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Phillip Black

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4/3/2010 8:27:07 PM

Bonjour Sarah,

Mon cher ami, I could never leave Adland, it has become like my Second Home. Matter of fact, I often spend more time here with my Adland Friends, than I do with my own Family. I simply get frustrated and must vent, juste un petit peu.

I often do exactly like you. I insert the very same email address whenever it asks for Verification, and it is always accepted and my Notificatrions start back up once again. IE8 still will now allow me to see my YouTube Videos, so I just link them to a Graphic, like I used to before we could post them from the Toolbar.

Les ordinateurs sont fous, mais comment pourrions-nous vivre sans eux?

En vous souhaitant câlins ange ainsi mon ami.

Vous avez une chance de Pâques,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Bogdan Fiedur

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5/13/2010 2:29:01 PM
Hello All,

I have just added a second thread to my new forum and I am not quite sure if I have sent the notification to all my Adland friends.

I am very anxious that, as many people as possible should see this thread. It is about a British war heroine who has never been able to tell anybody about the work she did while serving in the Women's Royal Navy until secrecy restrictions were lifted.

Please could you spell out the correct way to send the invitation to others if it is a new thread in a forum. I am not sure if I have informed my friends about this thread.

Notification is sent not to your friends but to the subscribers of your forum.
When you create forum for the first time, you have option to notify your friends about it.

Also you have option to re-notify your friends about the forum.
When you access your forum, just above your picture, there is a section called actions. Click "Invite friends" link to invite those friends who didn't join your forum yet.

Bogdan Fiedur
Pauline Raina

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5/13/2010 2:44:04 PM

Thank you Bogdan, for helping Judy out here. I just sent her a pm too hope she finds it helpful.


Roy Leazer

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5/14/2010 1:54:31 PM
Where your email ends up is usually a function of your provider. If you're web based, your provider has a procedure at the site for white-listing any particular sender. If you have your email delivered to your Outlook or Outlook Express program on your desktop, you might try message options in the dropdown menu to prevent the sender from ending up in the spam folder.
John Partington

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5/18/2010 1:57:22 PM

Hi Judy,

Its very kind of you to mention me as I am no saint, but just pleased I was able to help you through a difficult time!

Best Wishes



Where your email ends up is usually a function of your provider. If you're web based, your provider has a procedure at the site for white-listing any particular sender. If you have your email delivered to your Outlook or Outlook Express program on your desktop, you might try message options in the dropdown menu to prevent the sender from ending up in the spam folder.

Thanks for the advice Roy but it was not quite as simple as that and Bogdon has told me what to do to sort it out. I hope what happened to me, is not common problem in Adpro but if it ever happens to any of you, Bogdon has supplied the answer.

I had a stroke in 2008 and lost some of my memory as well as some things in my computer's memory.

John Partington had the patience of a saint and he helped me use my own c-panel again but he had to shut off some Adpro functions before I could start using my own server's c-panel. It is wierd but if you loose odd bits of memory after a stroke, most things come back to you, when you are relaxed. Some things never come back and you have to learn the ABC of the missing bits again.

Some things have been lost forever so can I fix my Adpro e-mail without tears and tantrums? We shall see!!
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