
Gary Bacchetti

38 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
==> You available at 1:00 today eastern? (NY time)
10/24/2009 4:06:18 PM
This post points out the obvious.

If you were taking a test and
had all the answers slipped
to you, I'd bet you would
score 100%.
Or How About This Example...

You and I are sitting at a piano.
I play three notes.  Then I ask you
to do the same - chances are, you'd
get it 100% correct.
Using those two examples above,
wouldn't it hold true that if you
merely do what I do in Internet
Marketing, you'd be successful

Now I am not suggesting you
would match me exactly because
I am extremely aggressive, but
you'd be far better off than where
you may be now is my guess.

Sound logical?
Gary Bacchetti
The Gentle Mentor

Here is the link to todaysWebinar
or copy/paste this link into your browser:
(Opens in a new window)


Sign-up for the f.ree Halloween Giveaway.
or copy/paste this link into yourbrowser:
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Sign-up for the f.ree Home Business Giveaway
or copy/paste this link into your browser:
(Opens in a new window)

Get Your Autoresponder ($1.00 30 day trial
then $19/month afterwards) here.
or copy/paste this link into your browser:
(Opens in a new window)

Get into my f.ree training on how we will do
this here

or copy/paste this link into your browser:
(Opens in a new window)

What my winning students are saying...

"Gary - I got my autoresponder set-up
thanks to you and have subscribers signing
up. I was never able to do this before.
Thank you!"

"Gary - I like your idea of doing step-1,
2 and 3....makes it much easier to stay
with your program!"
"You're a genius! I can almost taste the
money about to come into my paypal

"You're a straight shooter.  I like that, no
sugar coating, just the details, no fluff."

Like to hear what others have said
about my f.ree training Gary?

Click here, then listen to what they've said.
or copy/paste this link into your browser:
(Opens in a new window)

I'll see you in the bank deposit line!
Gary Bacchetti
The Gentle mentor

PS: To catch up to where everyone else is
simply do the steps listed above.
See you in the chat room today at
1:00 eastern (New York time)
Gary Bacchetti The Gentle Mentor
New Reply
Earl Dunbar

110 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: ==> You available at 1:00 today eastern? (NY time)
10/24/2009 10:58:00 PM

Here are 5 reasons that EZ Wealth is my TOP
network marketing program:

1. All of our products are digital downloadable products
which means that NOTHING is shipped to me and I do
not have to ship anything to anyone else. Also, I don't
have to worry about people contacting me because of
a product that has not yet arrived. In EZ Wealth, all I
do is click a button to confirm payment and this gives
my new signup INSTANT access to their products.

2. NO ONE touches my money. I am paid directly by
the person joining the program. They do not purchase
the product from the company. They purchase it from
me directly. In EZ Wealth, there is no fear of an owner
closing the doors OWING anyone "Unpaid Commissions".

3. I don't split my money with anyone. In the majority
of the networking programs out there, I'd have to split
MY money from MY efforts with an upline, which in
many cases could be HUNDREDS of people. In EZ
Wealth, I keep 100% of every single sale that I make
PLUS 100% of the first 2 sales of my personally
sponsored resellers. This is a simple qualification
process which allows them to begin earn 100% of
their own sales qualifying sales which are passed
up to them. These sales range anywhere between
UNLIMITED $47 through $997 instant commissions!!

4. When the CEO says that he helps people, he
really means it. The "Pay It Forward" system that
we have in place is designed to help those who
do not have a lot to spend when starting a home
business. It allows ANYONE to join for just $10
and automatically receive access to at least 100
digital products, which could then be used to
build ANY business here online.

5. Stability... EZ Wealth has been in business for
close to 2 years now. EZ Wealth resellers have
earned OVER $1.1 million. We don't have comp
plan challenges or comp plan CHANGES. We
don't build with hype. Rather, we build our business
on FACTS. While start-ups, prelaunches, scams,
illegal pyramids and other NEW "rip-offs" are
appearing every day here on the net, EZ Wealth
has already proven that they are here to stay.

With all of that said, we would NEVER try to
push a program on anyone who is ALREADY
making money in another business. But if you
are NOT one of those who is having success
here on the net, then of course I'd want you to
see what you're missing out on.

Here is a recording that I sent out yesterday.
I encourage you to find yourself a nice quiet
place with no distractions and learn how you
could be earning daily cash payments with us:

Listen & Watch Now:
(Be sure to click the play button mid-screen
in order to begin our team presentation)

If you have any additional questions, you may
come to our LIVE online webinar  in
order to get all your questions answered...

Earl  Dunbar


Earl Dunbar
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