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RE: RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is IT THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
3/14/2011 2:32:24 PM

Have you ever wondered what America would look like under Shari’ah? The ongoing campaign to bring the US and indeed the entire world under the authority of Islam has compelled sincere Muslims to draw up realistic plans for changes that are likely to occur once all obstacles in the way of implementing the Shari’ah are removed.

One of the primary targets for immediate reconstruction in the US is the White House; originally designed by Irish architect James Hoban, this building holds significant symbolic value in representing centuries of repression under man-made law.

Unlike the British burning of Washington, one of the practical proposals for the redevelopment of the White House under Islam will be to see it converted into a flourishing mosque.

Mosques or Masjids are taken to be one of the most important buildings in Islam, acting as places of (Islamic) worship, centres of learning, places where the ill are treated and even locations where crucial decisions are made regarding domestic and international government policies; mosques also act as an opportunity for non-Muslims to learn more about Islam and even embrace this superior way of life.

With the absence of the Shari’ah worldwide, mosques are unfortunately a far cry from their glorious past, and hence the conversion of the White House into one will undoubtedly help restore the iconic status that this building has in the Shari’ah.

Check out do you believe like these people?

Glenn Beck 2011-02-14 Monday Part 2

Glenn Beck Show (February 14, 2011): Time To Get Organized


Glenn Beck Show (February 14, 2011): Time To Get Organized

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is IT THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
3/15/2011 1:22:34 PM
These people are DELUSIONAL and have a warped sense of history. IMHO

America has had a long history of funding the terrorist occupying army of 'Israel', legitimizing its existence and justifying its violent transgressions against Muslims in the region. It has been funding Israeli terrorism with tens of billions of dollars in military aid over the last decade, its weapons have been used to bomb, shoot, kidnap and torture countless innocent men, women and children in Palestine. US donated jets, tanks, vehicles, guns, bullets and cluster bombs have been used to destroy schools, homes, hospitals, shoot babies, pregnant women and elderly men. Famous massacres such as the recent Lebanon and Gaza bombardments, Sabra and Shatila, Jenin and countless incidents have been backed and funded by American money.

America currently has several fighter jets, helicopters, tanks and other heavy artillery on loan to the occupying army of Israel and has publicly committed to donate $30 billion dollars in military aid for Israel's terrorist operations spread between 2009-2018.

With the Islamic takeover of Washington, the Islamic State of America will immediately cut this funding and recover whatever is possible from previous funds provided to Israel. This money will be paid in blood-money as compensation for the deaths, injuries, torture, rapes and other atrocities caused by American money and weapons in Palestine, Lebanon and other regions affected by Israeli operations.

All weapons, vehicles and artillery on loan to Israel will immediately be recalled and lent to the innocent people in Palestine who have no means to defend themselves against armed occupyings soldiers and settlers continuously encroaching further and further onto their land and usurping more and more land everyday.

The lavish 'Israeli Embassy' in Washington DC will be closed and the inhabitants evicted. Any members of the Israeli terrorist organisation will stand trial for any membership of proscribed terrorist organisations or fundraising, supporting, inciting or glorifying acts of Israeli terrorism. They will be given every opportunity to defend themselves fairly in an Islamic Shari'ah Court and will not be subjected to the mistreatment, secret 'evidence' or torture currently extended to Muslims in Guantanemo Bay, Palestine, Abu Ghraib, Bagram Airbase or other Western establishments.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is IT THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
3/24/2011 3:27:16 PM

US to close Pakistan embassy and consulates amid protests

The US embassy in Islamabad will close its doors and shut its consulates in Pakistan on Friday because of ongoing protests after the release of a CIA contractor accused of double murder.

Small demonstrations have broken out across the country after American Raymond Davis, who shot dead two men in Lahore in January, was set free on Wednesday $2 million in “blood money” was allegedly paid to the families of the dead.

“The US embassy and consulates will be closed for routine business tomorrow,” embassy spokesman Alberto Rodriguez said on Thursday.

The decision was made “for public safety at large because there may be demonstrations tomorrow”.

The biggest protest was in Lahore, where some 800 students rallied at Punjab University campus chanting anti-US slogans such as “Death to America”.

Security was tightened at the US consulate in Lahore, with several roads near the building blocked with barbed wire and concrete slabs. The other US consulates are in Karachi and the northwestern city of Peshawar.

In Peshawar, police used tear gas and beat back about 100 students trying to block a main road outside the city university, arresting nine students, senior police official Mohammad Ijaz said.

