by a man who is swiftly becoming the nation’s spokesperson for Islamophobia — former House speaker Newt Gingrich. Fresh off the release of his Islam-focused film “America At Risk,” Gingrich told the crowd at VVS that it’s time to take federal action to prevent Shariah Law from infiltrating courtrooms in the US.

“We should have a federal law that says sharia law cannot be recognized by any court in the United States,” Gingrich said to a standing ovation from the audience. The law will let judges know, Gingrich said, that “no judge will remain in office that tried to use sharia law.”

[TPM SLIDESHOW: Morals, Morals, Morals! Conservatives Gather For Values Voter Summit]

Gingrich made a not-so-subtle reference to the right wing meme about freshly-minted Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan which claims that Kagan is “sympathetic” to Shariah and — as some suggested during her confirmation hearings — might allow it to be recognized as law in the United States.

But beyond the Kagan hit, Gingrich’s anti-Shariah talk inserted him directly into the most extreme end of the Islamophobic push-back against mosque projects all over the country.

Opponents of Islamic building projects in New York City, Tennessee and Temecula, Californiaand Florence, Kentucky have often raised fears that the goal of Muslims seeking to build new houses of worship is to slowly make America comfortable with Shariah before using political power to allow it to become the law of the land.

Fear of sharia law’s encroachment was at the center of the whole “Burn The Koran Day” brouhaha, too. And that — according to David Petraeus, among others — put U.S. troops at risk in the Middle East. Pastor Terry Jones, the would-be book burner in Gainesville, Florida, said torching Korans was supposed to send a message about American distaste for Shariah.

Gingrich, who’s been looking more and more extremist lately, now has made himself into the latest voice of paranoia crying that the Muslims are coming to take over us all.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
8/9/2013 1:09:59 PM

The Worldwide Bank Crash has Commenced

by Georgi Stankov, August 4, 2013

HSBC, the biggest British bank and second biggest company on the British Stock Exchange (FTSE 100 Index) with a capitalisation of 102,7 billion British pounds on July 6, 2012, is obviously bankrupt.

This is the beginning of the worldwide financial collapse that will start with a bank crash and closure of all major banks worldwide in August 2013 as predicted by myself in a series of articles on the final ascension scenario, the latest one as of yesterday:

Before you can truly realize the scope of this stunning news, just issued by BBC, please observe that the motto of this huge international bank conglomerate on its official Internet website is:

Connecting Customers to Opportunities

Only recently, Stuart Gulliver, HSBC Group Chief Executive, discussed the Group’s performance for the first quarter 2013 as follows:

“We have had a good start to the year, with growth in reported and underlying profit before tax.”

This same bank has been involved in the last decades in virtually every possible major scandal, crime and fraud in the banking sector that one can conceive - from rigging libor interest rates, laundering mafia and narco traffic dollars from all over the world, and especially from South and Central America, but also Asia, to insider trading, tax evasion, etc., etc. It is the classical Orion bank of the British ruling Reptilian elite around the Rothschild family and its true name is ”High Society British Crime” bank.

What this bank has just done, is without a precedent in the banking history: HSBC has announced that it has decided to close without any previous warning the bank accounts of forty major diplomatic missions and embassies worldwide, including the Vatican, without giving any explanation for this unique move. Thus, this bank has practically disconnected its clients from the financial system in an blatant contradiction to its company motto.

This haphazard decision may explain why the US government decided to close all their embassies in the Arab world and elsewhere and not because of alleged terror danger.

Only on May 15, 2013 the HSBC group announced a massive cut of 14 000 jobs contrary to the optimistic statements of its CEO about the future perspective of this Orion bank.

The official British-Orion channel BBC must have been so overwhelmed by this news that it was unable to hide its perplexion about the dreadful fall of the first domino piece in the financial sector that will lead to a cascade of huge bank collapses in the coming days. This is the beginning of the end of the Orion monetary system and the first palpable sign for the imminent coming of the MPR, the ID Split and the detonation of the PAT supernova


Havoc’ as HSBC Prepares to Close Diplomatic Accounts,

BBC, August 4, 2013

HSBC bank has reportedly asked more than 40 diplomatic missions to close their accounts as part of a programme to reduce business risks.

The Vatican’s ambassadorial office in Britain, the Apostolic Nunciature, is among those said to be affected.

