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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
4/26/2013 11:33:34 PM
A very intelligent discussion

April 9, 2013 by

Publius Huldah Explains Why Islamists Don’t Have the Right to Build Mosques, Proselytize Or Institute Sharia Law In America

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Publius Huldah, a retired attorney, Constitutional scholar and a gracious contributor to Freedom Outpost, addressed the Act for America Chapter in Fayetteville, Tennessee recently and demonstrated that the First Amendment does not give Islamists the right to build mosques, proselytize, and institute Sharia law in the United States. She also took time to point out that multiculturalism is not and that Islam is not a peaceful religion.

Publius Huldah points out that the “Islamists seek to replace our Constitution, our religion and our culture with Sharia, their totalitarian political, economic, military, social and legal system. They are making progress and conquering our country because we are not resisting. We are not resisting because people actually believe Islamists have ‘constitutional rights’ to build mosques and proselytize here and that those who oppose them are haters, racists, xenophobes (someone who hates and fears other cultures), and intolerant.”“We face a grave threat,” she began. “Islamists are infiltrating our country and taking over. Our Federal, state and local governments won’t even acknowledge the threat.”

“So the dreadful message we are getting from all sources, “she continues, “is that our Constitution renders us powerless to resist because, and this is the great lie, the First Amendment gives Islamists the right to do what they are doing and that oppose them are bad people.”

Publius Huldah refers to our God given rights as our “shield” against the Islamic conquest in America and says that a proper understanding of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution is needed and this is what she then sets out to put forth. “Rights come from God. Rights do not come from the Constitution,” she declared. “We cut our own throats, when we say that rights come from the Constitution. Our sword is our Constitution.”

Publius Huldah then lists four provisions in the Constitution are available to stop the Islamic conquest in our country.

  • The “Supremacy Clause” in Article Six, clauses 2 and 3. Since the U.S. Constitution is the law of our land, there is not a corner of our country in which Sharia is not forbidden because it is contrary to the Constitution.
  • Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1 delegates the power to Congress to control immigration.
  • Article 4, Section 4 requires the Federal government to protect the states from invasion.
  • Article 1, Section 8, Clause 15 authorizes Congress to call forth the militia (the armed citizens) to suppress insurrections and repel invasion.

She then pointed out that we are allowing an Islamic invasion, and I’ll add a Hispanic invasion as well, because we simply do not know what the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution says and that we have been “conditioned” to think that all cultures are equal and that nothing special happened when America was formed.

  • Publius Huldah then went on to point out that the prevailing dogma of our day is that multiculturalism, the belief that all cultures and religions are equal, is good, except for Western culture which is really, really bad. This is also tied to the rhetoric we hear being perpetrated that unrestricted immigration is a really, really good thing and those that oppose it are “bad people,” because they are racists and xenophobes.
  • Second she points out the lie of Islam being a peaceful religion.
  • Finally, she pointed out a prevailing dogma that the First Amendment gives Islamists the right to build mosques, proselytize and institute Sharia.

The issue of multiculturalism was addressed first and Publius Huldah points out that those who have sought to destroy us have told us that we have been bad from our inception claiming the Founders had slaves, were bad to the Indians and so on. Because many of the founding principles have not been taught in the public education system for some time, there is no wonder that many do not understand them, but instead misrepresent them.

Because of the intimidation of multiculturalists, many are afraid to claim that the American culture was better in any respects to other cultures. However, Publius Huldah declares, “But we were the shining city on a hill. We were a Christian country, based on Judeo-Christian principles of morality and civil government.” She pointed to the Declaration of Independence’s reference to God as the Creator, Supreme Judge of the World and as our divine Protector. Article 7, just above the signatures, recognizes the Lordship of Jesus Christ she says.

Publius then quotes John Jay from Federalist 2 (additional citation mine):

“Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established general liberty and independence.”

While she does note that our culture was not perfect because man is fallen, the culture that had been established was superior to other cultures. Some of the things she specifically referenced of our imperfections was slavery. “We fixed that (the issue of slavery) at great cost, which is what a culture deserves when it violates God’s laws,” she said. However, she now points to the fact that we murder babies which must also be addressed.

“You can’t protect your culture if you permit it to be overrun by people with different cultures who import their own inferior cultures and refuse to embrace your culture,” she declared. “Our Framers knew this.” This is why they put in writing Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1.

