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Sharon Lee

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Sharon Lee
10/4/2007 1:37:29 PM
John, Thank you for your rating. What would we do without you to keep us straight on with things. You are always right to the point. Peace my friend.
Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Sharon Lee
10/9/2007 8:01:44 PM
Sharon - you are obviously working this site- not just waiting around for something to happen.... no doubt about your success..... you deserve a 10 ... Keep up the GREAT work!
Sharon Lee

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Sharon Lee
10/9/2007 8:01:44 PM
Neil, Thank you so much for your rating. I admire all that you do for everyone. Your the best!! Peace.
Sharon Lee

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Sharon Lee
10/14/2007 3:53:55 PM
Debra, Thank you for your feedback and rating. I have mailed you to try and help you further. Your forum looks ok. Its great to have you and GDI here in Adlandpro. Thank you.
Joyce Parker Hyde

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Sharon Lee
10/18/2007 8:41:29 AM
Hi Sharon Sunshine! You remind me of the "Welcome Wagon" ladies of the past, stopping by to welcome a new neighbor with a basket of goodies to make them feel comfortable in their new home. Thank you for all you do.