The head of the UK’s Consular Corps told the Mail on Sunday the decision has created “havoc”.

The Foreign Office has been in touch with HSBC, stepping in to help diplomats open other bank accounts.

HSBC said embassies were subject to the same assessments as its other business customers. They need to satisfy five criteria – international connectivity, economic development, profitability, cost efficiency and liquidity.

A spokesman said: “HSBC has been applying a rolling programme of “five filter” assessments to all its businesses since May 2011, and our services for embassies are no exception.

We do not comment on individual customer relationships.”

The Mail on Sunday reported that the High Commission of Papua New Guinea and the Honorary Consulate of Benin have also been asked to move their accounts within 60 days.

Bernard Silver, head of the Consular Corps, which represents consuls in the UK, told the paper: “HSBC’s decision has created havoc.

“Embassies and consulates desperately need a bank, not just to take in money for visas and passports but to pay staff wages, rent bills, even the congestion charge.

John Belavu, minister at the Papua New Guinea High Commission, said: “We’ve been banking with HSBC for 22 years and for them to throw us off in this way was a bombshell.”

Lawrence Landau, honorary consul of Benin, told the paper his mission had been having trouble finding a new bank.

He said: “We have been trying everyone but all the UK banks are clamming up.” (This is the actual key news, George)

Suspicious accounts

Embassies are treated like business customers by banks as they generally use services like cash and payroll management and can take out loans.

They also have to pay for ambassadorial accommodation and costs such as school fees for the children of diplomats – expenses that are difficult to meet without a valid UK bank account.

They are sometimes considered to be at risk of money laundering activities because of their political exposure and banks have been warned in the past for failing to flag up suspicious accounts.

The Riggs National Bank in Washington was fined and later sold off after a 2004 US Senate report revealed executives in its embassy business had helped Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet hide millions of dollars.

HSBC was fined $1.92bn (£1.26bn) by US authorities last year after it was blamed for alleged money laundering activities said to have been conducted through its Latin American operations by drug cartels.

The bank admitted at the time that it had failed to effectively counter money laundering.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
8/10/2013 3:35:06 PM
Hello Friends living in FEMA Region III. Please pay heed to this warning. It has popped up in many different places and from many sources. I must note of what is coming to your area of the country. Far too many reports have suggested an upcoming episode. Also note I do have Muslim friends, I have never tested their friendship nor do I wish to do so. But if you are planning to attend, please do so in a peaceful way and I will support you if your intent is to be as good an American as you are a Muslim. Denounce the radical's views, do not bring the chaos here, when your intent was to escape it as many have stated.

We do have a threat and it raises it head often these days but let's not give reason to enact such drastic measures as discussed in this article and others. Plus if you live in the area of FEMA Region III. You know what this administration has planned for. I hope you have done the same.

Million Muslim March On DC Set For 9/11/2013

IslamWillDominateWhiteHouse Million Muslim March On DC Set For 9/11/2013

First, let me start by saying that I am not trying to scare anyone and that I’m not asking anyone to think like me. But I am asking people to think. I have many friends in the military who are keeping me up to date on the UN forces that are amassing here in OUR Republic.

The “Million Muslim March” on DC, set for 9/11/2013, is when I expect “things to get out of control.” And this POTUS may try to take advantage of the situation (and by “executive order” begin Martial Law.)With the MASSIVE buildup of UN Forces added to the Islamic Jihad Terrorists already positioned in this country, I believe something may happen; and we better be prepared.

Obama knows we’re all on to him, and he’s being backed into a corner with all of these scandals surrounding him. So what better way to stir up trouble than to have his Muslim brothers amass in DC.? No doubt they’ll have some instigators stir something up. Karl Marx said that “The masses are too stupid and ignorant to understand how good communism will be for them, so they need to be forced down that path, by any and all means possible. Lie, deceive, create class and race warfare issues, and use catastrophes (and if there are none, make some up; the ends justify the means)” Lets face it: Obama wants to be king, and what better way to begin Martial Law than to have his Terrorist Brothers cause problems?

Islamic jihad terrorists are well positioned here and have been for quite a while. Of the world’s 1.9 billion claimed by Islamic leaders, there are an estimated 7-10 million Muslims in the U.S. That is up from 5 million estimated 10 years ago. I believe the 7-10 million is a low-ball figure. No one knows for sure because our Census laws do not allow us to ask about religious affiliation.

