Congratulations to the 209th POTW: Kathy Hamilton!

My Vision: The Greatest discovery of my life is that I found out by being able to change my life I was changing my attitude of my mind. Someone once said "Take charge of your thoughts, you can do what you will for them". So There I changed the way I thought. So it was for myself alone, for I had to form a new and better thought pattern to give me victory over myself.
I decided to put my personal discovery and Apply it so others can learn from me and I learn from them.Altogether too many people are defeated by the every day problems of life. They go struggling, perhaps even whining, through their days with a sence of dull resentment at what they consider the bad breaks life has given them. It is a shame that people should let themselves be defeated by the problems, cares, and difficulties of human existence, and it is also unneccesary.
I certainly do not ignore hardships and tragedies of the world, but I do not Allow them to dominate me.By learning how to cast out dominating factors from ones mind and by refusing to become mentally subservient to them you can rise above obstacles which ordinarily might have defeated you.
Obstacles are simply not permitted to destroy my happiness and well being.
I teach People around The World how to have faith in themselves, to have faith in their abilities, without a humble heart and become confident in their own powers you cannot be successful or happy. I teach People affirmations such as" I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me."
My passion is to help everyone around the world to have faith in themselves and believe in their gifts and talents. I want to be able to help empower men and women around the world to achieve their goals, dreams,gifts and financial success.
My Community, Lazzeo Community is back up and reopened. It is all brand new- http://lazzeo.com/signup/friend_simikathy/
I am very involved over THE PERFECT NETWORKER COMMUNITY- I am AMBASSADOR AND CHARTER MEMBER- http://www.perfectnetworker.com/network/signup.php?signup_referer=KathyHamilton
Also I am very involved over at the Win Network program where you earn every single month. http://7265.yourwinoffice.com
Please join me at these 3 Communities.
Congratulations, Kathy! We used your About Me page, hope that's okay! It's good to see you're still very busy online in lots of different places. Have a great week as POTW!

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

"Greece - Spirit and Light"
"Welcome To The Olympic Games of Athens 2004"
John Partington

"Just Perfect or JP Award Forum"
"My No.1 Forum"
Thanks everyone for visiting the POTW forums! The link to this week's poll is below in the signature file!
Have a great week!
The POTW Team, Kathleen VanBeekom and Luka Babic