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Pauline Raina
11/17/2006 9:50:45 AM
cangratulatione on person of the week Nick
Pauline Raina

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Person Of The Week
Pauline Raina
11/17/2006 9:50:45 AM
Thanks Nick for the rating and the wishes...I am enjoying this week of spotlight and having loads of fun making new friends !!! ...regards...Pauline R
Pauline Raina
12/20/2006 11:52:22 AM
Pauline, I am adding a note since viewing your Profile. I am already an affiliate of ProWealthSolutions. But like so many of my affiliate memberships, I plead quilty to not promoting ANY of them the way thjey should be promoted. Your Profile? I rate you as a 10+ and may I ad your selection of a photo for your Profile could not have been a better choice. Best regards, Phillip (froggy7) Hudson P S I simply benefitted greatly from your additional quote ( original from you) at the bottom of your "About Me" page. Made me THINK Pauline--believe me--it made think--more than I can describe. May I have your permission to pass this along to people I know who seem to be ( shall I dare say ?) false-friends? Who never even call me on the phone? Thank you again. Phillip
Phillip A. Hudson, United States Air Force (Ret.), LIFE MEMBER : Disabled American Veterans,,,,,
Pauline Raina

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Person Of The Week
Pauline Raina
12/20/2006 11:52:22 AM
Hi Phillip dear friend, thank you for the rating and the nice things you have to say. Sure go ahead and use my quote if it makes a difference...wish you well always. stay blessed your new friend Pauline R
Marilyn L Martin

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Pauline Raina
1/28/2007 4:24:48 AM
Hello Pauline, I am giving Pauline a rating of "10" because she deserves that and more! Pauline is a lovely lady from India, very beautiful and personable. She is very active in the Community, and a great asset to AdlandPro! Pauline is very boisterous, she has her opinions and ideas and has no problems letting people know how she feels. She is honest, has alot of integrity, highly respected, and extremely intelligent! She has wisdom beyond her years. She is friendly, kind, and sweet to everyone...she is just an all around good person and friend. I am proud to be her friend. God Bless You Pauline, and thank you for being my friend! Love, Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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