All Muslims say the same shahada – confession of faith – There is no God but Allah. Muhammad is Allah’s prophet. That sets the stage for taking over the world for Allah, the establishment of a worldwide caliphate with Shar’ia Law, forced conversion of all infidels – unbelievers in Islam, subjugation in dhimmi of those who will not convert, or elimination of those who have converted or not at the whim of some Islamist leader (starting with any who have left Islam, then in order moving on to Jews, Christians, and others.)

Obama has said there are 2000 mosques, Islamic societies, and such in the U.S. now, up from 1200 10 years ago. Obama should know due to the strong influences on him by Islamists and Marxists; his installing Islamist and Marxist operatives in his tyrannical, despotic, evil regime; and hosting hundreds of Islamist visitors at the White House for consultations with him. The Islamists include Valerie Jarrett – Obama’s closest advisor, born in Iran – and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s adviser Huma Abedin – who has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

You can search online and get maps of the locations of: 1) the mosques, etc., 2) Islamic jihad terrorist fundraising sites, and 3) Islamic jihad terrorist training sites in the U.S. The mosques, etc. and fundraising sites maps are near mirror images. The training sites are under Jamaat al-Fuqra.

A specific purpose of Jamaat al-Fuqra is to recruit and train domestic terrorists in the US. The two Pakistani brothers arrested in Ft. Lauderdale last year may well have been trained by Jamaat al-Fuqra. Naturalized US citizens, they were planning terrorist attacks in the US with WMDs, according to the FBI.

If people are even semi-conscious (and not deaf, blind, and dumb), they should remember the Ft. Hood Massacre, when US Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan ran around screaming “Alahu akubar” and gunning down US soldiers, their family members, and other citizens. There were also two young, unarmed US Army recruits shot down in front of a Little Rock, Arkansas recruiting station in that time frame. Various other plots have been thwarted. One was for an attack with bombs and real assault rifles, machine guns, etc. on Ft. Dix, NJ. An alert citizen got law enforcement onto that plot. He was and still is a camera and photoshop owner who saw pictures the plotters brought in for processing at his business.

According to a recent report, Obama has requested that at least 15,000 Russian troops trained in disaster relief and “crowd functions” [i.e. riot control] be pre-positioned to respond to FEMA Region III during an unspecified “upcoming” disaster.

Also in the report, DHS head Janet Napolitano said these Russian troops would work “directly and jointly” with FEMA, whose mission in part is to secure the continuity of the US government in the event of natural disasters or war.

Important to note, this report says, is that FEMA Region III (the area Russian troops were requested for) includes Washington D.C. and the surrounding States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
8/12/2013 11:46:46 AM
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Son of Hamas Founder Says Islam is the Biggest Lie in History

A brave man, Masab Yousef, son of West Bank Hamas leader Sheik Hassan Yousef speaks the truth in love, about the wretchedness and emptiness of Islam. I find his bravery both refreshing and inspiring and very possibly, by the grace of God, wake up many Muslims.
Quoting a 2008 article in Christianity Today, we learn more about Masab:

"Yousef, who is now 30-years-old, was first exposed to Christianity eight years ago while in Jerusalem, where out of curiosity he accepted an invitation to hear about Christianity. Afterwards, he became "enthusiastic" about what he heard and would secretly read the Bible every day.

"A verse like 'Love thine enemy' had a great influence on me," Yousef recalled. "At this stage I was still a Muslim and I thought that I would remain one. But every day I saw the terrible things done in the name of religion by those who considered themselves 'great believers'.

"I studied Islam more thoroughly and found no answers there. I re-examined the Koran and the principals of the faith and found how it is mistaken and misleading."

But with Christianity, Yousef said he could understand God as revealed through Jesus Christ. He said he could talk about God and Jesus for days, but Muslims are not able to say anything about God.

"I consider Islam a big lie," said Yousef. "The people who supposedly represent the religion admired Mohammed more than God, killed innocent people in the name of Islam, beat their wives and don't have any idea what God is."


If its a repost it needs to seen again and again . But it sorta goes without saying , when you look at it , it looks like its eating itself alive , and that can only be a good thing , Insha'Allah

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
8/12/2013 11:51:46 AM

Jesus Visits Muslim In Prison

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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