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Lisa Lomas

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Re: New POTW Nomination's Forum With Info....
2/6/2006 4:06:09 AM
Well sorry friends but I am only allowed to choose 5: Micheal Dela Cruz Nan Herring Clay Page Dennis Clairmont Anthony Hobbs No particular order just all nominated as I see them all working hard and contributing fantastically to our community here. Thank you laNell for letting me know. Kindest Regards Lisa
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Jo Matthias

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Re: New POTW Nomination's Forum With Info....
2/6/2006 1:21:22 PM
James Wright Ashley Elias Holly Goodyer Janise Collins William Vanderbilt Thank you, Take care, Jo
VOTE!!!! POTM!!!
Re: New POTW Nomination's Forum With Info....
2/6/2006 7:20:36 PM
My Dear Friend.....! Thank you for your invitation. This is very difficult and everyone is in the list of very deserving of this "Honour". However, I have to nominate....and hence, would like to nominate the following friends: (1) Ana Maria Padurean (2) Linda Peregory (3) Shirley Caron (4) Sarka (5) Janise Collins (Not to offend others in any way.......LOL). Thanking you, once again. With lots of Love, Affection, Respect and Pryers. Your Ever Loving Friend, Your Bad Boy............(LOL), Mohamed Khadar Gani.
Robert Coaster

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Re: New POTW Nomination's Forum With Info....
2/6/2006 11:01:23 PM
Hi John, My choices are: 1) Shirley Caron 2) Clay Page 3) Gary Cooper 4) Philena Rush 5) Ellen Levinas Sorry to the other members you all deserve to win just adding people i've known or see around Adlandpro more than the rest... Take care, Robert
Dennis Clairmont

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Re: New POTW Nomination's Forum With Info....
2/7/2006 11:40:58 PM
Hello I have a few you can think about.And i can say why i think there a good choice when your at the poll rdy to vote. Micheal Dela Cruz The Man that Makes all of what you do here every single day work.Maga High Activity Steven Reid As nice a man as you can get and i think the lord showed Steven this place to come here and help others.High Activity Anthony Hobbs Our adlandpro security guy has taken on a roll of both security for your computer system and wise investments.High Acticity There are so many more of you that i can nominate that are deserving. Dennis
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