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Nandkishore Deopersad
9/10/2009 2:20:54 PM
What can I do for you?
Nandkishore Deopersad
9/13/2009 3:43:50 PM
Hello Nandkishore. Thank you for visiting my profile. Thank you for accepting me to your friend's list. I look forward to connecting. I'm always interested to learn how other marketers use the Internet to build their business. Let's connect soon, ok? Have a great day, Liliana V.
"Success Starts With An Attitude Of Positive Expectancy And Is Maintained With Persistent And Consistent ACTION."
Nandkishore Deopersad
9/14/2009 5:17:06 AM
Hi Nandkishore nice to have you as a friend. Please visit my main forum thread and post your opportunities so many more members can get to know what you do online. Just click on forum on my profile and look for the main thread. Regards Michael
Joyce Parker Hyde

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Nandkishore Deopersad
9/17/2009 3:28:14 PM
Welcome Nandkishore! I too look forward to getting to know you and see you grow in this community. Much success.
Robert Coaster

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Nandkishore Deopersad
9/29/2009 10:38:52 PM
Thanks for adding me nice to meet you.

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