In 1965 multiculturalists insisted that we had to let anyone in. They hated our culture because it was based upon the Bible. They set out against our once Puritan, English speaking, and Christian culture with people from different cultures, religions, and languages who had no comprehension of limited, civil government set forth in the Constitution and Bible. It was Teddy Kennedy who pushed for the Immigration Act of 1965 and those that opposed it were silenced by being called names. It abolished the National Origins quota system which limited immigration primarily to those coming from cultures that were similar to ours.

“Multiculturalism never works. Cultures clash and the sub cultures who have the most children and are the most violent wipe out the host culture. It’s happening in Western Europe.”

Publius Huldah said that we don’t need to import Mexican culture because it is a criminal culture and they need to work that out there, not import it into the U.S. “Why is it a good thing to import third world people who don’t share our language, our culture or our values?” she asks.

With this she transitioned into the Islamic culture and told the audience she spoke to, “Look at the photos of the mutilated Muslim women who have been disfigured or murdered by their husbands, fathers and brothers. Look at the way they kill each other.” She went on to speak about cultures and ethnicities and the need and provision for redemption through Jesus Christ being available to all men. The idea of allowing believers or those of similar culture in smaller numbers to immigrate here was to force them into the culture, not allow them to transform it. We wanted them to leave their former cultures, languages and such behind and embrace the American culture.

Publius Huldah then stated there wasn’t a need to spend much time on the idea that Islam is a “peaceful religion.” She then referenced Allen West as the only politician who has had the guts to tell the truth about this, though he did capitulate shortly before his re-election bid last year in a congressional letter. She pointed out that George W. Bush babbled about Islam being peaceful while Ron Paul tried to say their cruelties and actions were America’s fault. Paul said what the CIA had said and that was the fact that 9-11 was part of “blowback,” but I’ve never heard him defending their cruelties under Shariah or such, but the point is taken that Paul is naive about Islam. “Islam is not even a religion,” she said. “Islam is a totalitarian system which controls every aspect of the lives of those who have the misfortune to be subjected to it. It masquerades as a religion in order to intimidate us and to claim what we have been told are First Amendment protection, but once we understand that Islam is just another vicious totalitarian system like Communism and Fascism, we can deal with it.”

She then gave encouraging words to those willing to stand up and demand that those who are ignorant of Islamic history and what is taking place around the world today at the hands of Muslims. Publius Huldah encouraged people not to be afraid to call out the multiculturists and show them the photos of what Islam does to its women. “Remember,” she said, “multiculturists are just ignorant little people who have repeated what they have been told.”

She then took on the final lie in her presentation and that is that the First Amendment gives Islamists rights to build mosques, proselytize and institute Sharia. She then quotes the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Publius Huldah rightly points out that the First Amendment doesn’t grant rights to anyone, but rather prohibits Congress from making laws about religion, speech, the press or assembly. The states retained powers to make laws about religion and speech. The states have always held that power and if you say they don’t, then why is slander, libel, intentional affliction of emotional distress and other such “speech” considered criminal? It’s because that is the states’ powers retained under the Constitution. Many of the states, even following the ratification of the Constitution had established state religions.

Therefore, Islamists don’t have a right to engage in any of their activities because the First Amendment restricts Congress, but not the states from dealing in matters of speech and religion. Also it does not put forth any right in the First Amendment.

Publius Huldah then points to the Declaration of Independence and states that it provides the source from where men’s rights come from, God.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men.”

Therefore, any and all government are there to secure the rights God gave the people, and I’ll add, to punish evildoers (Romans 13). They do this primarily by protecting us from those who seek to take from us our God given rights away from us. Liberty is God’s model for society.

“Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof…”

–Leviticus 25:10

I would highly encourage you to listen to her entire speech. The words I’ve put together in this article cover up to about the 24 minute mark where she begins comparison of the Islamist culture to Christian culture. You will find it encouraging.

