
Using good etiquette in social networking
8/31/2009 11:05:46 PM

Hi everyone, so excited to be a part of this close-knit community. I wanted to take a minute to share an acronym that I learned when I was involved in network market about 10 or so years back. It is called F-O-R-M or FORM. When you meet a new person, friend, acquaintenance, prospect, even someone who you might know slightly but not that well, here are some guidelines on how to communicate with them.

First, the "F" in F-O-R-M stands for "Family." Ask the person about their family. Hi, my name is Steve for example. I am married with two children, how about you? Encourage them to respond and allow them to speak. The second letter "O" stands for "Occupation." Ask them what they do for a living. Express real interest in them as a person. The third letter "R" stands for "Recreation." Talk about what each other likes to do for fun and recreation, such as play baseball, watch sports on TV, go to a live sporting event, etcetera.

That covers the "F-O-R" in F-O-R-M, leaving only the "M." My suggestion is to possibly start back over and discuss the first three a little more. This works well when you meet someone in person and would like to get to know each other in first 2 to 5 minutes of meeting, such as when you're at a party or social gathering.

However, I think that you can use it online too when emailing each other back and forth, using instant messenger, corresponding on social networking sites, and so forth. The final letter "M" stands for "Message." No, I'm not talking about giving a massage ha ha. I'm referring to getting to a point where you feel comfortable discussing what it is you would like to share with someone, such as about a business you own, a program that you are excited about, an event that you are coordinating, or whatever the message may be.

If you practice good F-O-R-M, both online and offline, then you are sure to make friends & build relationships. If you focus on the message first, on spamming people, on being selfish, then we all lose.

Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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Jim Allen

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RE: Using good etiquette in social networking
9/1/2009 1:13:40 AM

Hello Stephen,

Thanks for some good ol' common sense talk. 

(f) By the way how are the wife and kids?  Pam and the boys are great. 

(o)I am happy to read the updates about your progress online, your income from certtain programs, etc.  Folks can see your progress and also see exactly what you are doing making duplication, simpler for your followers.

(r) It's about time for some "Fall League" softball isn't it?  I am a spectator now but enjoy a good game, even still.  You are a "running man" MBA, accounting manager, career path and your IM stuff, plus the family.  Do you ever sleep?

(m) Thanks for the informative post and I know you're busy but, with a family, tax accountant, marketer and a wise businessman you may have overlloked the benefits and the compensation that Savings Highway offer its members.  I know how much you like to pass along savings and earnings programs that offer up real residual income that is Progressive (grows) with just a little tending.

Watch this video   and then visit the website then share your thoughts and excitement.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: Using good etiquette in social networking
9/1/2009 2:24:04 PM

Nice Post!  Getting back to the basics!


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