Sometimes I am absolutely speechless at the absurdity, or ignorance, or arrogance of the "Left" in this Country. There is an organization, apparently made up of People of the "Christian Left", which calls itself "FORWARD-Progressive Christians" HUH??? Are these people putting me on? They cannot be serious! Talk about OXYMORONS! Are these people Morons....OR do they simply think WE are Morons?? Any Group that labels itself "FORWARD" and "PROGRESSIVE" and then adds "Christian" onto enough to make ALL Conservatives who live in the REAL WORLD just shake their heads in astonishment. Presumably these are some of the same misguided, misinformed people who call themselves "Too Informed to Vote Republican" which of course simply means "We drank the Kool Ad; We swallowed the Big Lie, the world's greatest 'Con Job'; the 'Dream of Fools', and we actually believe that Socialism-Communism is really about a Utopia of Equality, Peace, Love and Brotherhood"!!!
Can these Christian Leftists be so naive and ignorant that they do not understand that WE KNOW that "FORWARD" and "Progressive" are simply the latest camouflage Code-Words for Communism and Socialism??? Here is a Bulletin for these so called "FORWARD-PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANS"! WE know that "FORWARD" is and has been a Communist -Socialist Slogan-Marching Banner for over One Hundred Years.....ever since Vladimir Lenin chose "FORWARD" as the Slogan for his Bol'shevik (Communist) as the Name of his first Communist Newspaper. Do you Leftists think WE Constitutional Conservatives are so Ignorant and Naive and Stupid that WE do not realize the real significance of Barak Obama's choice of the word "FORWARD" AS HIS 2012 Campaign Slogan, and of him using Karl Marx's Birthday as the Date to launch his Re-election Campaign in 2012???? It was Obama's way of signaling to all the "Old Reds" and "Pink Diaper Doper Babies" in America and Abroad....that he is STILL ONE OF THEM!! {{Marx's Birthday also happpened to coincide with Cinco de Mayo, the Mexican Independence Celebration, which also gave Obama a perfect opportunity to PANDER to the Hispanic Population}}. YO, my Leftist folks out there. If it looks like a Duck, walks like a Duck, and quacks like a's a Damn Duck! Don't try to con ME into believing that it's a Quail,...or in the words of Doctor Laura, "Don't pee on my leg and try to tell me it's raining"!!!
So, when these Christian 'Leftists' call themselves "FORWARD-Progressive Christians", they are in effect calling themselves "COMMUNIST PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANS", meaning they are either deluded....OR they are devoted Marxist Disciples. Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Antonio Gramsci and Nikita Khrushchev must be laughing hysterically in their graves; Marx who declared all religion to be simply the "Opium" of the people; Stalin who attended Seminary to be an Orthodox Russian Priest but rejected it in favor of life as a Communist Revolutionary, Bandit, Criminal, Brutal Tyrant and Murderer on a massive scale; Antonio Gramsci, early Communist Theorist who in his Blueprint to Infiltrate, Undermine and Destroy Western Capitalism, declared that, "First we must undermine and destroy the Peoples' belief in God....and then all the programs of Communism, Atheism and Materialism can be put into place"!! It was Nikita Khrushchev, visiting the United States in 1958, who warned us that "We (meaning the closet Marxists that have been infiltrated amongst us) will slowly, ever so slyly, one small measure at a time, institute Communist Programs in your Country, until one day you will wake up and discover that you already have Communism"!!!!!
Folks, the early Christians in Palestine tried Communism, i.e., "Everything in Common-All for One and One for All".....and it was a dismal failure. Dozens of "Christian" Groups over the next two millennia have periodically experimented with Communal Ownership of all Goods, Food and Wealth....with the same dismal failure. In the early 1800's the famous Oneida Silverware Company began life as a Commune (actually as I recall, a Free Love Commune), and the famous AMANA Appliance Company also began life as a Communal Living Experiment. They both failed as Communes. In the 1830-1840's the early Mormons experimented with Communal Living called the "United Order". ALL OF THESE ATTEMPTS AT COMMUNIST UTOPIAS were inevitably shipowrecked on the Rocky Shoals of THE NATURE OF MAN!!!!