UPDATE: Many of you have asked how you can obtain a copy of the message in audio format to send to others, including local and state officials. Well, I have complied and added a downloadable mp3 file which you can share or put on CD and give out to educate the masses, including elected officials. Please feel free to download the file here or feel free to link to this article for friends to download from.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
5/20/2013 9:37:11 PM
Main > News > Defense/Security

Arabs Fly Nazi Flag near Hevron

Residents of Gush Etzion astounded to see Nazi flag flying near the mosque of Beit Omar.
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By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 5/20/2013, 2:20 PM

Nazi flag
Nazi flag
Tatzpit Agency

Hundreds of residents of Gush Etzion, south of Jerusalem, were astounded Monday morning to see an oversized Nazi flag flying next to a mosque in the Arab town of Beit Omar.

The residents notified the IDF.

A resident, Uri Arnon, told the Tazpit News Agency: "I felt we were going back 75 years, losing our hold on the land. The Arabs no longer feel the need to hide their murderous tendencies, announcing out loud that they wish to annihilate us."

An IDF spokesman said that the flag was hung on an electrical line, and that they were waiting to professionals to come and remove it.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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The madkow Rachel Maddow intelligent but ignorant practicing dumb reporting.
5/24/2013 9:39:19 PM
Man may well be guilty of the global warming and causing climate change. Why? To control the population. But they skewed the reports. Because it isn't our factories, cars and energy plants causing the problem. It is our governments practicing and THE KEYWORD IS PRACTICNG using climate changing technologies. But they may have screwed up laying the blame on you and me brothers and sisters. Its them screwing around.
The madkow Rachel Maddow is just another talking head, intelligent but ignorant practicing dumb reporting.

5/23/2013 — RE: Rachel Maddow DENIES Weather Modification = Serious Misinformation

Now for the real source and the truth

Here’s the before/after on this past 3 days.. up to May 22, 2013. Even Rhode Island was hit.

Oklahoma man made:


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
5/28/2013 3:29:08 PM
Is the American government hiding something from the people? No???... Then why are they doing the following? It appears 0bama has taken up where the 39th President, Jimmy Carter left off. Have you been keeping up where Peter and I started sounding alarms? You should.
U.S. Congress Introduces Bill Ordering “FEMA” to Conduct ‘Mass Fatality Planning


[if gte vml 1]> [endif][if !vml]

While millions of Americans were busy watching the elephant puppet battle the ass puppet at the latest political circus, the United States Congress quietly introduced a new piece of legislation ordering the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to begin preparing for mass casualties throughout the country.

House Resolution 6566, also known as the Mass Fatality Planning and Religious Considerations Act, would amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to mandate that FEMA immediately begin conducting "mass fatality planning" in preparation for a major event or series of events that may kill off untold numbers of people.

Introduced by Rep. Laura Richardson (D-Ca. (airhead)), H.R. 6566 provisions that the Administrator of FEMA -- William Craig Fugate currently holds the Administrator position at FEMA ( -- provide "guidance and coordination" for dealing with a mass casualty event arising from a natural disaster, terrorist act, or "other man-made disaster."

The bill also ominously sets up the FEMA Administrator as a type of emergency dictator with the power to control how local communities, private businesses, nonprofit organizations, religious organizations, and even individuals prepare for and respond to a mass fatality event.

"Funeral homes, cemeteries, and mortuaries could be overwhelmed should mass fatalities arise from a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster," says the legislation, which also specifies the manner in which people with certain religious affiliations should be buried following their deaths.

You can read the disturbing legislation in full at the following link:

Who was the US President in 1979? - Wiki Answers

[if gte vml 1]> [endif][if !vml]

Is the federal government preparing for a massive false flag event?

Contrary to what is being reported by some sources, H.R. 6566 has not yet been passed by either the House of Representatives nor the Senate, which means it has not yet become law. According to, the bill was referred to a congressional committee on September 28 for consideration, and has yet to be reported on by that committee. (

Even so, the bill's introduction is troubling to say the least, especially in light of the federal government's recent purchases of large stocks of hollow-point ammunition (, meat, emergency supplies (, and riot gear. (

It seems as though occupiers at all levels of the federal government know something that the rest of us do not know, which would explain their mad rush throughout the past couple of years to pass various "continuity of government" legislation and executive orders, including the more recent National Defense and Authorization Act (NDAA) that provisioned for indefinite detention of American citizens. (

When put into perspective, all these bills and executive orders point to something massive occurring in the very near future, whether that be a major natural disaster, an economic collapse, a false flag terror attack, or perhaps even World War III. Whatever the case may be, the federal government most certainly appears to be preparing for its own post-disaster survival at the expense of ours.

