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Donna Zuehl

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Another Post From Someone With Fibromyalgia
12/9/2009 6:27:41 AM

Here is another post from someone with fibromyalgia, giving some ideas of what she does to help her pain.

Sharing the toolbox

Posted: Jul 12, 2009

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Replying to: Sharing the toolbox

Wonderful post Nancy! I can list some things that I do too.

  • Memory foam mattress topper - the best thing I've bought thus far. Get the thickest one you can afford. You can also buy an eggcrate topper and place it underneath the memory foam to make it feel thicker.

  • Heating pads - I have two because it seems that there's never just ONE place that hurts alot.

  • Biofreeze - you can also try Stoppain, Aspercreme, Icey Hot etc. They provide temporary relief only but sometimes some is better than nothing

  • Stretching - everyday, multiple times a day. I use an exercise ball to really stretch my back (as well as isometric exercises) but stretch bands or even a towel can be useful.

  • Exercise - I am sometimes good at this, sometimes not. But I do use my exercise ball at least 5 times a week to do situps, hip hinges, leg lifts etc. I have lite hand weights, a recumbant stationary bike and a regular bike. I do alot of yardwork and try to incorporate more activity into my day

  • Relaxation CD - I have several. One I really like is by Belleruth Naparstek. It's specifically for FM and CFS, and contains guided imagery and affirmations. I have another that is only music which is great too.

  • Books etc - Everyone needs one good FM book. There are many to chose from. Another I recommend is No More Sleepless Nights by Peter Hauri. I've also joined the Natl Fibro Assoc, which gives me access to alot of information.

  • Scheduling/routine - I must keep to a regular routine most of the time. Bedtimes, awake times and work times. Hosuecleaning and yardwork must be done on seperate days. After work errands are spread out over the week instead of trying to do it all in one evening. Pacing is absolutely required.

  • Meds - I take Ambien, Ultram and Flexeril as needed. Usually one dose of ultram in the morning, then ambien and flexeril at bedtime. Sometimes a dose of advil is added in the afternoon.

  • Hot soaks - in the shower or hot tub, followed by stretching.

    I know there's probably more things I'll think of after I hit the post button.

  • --
    ~Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you decide to see beyond the imperfections.~ Hugs, Sharon

    Roger Bjornerud

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    RE: Another Post From Someone With Fibromyalgia
    3/9/2010 8:35:50 PM
    I use vitamins, minerals, aloe vera and exercise.
    Aloe vera prevents me from being punished after exercising.
    I used to hurt for days after exercising before.

    Exercising is still just as painful as before. :)

    Roger Bjornerud - Back from vacation - Planning the next :)

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    Donna Zuehl

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    RE: Another Post From Someone With Fibromyalgia
    3/10/2010 5:51:04 AM

    Thanks for the tip, Roger! We fibromyalgia types ( I won't call us sufferers) can use good tips because what works for one may work for another as well.


    RE: Another Post From Someone With Fibromyalgia
    6/2/2010 10:43:30 AM
    I definitely agree with most of the steps described in the aforementioned post. Stretching is the most crucial one for me. If I don't stretch everyday especially when I get up in the morning I can't move all day. Keeping a routine is absolutely necessary for me. Activity is very important just not too much in one day.

    Checking and reading these posts help me tremendously. I think it helps give me the will to keep going knowing that I have someone to share with. I guess they say "misery loves company" for a reason. Seriously, I would say I am not a miserable person. I have adjusted pretty well for someone that lives in constant pain, asleep or awake, every single day of my life. But, there are definitely ways to minimize the pain. I'm still glad to be alive.
    Donna Zuehl

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    RE: Another Post From Someone With Fibromyalgia
    6/3/2010 1:49:43 AM


    Thank you for your post. I am glad you find the fibromyalgia articles helpful. It does help to know that you are not the only one with the symptoms. More and more of us are being diagnosed. Sharing coping tips is very important. I wish more people with fibromyalgia would share their tips in this forum, as a help to others.