Some demonstrators threw stones while others burned an effigy of Mr Davis.

About 300 people also rallied in the central city of Multan and token protests were held in the capital Islamabad.

The shooting, which Mr Davis said was in self-defence, sparked protests and ruptured fragile ties with the United States, which said that Mr Davis enjoyed full diplomatic immunity from prosecution and pressed for his release.

Islamabad had been under domestic pressure to stand up to its superpower ally and try Mr Davis for murder, but authorities let him go following a lengthy court hearing on Wednesday at the Lahore jail where Mr Davis was detained.

The families of the two dead men who received blood money, or “diyat”, which is legal under Pakistani law and conforms to Islamic sharia law, disappeared following the decision, one cousin and another neighbour told AFP.

“For two days we’ve had no contact with them. They have locked their house and disappeared,” said Mukhtar Ahmad, a cousin of Faizan Haider, one of the two men shot dead by Davis.

“Nobody knows where they have gone. We don’t even know if they’re in Pakistan.”

Siddique Ahmad, a neighbour of Mohammad Faheem, the second man killed, said: “We do not know where they have been moved to. They were living here in a small rented house, they were poor people.”

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said the United States is “very grateful” for the family pardon.

She reaffirmed that a US investigation had been launched into the incident on January 27.

“And we have communicated our strong support for the relationship between Pakistan and the United States, which we consider to be of strategic importance,” she said.


Why are the Lefties not *****ing about this president's free use of Predator Drones? Seems he is personally designating targets destiny with a thumbs up or a thumbs down.

Drone attack kills 38

More than 38 suspected militants were killed by US Predator drones in Pakistan’s lawless tribal area close to the border with Afghanistan.

4:29PM GMT 17 Mar 2011

The attack appears to have targeted commanders associated with Hafiz Gul Bahadur, a senior leader of the Pakistan Taliban, whose forces regularly launch cross-border raids on NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Bahadur’s forces have been regularly targeted in drone attacks, but this latest will put added pressure on the already strained relationship between Islamabad and Washington. Bahadur is regarded as 'pro-Islamabad’ and opposes militant attacks on Pakistani forces.

Officials said the strike will intensify protests planned throughout Pakistan over the release of CIA contractor Raymond Davis arrested for killing two motorcycle gunmen in Lahore in January. Davis was freed after £1.5 million in 'blood money’ was paid to the families of the two men.

According to Pakistani intelligence sources, at least 38 were killed when the Predator drone struck a compound in Datta Khel, North Waziristan.

The strike appears to have been one of the most lethal since they began in 2004. An attempt to kill the late Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud in June 2009 killed more than 80, while a strike in Khyber last December left more than 60 suspected militants dead.

Officials said the decision to launch such a deadly attack so soon after the release of Raymond Davies was a setback to hopes that relations would improve.

It is hard for me to fathom that a "Community organizer" has been given such power. This guy has never held a real job in the real world he has always lived in a bubble. Yet we idly sit by as he carries out operations in Pakistan.

When did the American people say they wanted to be at war in no less than 5 mid east countries at one time no less?

And we stand idly by as other atrocities are happening right in front of us that truly begs for intervention. Yet the slaughter continues.

I say bring em home, secure our borders, Drill, mine and create our own energy instead of paying people that want us dead anyways!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is IT THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
3/28/2011 10:17:25 PM

Andrew Klavan: Does Islam Suck?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is IT THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
4/6/2011 12:28:31 PM
Obama says, Drill Baby Drill! in Brazil

Blame It On Rio: The President Goes Petro Hunting In Brazil

April 6, 2011 by John Myers

Blame It On Rio: The President Goes Petro Hunting In Brazil

A good President might try to correct three of America’s biggest problems: intractable unemployment, America’s increasing dependency on foreign oil and a monstrous trade deficit. Yet none not one of these issues concerned President Barack Obama as he traveled throughout Latin America and launched another war upon a Middle Eastern nation.

Libya is ground zero for American air and sea power. Libya has more than 40 billion barrels of crude oil reserves and before its civil war was producing 1.7 million barrels of oil per day, roughly 2 percent of the world’s daily oil output.

No longer can other oil exporters replace shrinking Libyan production. That makes the crisis in Libya not just a potential military one but an economic one as well.