Sources for this article include:

Jim Allen III

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: US vs. Bitcoin?
5/30/2013 12:31:59 PM
Hello ALP,
Hope your morning is grand. I was just reading through my NEWS list and found this story. i believe it answers a question Bogdan asked in his forum the past couple of days.
Will the USA go after Bitcoin? Yes they will! read on...

United States of America v. Bitcoin: Crypto-Currency Prosecution Update

World Economy

The United States has begun their attack on crypto currencies, and it is no surprise.

If you understand the Federal Reserve, or banking system at all, you know why governments depend on inflating their currencies to pay off debts they create. If you would like to learn the basics of this system, watch our online webinar, which undeniably proves this relationship.

Crypto-currencies, like Bitcoin, offer a way for the citizenry to opt out of government-created inflation. So, of course governments will not like everyone using Bitcoin. It takes away their ability to steal wealth through inflation. However, the more they fight against Bitcoin, the more the government stands to wake up the masses, and the more mainstream Bitcoin will become.

Government regulation and prosecution is also one of the factors which may effect Bitcoin’s price or adoption curve. But, as usual, the government is sprinting to catch up with technology, which is common to most areas of law: slow to adapt.
Because governments will likely see Bitcoin (or other crypto-currencies) as a threat, it is safe to say they will demonize it, and use words like “drug-dealer,” “terrorists” or other charged language in an attempt to garner popular support against it. At least, this was my prediction six months ago, when I was writing my book: Bitcoin Revolution: Ending Tyranny For Fun and Profit.

So, lets take a brief look at whats happened since then:

March 18, 2013: [“It’s not really currency, but we still want to know about it.”]
US Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network published a report on guidelines about how to treat “virtual currencies” like Bitcoin. You can read the full report here. Basically, the US just said that money-laundering and record-keeping laws apply to people who “create” and “exchange” virtual currencies like Bitcoin. Showing that they may not completely understand the Crypto-Currency, the “creator” of Bitcoin is unknown, and Bitcoins merely come into existence by mining activity. So those who “create” Bitcoins… I guess that is up for debate.

April 25, 2013: [“We shut down your bank accounts and won’t tell you why.”]
At least two Canadian Bitcoin exchanges reported that their businesses have been disabled because Canadian banks simply shut down their accounts without citing any valid sources or authority.

May 14, 2013: [Homeland Secuirty Shuts Down Dwolla For Owner’s Failure To Tick a Box. Sounds Fair. <Insert Sarcasm>.]
US Department of Homeland Security froze accounts of Dwolla, an American-based mobile Bitcoin exchange. These types of pre-trial seizures are a common way for the US government to destroy a business or individual without the required level of a finding of guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt” at trial, which law mandates. News on the Dwolla prosecution has been light since the pre-trial seizure. However, the official court documents, which were recently (May 29, 2013) made public, reveal the reason for the entire seizure, and subsequent prosecution was because the owner forgot to tick the right box two years ago when he opened his bank account. There will be more news on this story, I’m sure…

May 29, 2013: [Feds Save World From Online Drug Dealers Using Unconstitutional Patriot Act.]
US Feds shut down Costa-Rican based “Liberty Reserve,” another crypt-currency citing the “Patriot Act” for support. The complaint issued by the prosecutors basically said that Liberty Reserve targeted mostly illegal activities (drug dealing, money laundering, computer hacking, etc.) Five individuals have been arrested, including Liberty Reserve’s CEO, who had renounced his US Citizenship in 2011. Why did they go after Liberty Reserve and not Bitcoin? Liberty Reserve was centralized: it had a CEO, servers, and domains. Bitcoin does not.

Good News?
Recently, Canada has indicated that it will not treat Bitcoin as “funds,” therefore, it will not be regulated, and subject to anti-money laundering laws.

So that is a quick update on what governments are doing to regulate, prosecute, and destroy crytpo-currencies.
But here is the interesting thing, since the long overdue bubble pop, of April 10, the price of Bitcoin has steadily increased despite these attacks from government. It will be interesting to see if the government finally does manage to hurt Bitcoins growth.

Stay tuned, because it is our belief there will be more villianization of Bitcoin users to come… and more price increases of Bitcoin.

As Astro the future dog off the Jetsons would say.. "Rutro!"

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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