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Kathy Kanouse

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Colleen Zerebak
9/21/2006 6:03:31 PM
Colleen, I don't like to have to do this, but you need to know that I still to this day after 6 months of emails & phone calls to you & Colleen have not recieved my 4 Ordnaments that were ordered back iin September. You are not returning any emails nor phone calls nor has my product arrived. Please Chris I am sure there are others as well as myself. I think it is time to come out of the woodwork & explain why you have done so many people like this? It is against the Law. I look forward to your response soon. Kathy K This is not the way to do business & I have also reported it to Adland. Kathy C
Thomas Richmond

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Colleen Zerebak
10/19/2006 3:03:14 PM
I think Colleen is a hard worker and a great mother to her child. i give her a rating of a Ten for that!.
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Colleen Zerebak
10/26/2006 3:17:41 PM
Colleen, I'm also a Xango dist.I got off 5 medications I was on for 9 yrs.Just to letyou know I have a website that you and your group may like to help you build your biz. ==If you choose to get the site it is only $1.00 for the first month then you pay $ 24.95 pwer month it is by one of the top producers in XANGO I have met David and Colli personally.If you would like to get a site like this ==go to If you need help just let me know.NO I DON'T MAKE ANY MONEY OFF OF YOU IF YOU GET THE WEBSITE. 864-918-2679- anytime Carl V Enlow,jr Colli- I made a mistake on my website I corrected it--the sign up website on the first one I had left out the global -part -sorry
Roger Ketcham

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Colleen Zerebak
1/4/2007 6:03:57 AM
good pic
Colleen Zerebak
3/19/2007 2:38:12 AM
don't know if she approves of her husbands poor business habits, maybe HER conscience is bothering her, his isn't!