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Joe Downing

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Lorraine Smith
4/3/2007 2:45:38 PM
Hello Lorraine, I have had a lot of fun posting around with you. Hope my April Fool joke didn't go too far. It was funny! :) Sure hope to see a picture soon. Which forum do you recommend next? :) Your fiend, Joe Downing
***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
Lorraine Smith
4/3/2007 2:45:38 PM
Hi Joe (you wrote: 'Your fiend, Joe Downing' LOL), Thanks for the feedback! Yours is my first vote, so I was relieved to see that I scored so high ;-) I'll get a pic up when I get my new 'puter. This one is circa 1998 (need I say more?). I already posted my mild scolding to you for the April Fool's joke and am happy it was a joke. See ya in the halls of Adland! Lorraine PS I posted a new thread.....'Is the money really in the list'
Joe Severa

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Lorraine Smith
6/4/2007 8:09:17 AM
I was born left handed!
Joe Severa, Owner Flexera Intl Ltd. ANA/DSHEA Certified
Lorraine Smith
6/4/2007 8:09:17 AM
LOLOLOLOL That explains a lot!
Janet Ravindran

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Lorraine Smith
7/20/2007 10:45:35 AM
Dear Lorraine, I hope you're doing fine. We don't really know each other very well yet,but I love people being curious...and you've just prooved to me that you're one of them ;-) For this and your encouraging smile I rate you a 10 today. Have a wonderful day and many blessings,Janet SMILE,YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED

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