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Beryl Payton

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Beryl Payton
11/20/2007 10:13:08 AM
Hi James, You are such a kind person, thanks for the sweet words of encouragement and for the rating. Blessings, Beryl
This Is The Healthy Lifestyle Feature-rich Information Website - Family Owned and Operated Vial Virtual Solutions Helping Business to Achieve Their Dreams
Jim Allen

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Beryl Payton
1/1/2008 10:44:21 AM
Beryl, You are one yhe most dedicated and goal driven people I have ever met. I look forward to your success in 2008, and our continued friendship. Happy New Year Jim

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Beryl Payton

2592 Posts
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Beryl Payton
1/1/2008 10:44:21 AM
Hi Jim, Thank you for the rating and the feedback. I have learned a lot of helpful information here at Adlandpro and at cmu7. Yes I am very dedicated to my goals. I also look foward to working and growing with you in 2008. I appreciate all the assistance you have given me in 2007 to get closer to my goals. Happy New Year. Beryl
This Is The Healthy Lifestyle Feature-rich Information Website - Family Owned and Operated Vial Virtual Solutions Helping Business to Achieve Their Dreams
Carla Carey

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Beryl Payton
1/3/2008 7:35:38 PM
HI BERYL, I'd give you a 20 if I could ! You are a good example for people here in adlandpro and in CMU7! Keep up the good work ! Sincerely, Carla :)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Beryl Payton

2592 Posts
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Beryl Payton
1/3/2008 7:35:38 PM
Hey Carla, Thank you, dear friend for the rating and those kind words. I think you are so awesome. I am so honored to be able to call you a friend. I will certainly try. Thank you also for all the encouragement you have given me over the past 10 months and over at CMU7. Blessings, Beryl
This Is The Healthy Lifestyle Feature-rich Information Website - Family Owned and Operated Vial Virtual Solutions Helping Business to Achieve Their Dreams