There is no other compensation plan like Liberty, with a 60% fast startbonus on the FULL RETAIL. Sell an item for $50 and you make $30. Thenthere is a 75% payout, plus another 5% 7th level bonus. It is huge!
Traditional Network Marketing: Liberty Health Networks LLC www.NaturalChoices4Us.comNo Start Up Fee; simply buy one product and you are part of thecompensation plan. Excellent products which all of us need, includingskincare, supplements and more. The company is directed by 2 men(Russell Bly and Tracy Grevert) who know how to grow a business, andhow to put money in our hands. 80% total payout, with 40% on the 4thlevel alone! Liberty is 8 years old, an international company.
Even though we have replicated websites we can put our own videoson! (Scroll down on the first page of my website, and you'll see myvideo.) Quick start bonuses are paid weekly!
How do I market? When I know someone is having afinancial difficulty I find out if they would be interested in taking alook at my business. Again, this is my traditional form of marketing.
Postcard System That Works: Kiiera promotes personal fulfillment through complete well beingwith a nutritional product in POWDER FORM. No more carrying aroundjuice bottles, or shipping heavy containers. The company is owned byMarvin Higbee, and Peter Spiegel. Again, 2 men who know how to grow abusiness.
VIV, a category-creating supplement, REMAPs your life by infusingyour body with key nutrients to fuel your five energies, balance yourbody, enhance your performance and sustain your well-being. VIV hasthe ability to transform the way you experience your life. VIV canenhance your physical endurance, your mental clarity and state ofhappiness. VIV can help you cope with stress, combat aging and with anORAC rating of 1365 it is an antioxidant powerhouse.
The Postcard System makes it very simple to use. An attractive, low key postcard is sent out by the distributor,(designed by Jeff Breakey who has done direct marketing for 29 years,very successfully) and people do sign up from that postcard.
Ifyou would like for me to mail you a postcard and a sample of ourproduct, VIV, so you can see the system and taste the product pleaselet me know. This is an exciting binary plan, which pays you a $40 quickstartbonus everytime you get a distributor started. I am very impressedwith the quality of the product, the sales materials, and the companyowners. Kiiera is only 1 year old, with less than 2,500 distributors,and will be a very strong company someday, therefore this is the timeto join in! There is already a huge group in Japan! Again, Quickstart bonuses are paid weekly!
People String! People String is being grown primarily through social networking, but through traditional ways as well.
You can join People String for F*R*E*E*!
Just imagine if Facebook was sharing 70% of all their ad revenueswith its members plus paying their members to view targetedadvertising, watch movie clips, Google search, link to Favorite sites,purchase virtually any product or service at a good price and get acash rebate, link to email accounts, upload videos, and get paid toinvite your friends to join you. That is what PeopleString is about.
Cashbox/Mailbox is rolling out all over the country! That means youtake a survey when you first get started, and you will start receivingU.S. Mail that is primarily for your interests. By putting the codesfrom the mail you read into your website, you will be paid .30 to $3.00for each piece of mail! That can add up! There are many more thingscoming.....PS is going public, and could eventually be bigger thanFacebook and Twitter!
Also, with a Free Membership you have access to free Video Emailwhich allows you to send a video of yourself speaking to family,friends, or to use it as a sales and marketing tool. Please watch thisvideo:
To our success!Sincerely,Carla Schroeder