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Joelees Wholesale

5917 Posts
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Fionnuala Fox
10/27/2007 6:07:07 PM
Hi Fionnuala, Thank you for your warm invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Fionnuala Fox
10/27/2007 6:07:07 PM
Hi Joelee Thank you for this rating. It is my first and I am just speechless. It can be lonely working from home but I have met so many new friends in Adlandpro I am never lonely here. Thank you most sincerely for this I am honoured and humbled. God Bless Fionnuala Lurgan NIreland
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Jim Allen

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Fionnuala Fox
6/28/2008 10:59:34 AM
Hello Fionnuala, Just wanted to drop by and say: You are a 10 in my book. As are all the nominees for the POTW. Jim

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Jim Allen III
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Terry Gorley

2831 Posts
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Fionnuala Fox
8/15/2008 4:11:20 PM
Hello Fionnuala, I'm giving you a well deserved 10 for your beautiful smile and thoughtfulness. Sincerely, Terry
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Patricia Bartch

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Fionnuala Fox
12/10/2008 5:26:56 PM
Thanks for your friendship FiFi. Our chat was fun today and you're such a calm lady. I know we'll be friends for many years. If I ever get to your country again, I'll look you up. We can have tea together! Hugs, Pat
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