Pauline, I want to say Congratulations on the fine job you have done with the BFA, along with assistance from Joe and all those who have assisted you, including Branka. 
You are indeed a Star in Adland! Let us hope that something better takes place. You have dedicated a lot of your time to this forum and I doubt anyone could have done a better job. Just as no one has been able to do a better job with POTW as did you and John Sanchez. No reflection on you, Kathleen, it is just not getting the support needed. I was happy to see some new folks posting this week. I don't understand why people gain pleasure in calling others names. Holier than thou, all that stuff, run with higher crowd, is it necessary. There are some fine people here in Adland and just don't deserve to be called names by those who only see and think in the negative. It is good that I was away when all this took place but I want to give my support to the BFA Team and thank them for the hard work and to know those efforts were appreciated. I am sorry that because of all this other forum owners will now not be able to be appreciated as they deserve. For those of us who continue to contribute and be a healthy part of this worthy community, let us pick up, dust off, and keep on going! Blessings to all, even the negatives, Sara