
Tim Sebert

160 Posts
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did you get a check for your mobile phone yet ?
9/16/2009 1:11:44 PM


Is your Mobile phone generating a monthly check for you? If it's not, let me ask you this,

How would you like to Turn your Mobile phone into a Virtual CASH COW!

Without changing your service provider, phone plans or habits your doing right now and cost importantly at NO COST to you, is there any reason why you wouldn't want to know about it?

To find out how to turn your phone into a cash Cow.. Click Here >>

To your success

Derek Jamieson

P.S. There has never been an opportunity like this before and timing is absolutely critical. This techknowledgy changes everything... This is about sharing the wealth.

Hey there, glad to connect with you here. In case you haven't noticed, my team and I are crushing the #1 company in all of Direct Sales, GDI. If you want to see what all the fuss is about, go to
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Mickey Mallette

221 Posts
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RE: did you get a check for your mobile phone yet ?
9/16/2009 1:25:24 PM

If you are looking for more contacts I found an amazing tool to get skype contacts.

Good Luck with your venture


It's not hard making money.
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RE: did you get a check for your mobile phone yet ?
9/16/2009 3:07:54 PM

The Bottom Line: We are not selling anything here. People String is about helping others.

I'm obligated to share this with you and everyone I'm connected too... It's literally saving lives and giving hope back to many sufferers! Including myself :)
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Terri Pattio

312 Posts
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RE: did you get a check for your mobile phone yet ?
9/17/2009 5:26:43 PM

One 'Encouraging' word - Read now!

Are you ready for success and really kick some ----?

I learned this tip from my mentor - The fastest way to grow and
succeed is to help someone else grow and succeed.


The fastest way to enlarge and expand your potential is to
help uplift and expand someone else's. First.

Do you understand this or truly get it?


I'm going to share ONE word with you -- Encouragement -- and
challenge you.

I want to help you accelerate the harvest that is trying to
track you down. Yes, a harvest of goodness, success,
health, and joy is trying to track you down.

Go here now and let's enlarge 5,000+ people within the next
24 hours.

Wasn't that awesome. I like the very last sentence "Change lives to

change your own lives."

If you really want change in your life, then you really need to change lives and the only way to do that is to join me on the mental cleanse call next Wednesday. This life changing call will cost you nothing but your time, this is priceless and very necessary for you to own your life and become the person you were meant to be.

Take that step now and join me there.

Now that you have joined the 30 day cleanse, I want to hear from you and let me know 'Why' you want success?

Your 'Why' is crucial for success, if you haven't figured it out yet then you should definitely go and read chapter 2 in my FREE ebook  "Success in 10 Steps" and get back with me so that I can help you find your 'Why'.

Terri Pattio
(409) 982-2185

p.s. If you haven't gotten the FREE ebook "Success in 10 Steps" yet. Simply reply back to me and I can send you the download link ASAP!

If YOU want to experience WEALTH and BE SUCCESSFUL in network marketing. Go here to get FREE help now!
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Terri Pattio

312 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: did you get a check for your mobile phone yet ?
9/17/2009 5:27:16 PM

One 'Encouraging' word - Read now!

Are you ready for success and really kick some ----?

I learned this tip from my mentor - The fastest way to grow and
succeed is to help someone else grow and succeed.


The fastest way to enlarge and expand your potential is to
help uplift and expand someone else's. First.

Do you understand this or truly get it?


I'm going to share ONE word with you -- Encouragement -- and
challenge you.

I want to help you accelerate the harvest that is trying to
track you down. Yes, a harvest of goodness, success,
health, and joy is trying to track you down.

Go here now and let's enlarge 5,000+ people within the next
24 hours.

Wasn't that awesome. I like the very last sentence "Change lives to

change your own lives."

If you really want change in your life, then you really need to change lives and the only way to do that is to join me on the mental cleanse call next Wednesday. This life changing call will cost you nothing but your time, this is priceless and very necessary for you to own your life and become the person you were meant to be.

Take that step now and join me there.

Now that you have joined the 30 day cleanse, I want to hear from you and let me know 'Why' you want success?

Your 'Why' is crucial for success, if you haven't figured it out yet then you should definitely go and read chapter 2 in my FREE ebook  "Success in 10 Steps" and get back with me so that I can help you find your 'Why'.

Terri Pattio
(409) 982-2185

p.s. If you haven't gotten the FREE ebook "Success in 10 Steps" yet. Simply reply back to me and I can send you the download link ASAP!

If YOU want to experience WEALTH and BE SUCCESSFUL in network marketing. Go here to get FREE help now!
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