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Monica S

5971 Posts
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Dennis Turner
7/18/2007 1:31:59 PM
Hello Dennis, I rate you a 10 because you are a very nice man, and I appreciate your friendship. I wish you the best in Life! God Bless! ~Monica
Dennis Turner

372 Posts
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Dennis Turner
7/18/2007 1:31:59 PM
Greetings Monica, Thank you for your generous rating! Best wishes always, Dennis
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Dennis Turner
7/22/2007 10:04:48 PM
Hello Dennis Turner, an offer of friendship is not something I accept or reject based on a single request. Please tell me more about why you are a member of this community and what you want out of it. Then perhaps we can dialogue and through our dialoque make a more infoormed decision. I will close wtih the sords of George Washington, "Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation."
Dennis Turner
7/24/2007 12:45:30 PM
glad to meet you.. i live in schenectady.ny (albany) lots of my former relatives were from canada(french canucks) i am gathering lots of friends
Bob Sims

144 Posts
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Dennis Turner
8/6/2007 1:09:58 AM
like the way site is layed out.
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