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Jayson VanBeekom

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RE: 'How little we know?' by Roger Macdivitt
10/8/2009 3:04:02 PM
These paintings are amazing! I especially love how Winslow paints water, from the ripples and waves to the reflections of buildings. Its the simplicity of what he paints that makes his work seem that much more alive. Ha, listen to me like I'm some sort of expert lol.
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: 'How little we know?' by Roger Macdivitt
10/8/2009 3:42:44 PM

Hi Luis,

My mind said "Monet" also when I saw Casting, Number 2.  (even before I saw Roger's reply!)  I think it has that Impressionistic feel to it, and the green/blues, it's a very dream-like painting.

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: 'How little we know?' by Roger Macdivitt
10/8/2009 11:23:58 PM

Jayson and Kathleen,

I'm so glad that you have enjoyed these pictures.

It has been a pleasure to share.

Jayson, don't you dare apologise. Saying what you see is important.

Good for you.


Patricia Bartch

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RE: 'How little we know?' by Roger Macdivitt
10/9/2009 12:56:02 AM

Hi Luis.  I know just what you mean.  I tried 3 times to respond to your note to me last night.  Bringing up the editor...IT IS BLANK AND WOULD NOT LET ME TYPE.




Dear Patricia,   am so sorry for my delay in replying you. I am still adapting to the new Adland format and sometimes I get confused as to having or not responded to a particular friend's message. Anyway, thank you for posting and for your kind words of appreciation. Indeed, I more and more agree with you on Homer Winslow's works being wonderful. But it actually was Roger's merit to rediscover him to this forum and, to be frank, to me as well by taking the iniciative to create a thread on his fabulous work, and I must not fail to remind myself and everyone of this fact.

Best Wishes,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: 'How little we know?' by Roger Macdivitt
10/10/2009 3:17:25 AM

Dear Roger and Kathleen,

I remember seeing an old picture of Monet wearing a hat very much like the one of the fisherman in Casting, Number 2, while painting in the sun at his garden. Which is no wonder, as he was almost completely bald in his old age and he had to protect his head from the sun rays.

Now, Roger: not in my first view of Casting, Number 2 but in my second, when you mentioned Monet in connection with it, I had a feeling as if the fisherman could actually be Monet seen from the back and of course not painting, but fishing. Can it be that Winslow Homer was inspired in Monet to paint it? Maybe he actually portrayed him? Or is all this just far-fetched?

Maybe we are on the verge of one of those artistic discoveries that appear on all papers? LOL

Jason, I saw your self portrait at school the other day at Sara's Guest Gallery, it is just good. And your appreciation of  how Winslow Homer paints water is correct in all respects. Thanks for visiting and contributing.

Best Wishes,

Luis Miguel G.


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