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Barb Doyle

1469 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Neil Sperling
7/10/2007 3:55:20 PM
Hi Neil, Just stopped by to say hi. I hope all is well with you. I appreciate your friendship. Never forget how awesome you are. You are a friend of mine and definitely deserve a 10. I'm here to help you in anyway that I can. Have a great day! Peace, Health and Prosperity, Barb Doyle, Sc. If you don't join us it doesn't hurt us, it hurts you.
Neil Sperling
7/17/2007 12:12:48 AM
If you are interested; I was a professional gardener for 35 yrs. Ex missile and radar technician too. I am into selling voip and mighty GPS and Amazon as well. I really need to get THAT flying. Ideas and guidance welcome. I am low as all get out on money as well. It is good to see all of you on here. I just wish that it did not take me over an hour to catch up to my emails each day. God Bless Robert Hodge
Janet Ravindran

3183 Posts
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Neil Sperling
7/19/2007 9:10:37 PM
Dear Neil, you're a very positive person (Your smile says it all !) and have much to give to everybody I value your business tips very much and think everybody can learn a lot from you - especially about positive attitude. I appreciate being your friend :-) A huge hug to you! Love,Janet SMILE, YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED
Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Neil Sperling
7/19/2007 9:10:37 PM
Wow - Thanks Janet - I hope that my forum continues to be of value to you and others and I appreciate your comments. I know you are a talented and knowledgable person and look forward to more of your comments adding further value to my forum threads! Thanks again
Neil Sperling
7/21/2007 5:18:55 AM
Thanx for inviting me , will be too glad to be your friend Chandrashekar PS

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