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Katheryn Haigler
2/5/2007 3:21:28 PM
Now those are the good pills.
Jack Heywood
Joe Downing

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Katheryn Haigler
4/3/2007 2:41:20 PM
Hello Katheryn, You sure have an awesome family there. I wanted to thank you for all you do here at Adland. Being in your HOTSEAT forum was quite an experience. I will continue to be there to meet all the wonderful people you feature. Your good friend, Joe Downing
***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
Valerie Clavin

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Katheryn Haigler
5/3/2007 10:49:29 AM
Katheryn, you're a 10 because of all the selfless work you do for others. You're willing to help new aquaintences as well as established friends. You are a true friend to all! SMILE YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED
Linda Harvey

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Katheryn Haigler
5/6/2007 8:24:06 PM
Thank you for all you do ! The Business HotSeat and Free Ad Days ! Linda
Terry Gorley

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Katheryn Haigler
5/27/2007 6:47:06 PM
Hello Katheryn, I'm rating you a well deserved 10 not only for featuring me in your Hotseat, but for all you do here at ALP for all of us. Its greatly appreciated! You are very deserving of your nomination for the POTW award. Being nominated and voted for shows how much others appreciate you too. Sincerely, Terry SMILE YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED
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