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RE: BFA nominations for December 2009
11/10/2009 5:43:40 AM
Hello Pauline,

Thanks for all you have done, but most of all for being a great freind.
Sorry to see BFA discontiuned, but sometimes there has to be an end for new beginnings, we will look forward to new beginnings and just keep the love for one another.

Blessings and hugs,

Flag of Pauline Raina

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RE: BFA nominations for December 2009
11/12/2009 5:05:35 PM

Hello Pauline,

Thanks for all you have done, but most of all for being a great freind.
Sorry to see BFA discontiuned, but sometimes there has to be an end for new beginnings, we will look forward to new beginnings and just keep the love for one another.

Blessings and hugs,


Bogdan will surely find a better way to reward our members.

Thank you for your support n luv always :)



RE: BFA nominations for December 2009
11/13/2009 9:02:30 PM

Pauline, I want to say Congratulations on the fine job you have done with the BFA, along with assistance from Joe and all those who have assisted you, including Branka.

You are indeed a Star in Adland!

Let us hope that something better takes place. You have dedicated a lot of your time to this forum and I doubt anyone could have done a better job. Just as no one has been able to do a better job with POTW as did you and John Sanchez. No reflection on you, Kathleen, it is just not getting the support needed. I was happy to see some new folks posting this week.

I don't understand why people gain pleasure in calling others names. Holier than thou, all that stuff, run with higher crowd, is it necessary. There are some fine people here in Adland and just don't deserve to be called names by those who only see and think in the negative. It is good that I was away when all this took place but I want to give my support to the BFA Team and thank them for the hard work and to know those efforts were appreciated. I am sorry that because of all this other forum owners will now not be able to be appreciated as they deserve.

For those of us who continue to contribute and be a healthy part of this worthy community, let us pick up, dust off, and keep on going!

Blessings to all, even the negatives,


Flag of Alain Deguire

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RE: BFA nominations for December 2009
11/14/2009 2:59:43 PM

Dear BFA Team!

I am sorry to see again all these troubles with again and always the same ones involved...


and, Bogdan...

I must say that I am very disappointed to see how easy it is to destroy what so many people in the community like and appreciate so much... You have just to stir up things a little here - and, it seems that some people are pro at this - and everything falls down... I am sorry but I do not think this is right! It might be your way of running away from troubles... but, I am afraid You will have to face them some day!


THANK YOU and CONGRATS to Pauline, Joe and all the others working behind the scene for an Outstanding Job with this forum!


It is NONSENSE to be Doing Our Best as Volunteer for the Benefit of the Community and, to Observe that we Will Be Put Down and Let Down By the Owner himself as soon as We do Commit a Mistake... It Feels like if The Damocles Sword is gonna fall on Us at any Time!

Another Sad AdlandPro Story!



Flag of Terry Gorley

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RE: BFA nominations for December 2009
11/17/2009 10:20:30 PM

I found this while doing a search on Patanjali and thought I would share it here:


Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and the world around you. These are moral principles. Sometimes they are called the don'ts or the thou shalt nots. There are five yamas:

  • Nonviolence (ahimsa). Do no harm to any creature in thought or deed. In his book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda asks Mahatma Gandhi the definition of ahimsa. Gandhi said, "The avoidance of harm to any living creature in thought or deed." Yogananda asked if one could kill a cobra to protect a child. Gandhi maintained he would still hold to his vow of ahimsa, but added, "I must confess that I could not serenely carry on this conversation were I faced by a cobra."
  • Truth and honesty (satya). Tell no lies. Cheating on your income taxes falls into this category.
  • Nonstealing (asteya). Do not steal material objects (a car) or intangibles such as the center of attention or your child's chance to learn responsibility or independence by doing something on his own.
  • Nonlust (brahmacharya). Don't worry; this is not a call to celibacy. Many yogis of old were married and had families of their own. The person who practices brahmacharya avoids meaningless sexual encounters and, as the well-known teacher B.K.S. Iyengar puts it, "sees divinity in all."
  • Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha). Free yourself from greed, hoarding, and collecting. Do you really need more shoes, another car, or to hog the conversation every time you see your friends? Make your life as simple as possible.

Love & Hugs


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