Barack’s Brazilian Solution
Apparently President Barack Obama does not think American roughnecks can be trusted. Boring at vast oil veins under the Gulf of Mexico has been suspended by the President. Now he has made his case for offshore oil development much further south, off the coast of Brazil.

Obama made his proposal while meeting with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. The Tupi oil field alone, which lies off Rio de Janeiro in the Santos Basin, has a potential deepwater reserve of 100 billion barrels.

Of course, the Gulf of Mexico has vast reserves, too. But like a good Democrat, Obama has added a middleman, and a foreign one at that.

The prospect of drilling for oil off the coast of Brazil rather than the coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico seemed to have Obama tickled pink.

“By some estimates, the oil you recently discovered off the shores of Brazil could amount to twice the reserves we have in the United States,” Obama said. ”We want to work with you. We want to help with technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely, and when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers.”

The “you” Obama was talking about is one of the largest corporations in the Americas—Brazil’s state-owned Petrobras oil company. Obama previously offered the company a $2 billion loan guarantee to help develop the oil field, but to date, Petrobras has not given an answer.

While the President has embraced oil production off Brazil, operations in the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Alaska are at a standstill because of Obama’s “permitorium” on drilling. The only exceptions being three Gulf permits granted to operations which previously had permits and one allowing for new exploration (which will probably soon get slammed by a lawsuit).

Brazilian oil only makes sense if the United States didn’t have reserves. But the nation does. Still the President wants to invest billions of U.S. tax dollars for oil off Brazil.

And let’s not forget the unemployment problem. Obama promised to get America back to work during his primary run for the Presidency three years ago. But the jobless situation has not improved. According to The Washington Post, real unemployment in the United States may be as high as 16 percent.

Never mind that American rig operators go without work as do a multitude of small businesses that support them.

Fill’er Up With Corn And Check The Oil
Pleasing the Greens seems more important to Obama than getting America back on its feet. Of course, pleasing the Greens won’t produce much work for Americans and will only make the United States more dependent on oil imports. And oh yes, it will add to America’s massive trade deficit which has been weakening the U.S. dollar and therefore aggravating inflation.

Little wonder that on March 25, The Canada Free Press gave its opinion on Obama’s aspirations for Brazil:

“If Obama seems to be taking a wrecking ball to domestic oil production while increasing our reliance on oil from unstable foreign regimes, he at least partially explained his reasoning while in Brazil. ‘In the United States, we’ve jump-started a clean energy industry, and we’ll soon have the capacity to produce 40 percent of the world’s advanced batteries.’

“Of course, ‘jump-started’ is Washington speak [SIC] for subsidized. So in essence, the President is more than happy to trade our energy security and tank our economy to lead the world in the production of batteries.”

The Canada Free Press concluded that nobody can make, “stuff like this up and if it wasn’t so seriously stupid, it might be hilariously funny.”

Obama seems locked into remaking America into a Green nation whether it makes economic sense or not. Before his trip to Brazil, The Economist came out with its Feb. 28 issue, the cover of which said: “Blood and oil.” Within this issue is a Special Report, The Future of Food.

Food and energy have always been interconnected because it takes one to produce the other. Despite dire warnings of the surging global demand for food over the next two decades the Obama administration is willing to grow corn rather than drill for oil.

While China aims to make 5 percent of its gasoline supply ethanol by 2020, Obama is far more ambitious, demanding that 30 percent of U.S. gasoline be derived from ethanol or alcohol by 2030.

Today ethanol only accounts for 8 percent of America’s transportation fuel yet takes up to 40 percent of the nation’s corn acreage. The Economist warns that if Obama’s 2030 deadline for clean gasoline is met, it will inflate food prices by an additional 15 to 40 percent.

If Obama had read this issue of The Economist, he might have spent less time talking about drilling for Brazilian offshore oil and spent more time learning the truth about ethanol.

Brazil has no special advantage in finding crude but does have a tremendous advantage in making ethanol. The Economist points out that Brazil generates its ethanol, not from corn but from sugarcane, and the result is that it harvests eight units of energy for every one unit spent. In the U.S., corn produces one and a half units of energy for every one unit spent.

Yet Obama is insistent that America grow ethanol, food prices be damned.

According to Peter Brabeck, the CEO of food giant Nestlé, “This is the craziest thing (the United States) is doing.”

I take issue with Brabeck. The Obama administration has been doing so many crazy things when it comes to U.S. energy policies it seems impossible to name just one.

Yours in good times and bad,

John Myers
Editor, Myers’ Energy & Gold Report

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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