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Franklin M Watson
6/10/2006 1:31:14 AM
Hi Franklin, Very interesting presentation... thanks for being a friend here at Adlandpro. - I wish you all the best! Your friend, Kimball A. Burgess
Franklin M Watson
6/10/2006 1:31:14 AM
Hi Kimball A Burgess, Thank you for your feedback of my presentation. I have never hand anyone to send me search warm wishes for success before, thank you for being my friend. Franklin Watson
Franklin M Watson
Roger Ketcham

144 Posts
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Franklin M Watson
1/14/2007 2:47:49 PM
nice cutie
Franklin M Watson
1/14/2007 2:47:49 PM
Think you Roger for that nice comment
Franklin M Watson
Franklin M Watson
8/26/2007 12:15:04 PM
good looking
jeff liang

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