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Denise Gervais
8/8/2007 11:17:00 AM
Hello Joelees, Really I really appreciate your comments Joelees,as a matter of fact thanks for everything, by the way you have a very nice smile, and seem to have also a nice personnality. great. I visit your site (good). Really I am a newcomer in all this(internet process)there is so much out there to learn and so on. So my dear Joeless, be carefull, take care and once again, thanks for everything, never I will forget you. Bye bye for now, From Denise Gervais(PQ) Canada.
Denise Gervais
1/1/2008 11:12:37 AM
pssst, don't tell anyone. My fellow Canucks always get a 10 from me even if they don't have blogs and photos of their TERRIFIC Province and City on their profile YET.
Gunther G. - GENGRO Accounting and Business Consulting Services GENerating GROwth for Business and Individuals since 1991

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