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Economy Sucks and Scammers Are Getting Aggressive
11/19/2009 10:03:25 AM
Hello all,
Been a while since I have been here at Adlandpro. Why you might ask? I have been super busy and making money at teaching and performing concerts. One thing I learned over the past few years is stick with what you know well and do what you love. The money will come to you, not you chasing the money.

Now, to address my topic. Economy sucks and ...
After nearly a year of hearing people talk about no money, lost jobs, homes, etc. I have discovered that greed became their worst nightmare. Over spending, living on large credit card purchases, none living frugally found their selves caught in the web they wove. Many that wanted to one up the Jones' did so by any means possible including lying on loan apps, mortgage apps and credit card apps with no regard it will come back and bite them in the arse. So, when it all got touch they had no place to turn but downward.

Let's now go to the scammers. This is how desparate people don't want to work. Auto Extended warranty programs, Selling Island property, No schooling College Degrees, NoFlo drinks. These are a few that call you at home and want your credit card. Most of the calls come from Clearwater, Florida from a call clearing house. Once you have purchased something from them don't be surprised to find more things charged to your credit card.

But, what about online scams. Well, let's go back a couple of years to when we saw a company offering cash/credit back on purchases to any of their vendors. Soon the same company was selling shares into their company publicly. They grew into a multi-million dollar empire in a few months despite the red flags that were being presented to many people.

Who is this company? Greenzap. Where are they today. I know the state of California served a cease and desist on selling stocks of any kind to Mr. Westmoreland and all parties of Greenzap. The website is gone or I can't find it.

That was one of the most complex scams invented. There are many more and less complexed. Matrix programs are like a mafia laundering ring. The money just gets shuffled as well as the people in it.

New rules from FTC in the US are making marketing (on and off line) tougher for all. Copy and paste won't cut it any more. Before you make a claim of any kind you will need to show viable proof to your claim of what you are asking money for. If you say you are guaranteed to make $10,000 in 90 days you have to show your own proof that it can be done with what you are selling. You can't get away with using the mother company's testimony because you are making the claim in your ads. People telling you that they have the bulletproof system to earning money are to show their proof to you before you sign up. Many won't or can't.

So, if the info sounds too good to be true most likely it's a scam. Due diligence is the best defense to not getting burned.
Mark Gibson

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RE: Economy Sucks and Scammers Are Getting Aggressive
11/19/2009 1:31:48 PM


Boy it has been awhile since you have been here at ALP... SO glad to see you again my friend.

You are so right about doing your due dilegence(?).

I remember when that greenzap company launched and so many people were jumping in to it but I had a gut feeling it was not what they claimed and I passed on it. Just another one I was right about.

I don't know if you have seen BlastOff yet or not but they have been able to have over 200,000 people join them in just over 2 weeks and they have paid out over 100k already as of about a week ago from an update I received from them. I personally have sponsored 6 people in just 2 weeks and have a total of 13 so far and have earned a big whopping $10.75. Not much I would have to say but for a free program I guess it is not bad.

The way BlastOff is workign is you get to join for free and create your very own personal home page customized with news, games, music & videos and social sites. Then they offer a % of what you spend through their mall of stores ranging from Target, BestBuy, Home Depot and 400 more stores. I ordered the same print cartridges I get at a local store for $70 through BlastOff for only $45.83 including shipping and earned $6.97 in commissions.

YOU might want to check this one out Kenneth. YOU may just be surprised as I was. Normally I would pass on these type of programs myself but I believe this is put together very well. I just wished I had thought of it.

Then there is SOC which was ranked as the 158th fastest growing privatley held business according to INC500 and I found a website that ranked them as the 52nd most researched MLM online for Oct. They are featured in SUCCESS FROM HOME magazine for the 2nd time in 1 year. They must be doing it right.

YOU guys can get a free gift account and send 2 real greeting cards via snail mail on me to test drive the system if you like.

Again Kenneth it is great to see you here again.


Mark Gibson

To YOUR success, Mark Gibson

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