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A timely little tip if you have a mailing list
12/15/2005 1:00:47 AM
Hi: Not everyone here has a mailing list of clients, site visitors or buyers. But if you do... if there are people that have paid you money over the last year, or signed up for your newsletter or mailing list... and you have their email address... here's a timely tip; Send them a Happy Holidays email. -- Not a "year end blowout" -- Not a Christmas special or stocking stuffer discount -- Not a reminder about your free ebook or report -- Not a get it before New Years, ya snooze, ya lose special -- Not a note about your newest offering You can do those, too, if you want. Separately. But - send them a sincere holiday greeting. Say Happy Holidays. Or Merry Christmas. Or send them a shortbread recipe. Or a touching story. Or a funny card. Connect with them on a heart to heart - human level. See- the biggest reason people stop reading email newsletters is that they get sick of impersonal sales pitches and letters written for "the masses." Sick of hype. Sick of specials. The #1 reason people "take their business elsewhere" is "perceived indifference" on the part of the company or business. Eventually, the human touch always wins. You know what's worse? Most people don't unsubscribe anymore. They just delete. So, you might have 3,000 subscribers, but only a third bother to read what you send - and you'll never even know. They don't tell you they're going to take their business elswhere. They just do it. It happens especially at this time of year. We are tired of line ups, tired of parking lots, tired of discounts and specials and pitches, tired of add ons and up sells... and tired of salespeople. We get sick of it offline, and when it arrives in our email, we hit DELETE even faster at this time of year. Every person on your list has the choice to build loyalty to you - or to someone else. Appreciate that they chose you. And show them that. Don't just think it. Do it. Say Merry Christmas. It will do their hearts good. And yours, too. : ) Linda
Adebola Oni

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Re: A timely little tip if you have a mailing list
12/15/2005 5:07:40 AM
Thanks Linda for this. I think I have learnt something from this. Compliments of the season to you. Love always. Bola
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Re: A timely little tip if you have a mailing list
12/15/2005 5:19:36 AM
Hi Linda I have been sending an e-product with a a warm letter. I normally seel the e-produce so it is a real gift. Thanks for the advice. Johnny
Re: A timely little tip if you have a mailing list
12/17/2005 9:39:18 PM
I agree with this if you have the ability to do it. Stephania
Re: A timely little tip if you have a mailing list
12/21/2005 4:01:33 PM
Hi, I took Linda's suggestion and have just sent off a card to my mailing list. Here is one for anyone that happens to come by. Martha