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Re: Big Red
12/13/2005 10:59:03 PM
Thank you Marilyn for such a touching story! When you truely know and love someone you always know thier hearts desire and will move mountains to get it for them! I really think that is a special story! As Always, God Bless! Sincerly, Susan
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Re: Big Red
12/13/2005 11:05:07 PM
Marilyn, Marilyn, After my working all day, I decide to have a look if there were any interesting (for me) forums in Adland. Low and behold, my favourite forumaholic Marilyn managed to get more 'Scotties' working before going to bed. I, as Dave mentioned, know Huntsville quite well as one of my good fishing spots here in Ontario. Again as Dave feel so priviliged to have known the times of the wood stove, churning butter, etc.. going to midnight mass in a horse and open sleigh under 'un capot de poil', a big piece of fur that we would wrap ourselves in. My parents were a lot like the ones in that story ...what memories. I cherish them all. And because I have experienced all of this does not mean that I am an old f*rt, I am just 'medium old' as my oldest son would have been 39 and my oldest grandson will be 19. Remember it's very cold where I come from. Thanks for sharing Marilyn, I enjoyed it a lot and sorry about my rambling on. God bless, Louis, sniff, sniff!
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Re: Big Red
12/14/2005 12:59:11 AM
HI Susan, Thanks so much for your response, and I whole-heartedly agree with you! That's what real love is all about! God Bless You! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
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Re: Big Red
12/14/2005 1:09:18 AM
HI Louis, It is nice to see you as always my friend! Wel, I am so glad I give you interesting forums to read and to use Scotties with. I think that is awesome that both of you guys know this area and that it brings back such wonderful memories. It truly is a small world! Your parents must have been great people...look at the fantastic son they raised! I am glad you had many good times with your son there, at least you still have all these wonderful memories to hold on to. You are not an old f**t, people are only as old as they feel, or think they are. In my mind I am still 19! Too bad my body and health don't agree with my mind! LOL Anyway, thanks for sharing your story and memories with us! Take care my special friend, Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: Big Red
12/15/2005 12:09:02 AM
Hi Marilyn Thanks for the invite and the wonderful story. It makes us think about the thought of giving. Often in these rushed days people seem to be shopping at the last minute with not much thought, other than OK that'll be fine. The husband in this story is an absolute treasure, he not only listened but he actually put the big suprise into action. His most treasured gift would certainly have been in seeing his wife's joy. Let's pray that more families really enjoy their Christmas giving and receiving. Have a great, happy and successful day Warm Wishes Pam
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