I accidentally posted from my own account, now editing the photos, hopefully this will go well this time!
I'D LIKE TO WELCOME LUKA BABIC AS THE NEW POTW PARTNER! I'm looking forward to his graphics skills and even more perfectionism on the team! REALLY!!
Branka Babic, Myrna Ferguson, Judy Smith, Sara Blow, Roger Macdivitt, Nick Sym, Joe Downing,
Rinna Rani, John Partington, Luka Babic, Steven Suchar, Dimitra Bravou, Alain Deguire,
Lydia Fokina, Sarah Pritchard, Luis Miguel Goitizolo, Jill Bachman, Cheryl Baxter,
Georgios Paraskevopoulos, Jayson VanBeekom, Barb Delguidice, Sam Sunday, Patricia Bartch,
Stephen Hauser, Robert Vaughan, Jan Green, Joyce Parker-Hyde, Carla Carey, Jason Lamure,
Neil Sperling, Valerie Clavin, William Vanderbilt.
* Congratulations to Bill Vanderbilt, the winner of the week ending September 1st. He wasn't up to sending in a bio, we don't know if he's available for public replies, so we'll find out! Or you can congratulate him by personal message!
** ALSO Congratulatons to the new POTW Team Member, Luka Babic, welcome to the write-in spectacular!
*** Thanks to Thomas Richmond for a great first 7 months of the write-in POTW format!
NOMINATORS (people making lists of 7 nominees) must have their first and last name in the title of their profile, photo of themself, at least one active forum, and have been here for at least 1 month from the date on their profile.
NOMINEES must meet all above requirements, but must have been here for at least 2 months from the date on their profile.
You must post a list of SEVEN nominees, if there are any less, none of them will be counted.
The prize for winning POTW is 15,000 banner impressions worth approximately $62.
2 ELIGIBLE NOMINATORS will be chosen, 7th and 10th from last among the week's nominators, to win an ad/link on the Congrats thread of the POTW winner. This has nothing to do with having the name of the winner in your list.
Thanks everyone for your consistent partipation!
HERE'S THIS WEEK'S NEW POLL: NOMINATIONS/ELECTION WEEK ENDING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd FOR THE 205th POTW! http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/post/2363913/NominationsElectionWEEKEndingSeptember22ndforthe20.aspx