{{{{By the way, all you "Too Informed to Vote Republican", I am a Constitutional Conservative and I am not real crazy about the current official Republican Party of "Republi-crats". But since in Florida, I have only the choice of Registering as a Republican, an Independent (Meaning Wishy Washy), or a Democrat (meaning Socialist).... as the lesser of EVILS , I register and vote as a Republican. I was a Constitutional Conservative even before I knew it had anything to do with Political Party. My Father voted against fact my next younger brother was named after the 1940 Republican Candidate, Wendell Wilkie!! We were all Democrats (as tradition, not because of ideology) who were Democrats for Eisenhower. I voted for Nixon against Kennedy but came to admire John F. Kennedy because of his avid Anti-Communism. More ironically, John F. Kennedy could not get nominated dog catcher in todays Democrat Socialist Party. After Kennedy's death, because of Goldwater and Ronald Reagan I officially became a Republican because it was a little more in line with my Constitutional Conservatism. [Harry Truman and JFK were the only two Democrats in my lifetime that I would have even considered voting for.] Along the way, from History and my years in Air Force Intelligence, from having personal glimpses behind the Iron Curtain into the Communist Utopias, and some of the Islamic Paradises, I acquired a Terminal Case of Patriotism and Love for the IDEA behind the Founding of My Country. My country does not NEED
Fundamentally Transforming. It needs Fundamentally RESTORING to its Founding Documents!!!!!
[[Don't anyone tell me about Slavery, because even the great Fredrick Douglas wrote that after carefully studying the Consitution, he came to see that IT WAS ANTI-SLAVERY!!!!]] }}}}
I would never presume to be a Biblical Scholar, so perhaps the Christian "Left" is correct that I don't always GET IT. I belong to no "Organized Church or Religion", but I and all the Constitutional Conservatives I know and talk, to abide by the Judeo-Christian commandment that we are to care for the Widows, the Orphans, the Aged and the Infirm. SORRY, but I see many, many people living off the Dole who do not Qualify as Widows, or Orphans, or Aged, or Infirmed. Since the 1960's and Johnson's Great Society, the Taxpayers in this country have forked over TENS OF TRILLIONS of Dollars to battle poverty, and yet today even more people are in what is called "Poverty".....which leads me to question whether Plato and Aristotle were correct, that "Giving aid to the poor is like pouring water into leaking buckets. It only allows the Unfit to more rapidly reproduce their own kind." The result looming in the United States is that the slothful, irresponsible, non-productive will soon so far outnumber the Productive Citizens that, as Montaigne warned Jefferson back in 1788, the Republic will Collapse. There simply will not be ENOUGH productive, creative workers to support the non productive. That was the system that Gramsci, Dewey, Sal Alinsky, Cloward and Pivens and other Progressives hoped for, the creation of an underclass Voting Block MAJORITY to eventually overturn the Constitution and create a One Party Collective Totalitarian Government.......RULED over by the One Percent .....the Party's Elite Leadership.
And that is the Goal of Barak Obama and the present Democrat-Socialist promise FREE everything to everybody (even citizenship for Illegals) in the effort to marginalize, fractionalize and finally destroy the Republican Party as well as any Conservatives. THEN they will have their Socialist One Party Rule......where they don't have to bother with Congress (it will be a rubber stamp Congress) and THEY can Rule by Party Leadership Decree!! The POWER of the Federal Government (with total information collected and compiled on every citizen and the ability to track and control every citizen) will be used to crush and terminate any who might pose a problem to that Party Leadership. THINK IT CANNOT HAPPEN HERE?? WE ARE WATCHING IT UNFOLD BEFORE OUR EYES!!! Most of you people who think Big Government is wonderful and your savior, protector and provider are not going to like it when you finally get what you have been voting for. I have Been There, Seen That in operation!!!
(Gordon S. "Dusty" Rhodes)
June 22nd, 2013