Hello Roger- Once again, my friend, you have gently reminded folks that being a member of the human race is NOT just about personal gain, but about making a difference in the lives of others. For many, this is a daily goal, but alas, there forever will be those souls who must be nudged into realizing that money does not bring happiness nor fulfillment. It is in the doing for others, unselfishly, giving of one's time and one's eforts, that brings JOY into your life. On this day of Thanks, in a world where some have plenty and others are in need, let us count all of the blessings bestowed on us. But also, let us go forth each day, with a renewed sense of hope, with courage and strength, making every attempt to create a world where the betterment of mankind is the goal. Where love and charity prevail, and faith that our brothers and sisters share in our goal of a better place, a world where kindness is the key. And as we approach this holiday season, where excesses are sometimes flaunted in abundance, let us choose wisely. Ponder each purchase and its purpose. Perhaps, selecting gifts for those we love, that will keep on giving... that part of the proceeds benefit some worthwhile cause rather than corporate stockholders. May the blessings of this past year increase two-fold in the upcoming year. May the sorrows experienced bevome easier to bear. Let us pray that every man, woman and child finds true love in their life... Let us continue to hope for a better world. All my love and with giant HUGS, JeanMarie