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Mary Hannan

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Pauline Raina
5/12/2008 1:35:34 AM
Dear Pauline, I am honored to have you as a friend. I wish you love, happiness & health! I appreciate you! Hugs, Mary
Pauline Raina

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Pauline Raina
5/12/2008 1:35:34 AM
Dear Mary, thank you so much dear friend, for your kind words and grand rating. You are much appreciated too. God bless Pauline R
Nick Grimshawe

792 Posts
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Pauline Raina
6/30/2008 1:58:21 AM
Pauline, I just went to your about me forum. I am dizzy from all the forums you run. I will definitely take part in some. May take me time to catch up. But I've rated you ten cause of all the support and encouragement you have given me and the others that you touch everyday. Nick
Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Pauline Raina

4108 Posts
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Pauline Raina
6/30/2008 1:58:21 AM
Thanks my friend, bless your heart for giving me full marks. It always feels good to spread some good cheer around now doesn't know that only too well cos you are doing it in a very magnificent way. I enjoy reading '"A Beautiful Summer morning' devotional that I receive every day. Thank you for doing what you do. Welcome to my forums anytime. :-) Be blessed always Pauline R
Pauline Raina
1/15/2009 6:49:16 PM
Dear Pauline, I am very happy about you. You have done a Great Job... You are really a STAR Of The Year. A Star Of Adland Pro community... CONGRATULATIONS!...Keep it Up

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