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Re: Achieving Your Dreams
12/20/2005 12:22:48 AM
Marilyn Thanks for inviting me for your dream information Linda
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Re: Achieving Your Dreams
12/21/2005 11:07:44 PM
HI Lee, Thanks so much my friend for stopping by and for your response. Take care! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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Re: Achieving Your Dreams
12/21/2005 11:09:18 PM
HI Linda, Your welcome as always! Thanks for being a good friend! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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Re: Achieving Your Dreams
12/22/2005 5:20:26 AM
What a great topic. How many people are so afraid to act on their dream? Below is an article I wrote some time ago. Hope you don't mind me sharing. Dare To Dream Be all you can be! Is it possible, or a bunch of hype? Interestingly, one of the most popular workshops I am requested to facilitate, both in the private and public sector, is “Achieve Your Fullest Potential”. The workshop addresses areas for people to become the best they can be both personally and professionally. It assists people to become passionate on a daily basis. With change happening at an ever increasing rate, many people are feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders. Virtually every day I have conversations with people who are not feeling fulfilled in their personal and professional life. With so many companies going through changes that can lead to layoffs and cutbacks, many people are not at all sure what the future holds for them. The reality is that in many cases there is no security with the company you are with or with what your future may hold. Change happens in an instant often forcing us into a direction we never planned. Even if you do not have the threat of an impending layoff or reorganization, you may not feel very passionate about what you do day in and day out. To many, the future does not hold much excitement or hope. And yet, with some slight changes, your future can be filled with more excitement than you ever dared dreamed possible. Regardless of what your situation is, the greatest security you can create for yourself is to tap into that place within yourself that allows you to dream and have hope for a brighter day. Some people don’t dare to dream fearing that dreams are for other people but not for them. All of us deserve to have dreams and hope. Life can be a pretty frightening experience if there is no hope. And the sad thing is that so many people don’t dare to dream. Recently, I was talking with my 10 year old nephew about his dreams for the future. He talked about being everything from a veterinarian, a photographer for National Geographic, a blacksmith, and a web designer. How many of us had dreams as children, but somewhere along the line we gave up and did what we were “supposed” to do? Often that happens because someone “older and wiser” advises us that what we are wanting to do is not reasonable, realistic or a money maker. My nephew has already been experiencing just such warnings. My response to him is that he can dare to dream. It’s never too late to explore new opportunities and options that can bring you fulfillment. Exploring our dreams does not mean we have to be irresponsible. What is simply means is being accountable to who we are. My father took his first computer class on his 74th birthday. It is something he has wanted to do for years and finally decided it was time to take action. It’s great to see his excitement as he moves closer to his desire. The question you may want to ask yourself is “When will I finally decide to take action on something I may have been thinking about for years?” You will find that by willingly taking action on things that will open up your dreams and passion the more balanced your life will become. You will become more productive in your professional life, you will feel better about yourself and be able to give more fully to your relationships, you will have more of a sense of who you are and what you are capable of doing and your stress will become more manageable. A great way to begin the process is to take some time to write out the answers to the following questions. • Where do I want to be personally? • Where do I want to be professionally? • What is something I have been wanting to do for a long time that I have not given myself permission to do? • When do I experience my greatest joy? • What motivates me? • What can I do that would bring me fulfillment? • What is the legacy I want to leave behind? Once you get some clarity on these questions be willing to take action. Even more detrimental to our spirit than not acknowledging our dreams is to acknowledge them and not take any action. The following are some of the primary reasons people don’t take action: • Don’t know how • Don’t know where to begin • Fear of failure • Feel they are not deserving • Fear of success A great way to walk through fear is to take some sort of action. I have the words “Action Cures Fear” visible near my work area so that when any fear comes up for me, I know that by taking some type of action I will get to the other side. If not knowing where to begin is your obstacle read the life stories of inspiring individuals. One such person is Helen Keller. What an amazing human being. Think of the following quotes by Ms. Keller the next time you fear living your dreams. “Where there is life, there is hope. When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” Which will yours be?
Kathleen Gage is one of the top rated business owners for 2004 in Utah. Get her FREE eBook on how to Gain More Leads, Better Prospects, Close More Sales
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Re: Achieving Your Dreams
12/23/2005 7:25:40 AM
HI Kathleen, Thanks so much for sharing that fantastic article with us! Very nicely written! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
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