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Judy Woodson

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Chris Zerebak
9/6/2006 11:53:28 AM
Welcome to AdlandPro, Chris. I really love your website. Best of luck with your business. Judy
Karen Carcel

129 Posts
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Chris Zerebak
9/6/2006 2:04:19 PM
savesu I cured my self so I new Icould cure every body else. Suggest to you watching the, where I bought a million Shares in prime time productions, maybe you have not heard of them.I also suggest that you check out the following websites for your perusal. Unless you are frightened something nice might just happen to,, Don't you think you owe this knowledge to your children or are you Happy to see the government keep poisoning you for a billion dollar Industry of prescription drugs meant to kill if you are happy with this take no Notice because how you sleep at night with this knowledge is beyond My imagination I have enclosed my poem which is being published. DESIRE@Karen Carcel Desire is the serum of the soul secreted to the universe in thought Binding the energies of creation form given genesis in one new Image. I am, I am what I will I will what I believe I believe what I Accept I accept what I love I love what I am I am. Have a nice day Karen Manifestation According to Gods Infinite Creativity Favourite Links Agel-World Natural Cures Health Science Institute Favourite Links savesu
Kathy Kanouse

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Chris Zerebak
9/18/2006 1:07:17 PM
Chris, I don't like to have to do this, but you need to know that I still to this day after 6 months of emails & phone calls to you & Colleen have not recieved my 4 Ordnaments that were ordered back iin September. You are not returning any emails nor phone calls nor has my product arrived. Please Chris I am sure there are others as well as myself. I think it is time to come out of the woodwork & explain why you have done so many people like this? It is against the Law. I look forward to your response soon. Kathy K This is not the way to do business & I have also reported it to Adland. Kathy C
Chris Zerebak
11/14/2006 5:29:38 AM
Great products
Joelees Wholesale

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Chris Zerebak
11/17/2006 9:45:40 AM
Chris, Thank You Im honored to be a member of your adland friends family . Your products are awesome you should be very proud my friend .Best to your success :-) Lee

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