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Peter Fogel

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Peter Fogel
8/16/2007 6:44:09 AM
Hi Sid, Thanks so much for the rating. Appreciate it. All the best, Peter
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Walt Walters

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Peter Fogel
10/5/2007 11:47:53 AM
Sorry Peter, I should have read your site before I responded. With a granddaughter you can still benefit. LOL I started using Xooma last April and I fell better, am losing weight and get sick less often and when I do it doesn't seem to last as long. I am NOT sure if it is available in your area, but will check on that. If not and you are interested I can still send it to you directly from me. Let me know. Walt
Peter Fogel

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Peter Fogel
10/5/2007 11:47:53 AM
Hi Walt, Thanks for dropping by and your interest. Can you email me some info on the Xooma??, just put Xooma in the subject line. Best wishes, Peter
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Joelees Wholesale

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Peter Fogel
10/8/2007 2:11:54 PM
Hi Peter, I thought we where already friends :-) Thank you for the invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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Peter Fogel
10/8/2007 2:11:54 PM
Hi Lee, So did I but today I decided to check and saw that we weren't. Thanks for accepting. All the best & Shalom, Peter
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7